按照特朗普的移民标准,他的妻子梅拉尼娅•特朗普可能面临驱逐 [美国媒体]


Melania Trump Could Face Being Deported under President Trump's Administration Standards


Maybe that’s the plan...


Trump could then sleep with all the pornstars he wants (in his mind).


I think this would be the ultimate irony..


“the government will have the opportunity to denaturalize anyone they want.”
any time they might find it convenient. they want that fear in the forefront of any naturalized citizen's thoughts..."we can send you back for any reason. so do as you are told."


Sooo not going to happen, but so justified in pointing out the irony.


Maybe if they got divorced..? Which is obviously not out of the question.


She's covered under the special "THOT exception."


I've posted this in other threads...also tl;dr


So anyway, this has always been the case. This isn't Trump's standards. It's been clear for a long time that if you lie on your citizenship application, it's considered fraud. And if you have been here illegally? Also fraud.


That's why the DACA thing is so frustrating for me because the right are complaining that these people are lawbreakers and going to get citizenship. Well, in a way they're right: under the way we have created the law, lawbreakers should not get citizenship.


The problem is that we aren't applying the law equally and fairly.
When that happens? You have a law that needs to be looked at again.
Maybe I'm pessimistic, but I thought Trump would change his mind on "technically illegal and not a big deal" for DREAMers because Melania falls under the same criteria.


Whether you cross the border illegally or come here on a tourist visa, the law is the same: you can't work. You do not possess a visa. You don't have permission to work. Coming here illegally and having "dual intent" (which is what Melania did) is the same. There's no degrees of it. You simply cannot work without authorisation. It's illegal and it's enough to ensure you cannot get permanent residency, let alone citizenship.


Now Trump would argue that she was "just modelling" or that it was only a trivial thing to get her a work permit. That is true.
The issue is that it's not a trivial thing to get a work permit for people who are picking our citrus and digging food out of the ground. The reason the laws don't work is that we don't write them to work. All we have are literally draconian, black and white interpretations.


Make it easier for visitors to apply for work permits in-land. If you're here as a visitor and someone asks you to work, let's sell a temporary visa that allows that. Let's get a fully functional guest worker program. Let's welcome in migrant labour on a temporary, seasonal basis and then send them back home.


See, this stuff is illegal because the law says so, not because the law makes sense/is ethical/moral/practical.
We need to totally revamp immigration. Local cities and counties should set their needs and the federal government facilitates/enforces it. If you need people to pick strawberries and can prove there's no one to do it, you get to get immigrants to come in and do it.


Immigration should be handled on a local basis. If some town in the midwest is bleeding people, they should be able to use a larger allotment of available yearly immigration allowances than say...California. And do it like the Swiss - you can live and work where you are permitted. Once you get permanent residency, then you can go where you please. Immigration has to be expanded so that it works, but also controlled by local communities so it isn't displacing workers. Even in California it would work because IT people wouldn't be excited to give up their jobs to H-1Bs from India.


And let's tax these permits. Tax them so we can have refugee courts at every port of entry so we can adjudicate refugee claims within 48 hours and either accept or return people.
Isn't it amazing how much immigration goes on, yet we have no order? The government spends countless dollars and they could be actually letting 12m workers in who are here illegally and TAX them and make them pay for permits? Know where they are because local communities have to keep track of them!


Once you realise that no Republican or Democrat is really serious about immigration reform, you see why they write these black and white laws. It's divisive. It's supposed to anger us and divide us. They don't want us talking about practical solutions.


The GOP sees 12m illegal aliens and sees a problem. I see an opportunity to make money. The Democrats sees 12m illegal aliens and sees a political wedge. I see a humanitarian crisis. We need to be practical and have a heart. And yes, that means forgiving Melania and everyone else like her who lied.


This is the best post I have seen written on this site about immigration. Nailed it completely.
