英国需要12年时间建造440兆瓦的核反应堆,而中国需要3年时间就能建成400MW核反应堆 [美国媒体]


UK needs 12 yearsto build 440 MW nuclear reactor while China needs 3 years to make 400MWthreactors


Rolls-RoyceHoldings Plc says it will take 12 years to build its prototype small nuclearreactor in the U.K. Rolls-Royce needs as many as five years for the licensingand design assessment process, while construction will take another seven forits first 440-megawatt model, Wood. China is talking about making a couple ofnew 400 MW deep pool nuclear reactor prototypes within 3 years and then massproducing them by the dozens with 2 years needed to make each one.


Britain is one ofseveral countries assessing the feasibility of building small modular reactors,or SMRs, as they seek cleaner options to coal-fired generation. SMRs are seenas a cheaper and more manageable alternative to giant projects such as the 20billion-pound ($28 billion) Hinkley Point C in England, which has already runover budget and is several years behind schedule.


China GeneralNuclear (CGN) and China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) are both looking todevelop small nuclear (400 MW thermal) reactors for district heating. They areChina’s top two nuclear energy companies.
Information isfrom China General Nuclear, NEI Magazine, People’s Daily and China NationalNuclear Corporation.
CGN and TsinghuaUniversity are undertaking a feasibility study district heating usingdomestically-developed NHR200-II low-temperature heating reactor technology.


The NHR200-IIlow-temperature heating reactor technology is a mature design, which passed asafety review by the National Nuclear Safety Administration in the 1990s, andthe design came first in NEA’s review of small-scale nuclear reactor technologyin 2016.
There was a 15page technical document describing the NHR200 in 1994.
CGN said theNHR200-II can be used to provide heat, water and steam for applicationsincluding residential heating, industrial process heat and supplying remoteareas with energy. It is also flexible to location and can be built near to theend-users. Construction would take only two to three years if done on a massscale.


The NEA (ChineseNational Energy Agency) released a five-year plan – covering 2017-2021 – highlightingthe innovation of clean heating technology and consideration of nuclearheating.
China NationalNuclear Corp (CNNC) has already conducted a successful 168-hour trial run inBeijing of a small district heating reactor know as the Yanlong. CNNC put forwardthe DHR-400 as an alternative heat supplier for the northern region, with each400MWt unit able to provide heating to 200,000 urban households. The pool-typedesign comprises a reactor core immersed in a water-filled tank. It willrequire CNY1.5bn ($226.7m) in investment, take three years to build and couldbe plugged directly into existing heating network.


District Heatingof Northern Chinese Cities
China’s governmentagencies, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and theNational Energy Administration have announced a five-year plan to convert 70%of northern cities to mostly natural gas heating instead of coal.
The government hasmade “concrete arrangements” regarding geothermal heating, biomass heating,solar heating, gas heating, electric heating, industrial waste heating, andclean coal-fired central heating.


Half of northernChina should be converted to clean heating by 2019, reducing bulk coal burningby 74 million tonnes, the reports said. That reduction should reach 150 milliontonnes by 2021.
The launch ofYanlong is the first step of CNNC’s ambitious plan to boost nuclear heating innorth China in the coming years. The organization expects to build pilotnuclear-fired boilers by 2018 before putting them into commercial operationafter 2020. (Beijing Review)

该组织预计到2018年之前将建造试点的核燃料锅炉, 然后在2020年之后投入商业运营。

A 400-megawattnuclear heating reactor can generate as much heat per year as the burning of320,000 tons of coal or 160 million cubic meters of natural gas, and Yanlongreleases no carbon dioxide or dust into the air. Yanlong, if used as analternative to coal-fired or gas-fired boilers of the same supply capacity,will reduce emissions of carbon dioxide by 640,000 tons or 204,600 tons peryear.
To produce agigajoule of heat with a DHR-400 costs just 30-40 yuan ($4.58-6.1), on par withtraditional coal-fired boilers, and around 40 percent of the cost to producethe same amount using a gas-fired boiler.


Combinatorics 9day(s) ago
I'm a bit confusedwhy we are comparing build times for a 1200MW PWR with a steam turbine to a400MW hot water heater for district heating when the 400MWth reactor wasdesigned 20 years ago and the 1200MW reactor is still being designed.
I cheerfullyconcede that you can build a nuclear reactor in China much faster than inEurope but this is a bit of a ridiculous comparison. Apples to Apples please.


scaryjello 11day(s) ago
The Rolls-Royce isa full pressure system for making electricity. The Chinese reactor is a hotwater heater.


John ONeill inreply to scaryjello fThe Rolls-Royce is a full pres...more » 11 day(s) ago
Do you think thefuel in the pool reactors would be at a lower temperature than in a PWR, and solast longer between refueling, or would the low thermal conductivity of UO2mean the rods got just as hot in the center ?


martae aurelius inreply to John ONeill fDo you think the fuel in the p...more » 11 day(s) ago
Most of the fueldamage is due to fission daughters, and radiation damage, particularlyneutrons.


Mark Stewart 11day(s) ago
What is China's planfor dealing with their nuclear waste? Are they going to kick it down the roadlike the US?


BroncoBet in replyto Mark Stewart fWhat is China's plan for deali...more » 11 day(s) ago
I suppose youdon't understand the benefits of millions of tons of waste being eliminated inreturn for storing a few cubic meters of spent fuel, no wonder the earth isheating, and the ocean turning acidic.

我想你不明白数以百万计吨的废料被淘汰以换取储存几立方米乏燃料的好处 , 难怪地球在变热, 海洋变成酸性。

martae aurelius inreply to BroncoBet fI suppose you don't understand...more » 11 day(s) ago
I assume the tonsof waste you refer to are coal ash.

