宝莱坞明星Sridevi Kapoor(希里黛玉)在洗澡时溺水身亡,死亡原因比你想象的更常见 [美国媒体]

宝莱坞歌迷正在哀悼在周末去世的女演员Sridevi Kapoor。 迪拜警方的法医报告说,54岁的卡普尔因浴缸中的“意外溺水”而死亡。

Bollywood fans are mourning the loss ofactress Sridevi Kapoor, who died over the weekend. Kapoor, 54, died due toan “accidental drowning” in a bathtub, a forensic report from police in Dubaisaid.

宝莱坞歌迷正在哀悼在周末去世的女演员Sridevi Kapoor。 迪拜警方的法医报告说,54岁的卡普尔因浴缸中的“意外溺水”而死亡。

The report also said that traces ofalcohol were found in Kapoor’s body, per Gulf News. According to thereport, Kapoor accidentally lost her balance, fell into the tub, and drowned.

该报告还表示,根据海湾新闻,卡普尔的尸体中发现了酒精痕迹。 据报道,卡普尔意外地失去了平衡掉进了浴盆淹死了。

Sridevi Kapoor (Photo: GettyImages)

The Independent said that Kapoor and her husband, movie producerBoney Kapoor, had dinner together at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday (the night of herdeath) before she went in the bathroom to get ready for the rest of the night.When she didn’t come out after 15 minutes, Kapoor’s husband knocked on the doorto check on her, per Khaleej Times. When no response came, he forcedopen the door and found his wife lying motionless in a tub of water. “He triedto revive her, and when he could not, he called a friend of his. After that, heinformed the police at 9 p.m.,” a source told the paper.

卡普尔和她的丈夫,电影制片人Boney Kapoor晚上五点半共进晚餐。 在星期六(她去世的那个夜晚),在她准备休息去卫生间,15分钟都没有出来的时候,卡普尔的丈夫敲门叫她。 当没有回应时,他强行打开门,发现妻子躺在一盆水中一动不动。 “他试图对她进行急救,当他发现没有效果时,他打电话给他的一个朋友。 之后,他在晚上9点通知警方,“一位消息人士告诉记者。

It seems unthinkable that an otherwisehealthy person could die this way, but it happens. There are about 110,000annual bathtub and shower-related accidents in the U.S. each year, per the ConsumerProduct Safety Commission, and over 75 percent of fatalities from theseinjuries happen in children under the age of 5. An average of 10 peopledie each day from unintentional drownings (including in swimming pools and inthe bathtub), per data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Those water-related incidents that are not fatal can still cause severe braindamage that can lead to memory problems, learning disabilities, and thepermanent loss of basic functioning.

似乎让人不可思议的是一个健康的人可能会以这种方式死去,但它却一直在发生。 根据消费者产品安全委员会的统计,美国每年有大约11万件浴缸和淋浴相关的事故,而且这些伤害中超过75%的死亡事故发生在5岁以下的儿童中。平均每天有10人死亡,来自无意的溺水(包括游泳池和浴缸),根据疾病控制和预防中心的数据。那些与水有关的非致命性事件会造成严重的脑损伤,导致记忆障碍、学习障碍和基本功能永久丧失。

Photo: Getty Images

“It only takes about 4 inches of waterfor someone to drown in a tub,” David Cutler, MD, a family medicine physicianat Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, Calif., tells YahooLifestyle. “It doesn’t take a lot.”

“只需要4英寸的水就能让你在浴缸里溺水,”加州圣莫尼卡普罗维登斯圣约翰健康中心的家庭医学医生David Cutler告诉记者。 “这并不需要太多。”

While children often die inunintentional bathtub drownings due to a lack of parental supervision, it’s alittle different for adults. “In adults, accidental drowning in a bathtub ofteninvolves alcohol or drugs,” women’s health expert Jennifer Wider, MD,tells Yahoo Lifestyle. If someone is under the influence, they can becomeunaware or confused about their surroundings, or even lose consciousness,causing them to slump down in the tub and drown, Wider says. Adults can alsosimply slip and hit their head, become dazed, land face down in the bath, anddrown that way, Cutler says.

虽然由于缺乏父母的监督,儿童经常在无意的浴缸中溺亡,但成年人有点不同。 “在成年人中,浴缸里的意外溺水往往涉及酒精或毒品,”女性健康专家Jennifer Wider博士告诉记者。 Wider说,如果有人受到影响,他们可能会对周围环境感到不知所措,或者对周围环境感到困惑,甚至失去意识,导致他们在浴缸中摔倒并淹死。 卡特勒说,成年人也可能会滑倒并伤到头部,面朝下摔倒在浴池中并淹死。

Plenty of people take baths every dayand have no problem, but it’s important to recognize that bathtub drownings canhappen, Cutler says. That’s why he recommends being careful around the tub andavoiding it when you’re under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Slip-freepadding around the tub can also help lower the odds that you’ll slip and hityour head, Wider says, adding that this is especially important for people whoare prone to falls like the elderly.

Cutler说,很多人每天洗澡都没有问题,但重要的是要认识到浴缸溺水事件的发生。 这就是为什么他建议小心周围的浴缸,并避免在受到毒品或酒精的影响。 Wider说,在浴盆放防滑垫可以帮助降低滑倒和打击头部的几率,并补充说这对于像老年人那样容易跌倒的人尤其重要。

Again, you shouldn’t be scared abouttaking a bath, but you should be aware of the risk. “This is tragic and ithappens all the time,” Cutler says. “But in most cases a cause is found.”

再次说明,你不应该害怕洗澡,但你应该知道风险。 “这是悲剧性的,它总是发生,”卡特勒说。 “但在大多数事件中找到一个原因。”