Why does AustraliaFEAR China? - VisualPolitik EN
It has been 45years since China and Australia established diplomatic relations. Throughoutthis time, both countries have established one of the most fruitful,controversial and interesting relationships in the entire planet. Economicrelations are very important for Australia: today China is by far its largesttrading partner; 1 out of every 20 inhabitants of this country belongs to theChinese community and both its universities and beaches are packed withstudents and tourists from the Asian giant. Thanks partly to all this,Australians have not experienced a crisis in almost 30 years. However, thesegrowing ties clash with Washington’s interests, and in 2017 the Australiangovernment decided once and for all to take sides. Since then, a diplomaticstorm has been unleashed and Australia's Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull hasnot refrained from blaming the Chinese intelligence services for wanting tocorrupt Australian politics and society. In this video we’ll tell you what’shappening in this particular cold war, that is beginning to emerge betweenChina and the United States.
China buys your lands and resources, thenyou use the money to buy American airplanes and missiles. The same shit ishappening all around the world. You're all being sucked dry by these twocountries.
Abs Yusuf
Australia is terrified of China doing tothem what they did to the aboriginal peoples of Australia.
China is the second largest country in theworld by land area. How do you think that happened by anything other thanconquest and colonisation? It's fine to point the finger at someone else, butevery country, every race, every ethnicity has done horrific things to otherpeople. Every single one. No one escapes and if you think they do then youdon't know history.
Lord Of The Killers
Abs Yusuf and the Muslims are terrified ofthe Christians for what the Muslims did with the Christians of Anatolia (GreekArmenian assiriyan Holocaust) and east timore. Mohammed was a pedophile.....
I live in Australia. When I visit Sydney,most people i see on the street are Chinese. Soon Chinese will have significanteconomic ownership of Australia, similar to (but not as significant) as theireconomic ownership of South East Asia (Thailand, Malaysia & Indonesia).European Australians are people who took the land for nothing, therefore theyhave little pride. They will sell it for nothing, with no care for the futureof their children. Australians are peaceful people, but extremely ignorant. Theydescent from subservient British lower classes, which is why they serve Britain& the USA in every war.
Marty Ollier
If Australia is very, very lucky China willonly do to us what Australia did to the aborigines...
jason jackson
Aboriginal people of Australia did nothingof value and would rape and kill eachother for 40 thousand years... Theirculture needed to be destroyed
Rob Chille
Abs Yusuf Oi! Fuck off with your abbobullshit.
Dan J
jason jackson Spoken like a true Pussie...I mean Aussie
jason Jackson 说的跟妓女一样的好,哦说错了,我意思是澳洲佬。
jason jackson
To this day, Australia has a high domesticviolence rate, all due to our aboriginal population and the elites say itsAustralia as a whole that needs to change.. We know who and what needs tochange. Its like muslims, the more their are the more terrorism a country has.
Dan J
jason jackson Sounds like the Aboriginalare after justice. Is it really terrorism ... when the Pussies... sorry there Igo again, the Aussies are the real terrorists?
jason Jackson 听起来土着似乎实在追求公平正义。这是恐怖主义?。。。当妓女。。。噢抱歉,我又说错了,那么澳洲佬难道才是真正的恐怖主义者?
Brazz B
the big issue is chinese investment.Because dowwn here, the property market is so insane that the only way a 20yrold can buy a house is to live in the outskirts of cities or large towns out inthe country. A regular 2 story house block where i live goes for $1.3m. theland is bought for the most part, the building is taken down and a chineseinvestor builds dual units on it.
John Aw
Brazz B whats the big fuzz? Its alsohappening in many other countries too.
Brazz B
John Aw it does. Does it mean it ain't anissue? All I'm saying is we get it magnified because what fuckin universitygrad will make enough money to live in their own city anymore when a loweconomic area suburb is selling houses at $1m?
John Aw
Brazz B wow! Dont know if its as bad assituation here in toronto vancouver where influx of chinese money driven upproperty prices to sky high levels.
Weaver Bird
Chinese bubble
Wiktor Kurczak
Brazz B Prepare for Chinese invasion.
Lima Charlie
work harder peasant
Become a Web Designer and Developer
That's right: and that 20yrold guy is notthe one benefiting from the China trade anyways.
Lu Bu
so i guess China should stop trading andinvesting in Australia completely? is that what u want? one can not invest in acountry without the permission of the government of that country am i right?now u blame China for over-investing? good point
Neanderthal Extinction
So trump says that chinas trade agreementswith the US is the biggest rape in the history of the world did he forget aboutwhat europeans did to almost every country in the world
Edge boi
Ofc, because ancient history matters in thepresent. Hang yourself, faggot.
Edge boi lmfao, like it doesn't matter,China wouldn't be like this if you cunts didn't rape other countries
Edge boi笑死我了,是不是那样并不重要,重要的是你这个荡妇过去如果没强奸其他国家的话中国就不会这么做了。
Edge boi sure, sure, one day China willpass you cunts in every way, technology wise, economy wise, and political wise,we'll see what you cunts have to say
Edge boi 是的是的,终有一天中国会全方位地超过你这个荡妇,科技、经济、政治,到时候我们再来看看你会说什么。
Edge boi and you'll have to live with Chinaaffecting your life whether you like it or not faggot
Edge boi 你会不得不生活在中国的影响之下,无论你喜欢与否,傻子。
Morgan Hayward
The Brits abolished slavery, brought tradeand prosperity to the world, medicine, the rule of law, equality of all in theeyes of god and the law, a separation of powers., land ownership rights forindividuals, women's rights, human rights for minorities etc Etc etc not tomention technology. Such horrible people who colonized the world and it gotrich and prosperous with both a longer life expectancy and an overall worldpopulation growth of 7.5 billion up from 1.5 in 200 years. The only thingwhites are guilty of is having a history which gave the world so much and tookso little credit.
Neanderthal Extinction
Morgan Hayward That's completely false thebrits didn't bring all that to the world it was a collaboration of many racesstruggles and ideas tat shaped this world that's the problem with white peoplealways throwing out those blanket statements like the created everything toomuch propaganda and a history full of lies will have you feeling that way
Morgan Hayward 这是彻头彻尾的虚伪。英国人没有给世界带来这些东西,这是种族斗争和思想所塑造形成的世界,问题在于白人总是抛出你这样的声明,就像媒体宣传所捏造出来的事物一样,如你所认识的那般,整个历史充满了谎言。
Jiang Cui
A country cannot live without an enemy?Typical cold war mentality.
Hoàng Nguyên
so China doesn't have cold war mentality ?It still have WW2 mentality ! "Japan is fascist and proud of it","Japan never apologize for Nanking", "Dalai Lama is a Naziskinhead !"... Hypocrites.
Jiang_Cui- Australians' don't hate Chinesepeople. We just reject the coercion of Australian-Chinese people, by yourcommunist government forcing Asian Australians to behave as 'spies', or elseyour family in China will cop it.
Neanderthal Extinction
Really the US was founded on freedom anddemocracy?
Agnostic Not Atheist
Neanderthal Extinction Yep. Just ask themillions who emigrate.
Neanderthal Extinction
Agnostic Not Atheist Do you understand thedefinition of founded?
Matthew Longley
Compared to most of the world at the time?Absolutely. Even with the stringent requirements on who could vote, the US hadpossibly the most enfranchised population at the time it was founded andmaintained that up until the early 20th century when Britain eeked out the USby enfranchising women slightly sooner.
Neanderthal Extinction
Matthew Longley A country with slaves can'tbe founded on freedom and democracy
Matthew Longley
I mean, if you want to take a country totask for not always living up to its ideals, be my guest. It's a meaninglessrhetorical argument tbh
Neanderthal Extinction
Matthew Longley Are we moving the goal poston what freedom and democracy means?
Ruopeng Zhang
Australian scientists... no offense... doesthis concept even exist
Mr Stacker
Chinese students study science in Australiayou ignorant pig.
Long Field
Australian scientists? yes, from % point ofview, they'v done way way over chinese, sorry to tell you that. u r use wifinow? from OZ
Rivake Li
The Australian people are the most racistones. Bullying in the schools are unbelievable
Why don't you go back to China then? littlechink boi
Prince Nixon
Rivake Liu chinese in my country are veryracist
Qwe Li
Why don’t all fake Australians go back toEurope and take the land back to aborigines
Qwe Li
Prince Nixon well. Easy! Kick them out ofyour country.
@james, no going back are for pussies, weare going take austrailia from you mayofaggots.
Deal with it or go home it's your problemnot us aussies we fine without yas
Sig hahaha fine? Wonder how you guys canlast when most of you guys are just being lazy and depend on the government.Your economy will be ruined and so will your job.
Isaac G2
Chinese nationals are the most racistpeople I've ever dealt with
James T2
Rivake Liu dude everyone knows Asians arethe mor At racist people on this planet
Watch Aficionado2
Have you heard of Tibetans? Howabout Uyghurs? Both minorities are persecuted this very day.. Have youseen the racist Chinese commercials with African men associated with dirtiness?Give us a break..China is an ultranationalist society full of racists and the"us versus them" mentality.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...