“止血带杀人恶魔”是美国2018年首个被处死的囚犯 [美国媒体]


-------------译者:Harry Liu-审核者:roroho------------

Convicted serial killer Anthony Allen Shore dubbed the 'tourniquet killer' for the way he strangled his victims pictured in Texas on October 18 2017

Chicago (AFP) - A confessed murderer in Texas dubbed the "tourniquet killer" for the way he strangled his victims on Thursday became the first inmate executed in the United States in 2018.


Anthony Shore was put to death for raping torturing and murdering three girls and a young woman in Houston in the 1980s and 1990s. His oldest victim was 21 and the youngest was nine.


Prior to his execution Shore apologized for his crimes.


"No amount of words could ever undo what I've done. To the family of my victims I wish I could undo that past. It is what it is" he said.


Shore also addressed persistent doubts about whether there are other unknown victims saying he will "die with a clear conscience" and that there were "no others."


He was pronounced dead at 6:28 p.m. (0028 GMT) according to authorities,Shore became the first inmate to be put to death this year in the US.

根据当局说法,肖尔于下午6:28(0028 GMT)被宣布死亡,从而成为美国今年以来被执行死刑的第一人。

Last year 23 people were executed in eight states -- a near historic low according to the anti-capital punishment group Death Penalty Information Center.


-------------译者:Harry Liu-审核者:roroho------------

Another 39 people were handed death sentences in 2017 the organization said.


The 55-year-old Shore was known as the "tourniquet killer" for strangling his victims to death with an improvised compression device consisting of rope and a tightening tool.


Shore was caught in 2003 after police matched DNA found on the body of one of his victims 21-year-old Maria Del Carmen Estrada to a sample he had submitted after being convicted of molesting his two daughters.


He confessed to his crimes and asked for the death penalty. But an earlier execution date in October was postponed after last-minute questions about another possible murder.


Prosecutors feared Shore was going to falsely confess to another crime to spare a fellow death row inmate. That inmate Larry Swearingen has been granted DNA testing in his case.


"We have proceeded as the law directs and satisfied all doubts" said the local prosecutor Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg.


"Even Shore's own family believes the death penalty is appropriate for his crimes."


In appeals Shore's lawyers argued he should be spared execution because he suffered brain damage in a car accident in the early 1980s -- an argument judges rejected.


-------------译者:Harry Liu-审核者:roroho------------

PappyStu3.000 hours ago
The fact that this takes almost three decades is indicative of the system's failure...


ܟܹܒ݂ܸܢ ܝܘܢܵܢ3.000 hours ago
he will not be missed.


Roger4.000 hours ago
He stated that his conscience is clear. This guy had no conscience.


Dave K3.000 hours ago
It's January 19th. What took so long? Next!


Richard5.000 hours ago
"He ssuffered brain damage " I toosuffered brain damage when I was 6 and I did not go on any killing spree.


sac365823.000 hours ago
Good -- lets hope its just the first of many this year.


David4.000 hours ago
And exactly how much did it cost to incarcerate this clearly guilty individual from the '80's until now? 
What an utter waste of taxpayer money.


Keith3.000 hours ago
They should put people to death immediately or soon after they have been given the death penalty.


-------------译者:Harry Liu-审核者:hht288------------

yahoo4.000 hours ago
well congratulations you are number 1 at being put to death in 2018 now burn in hell.


Armando3.000 hours ago
Best news I’ve read all day! Next!


CHRIS3.000 hours ago
Note that this is news to Yahoo but Apple Paying 38 BILLION in US taxes and planning 20000 US jobs because of Trump tax law IS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND!


metalhead21123.000 hours ago
Who's next.


rog3.000 hours ago
Guess his white privilege card finally expired.


JMB3.000 hours ago
He should've been raped and strangled to death in front of the families of the victims. An eye for an eye. That's the one (and only) thing they've got figured out in the far east


Ron3.000 hours ago
Every time they execute one of these vermin they should inject him with the lethal cocktail and then have someone suddenly run into the room yelling the governor has pardoned him! Stop the execution!

