其言也善:一年前我身患绝症至今仍活着 [美国媒体]


原文作者:Melinda Welsh

The enormity of the news didn't sink in fully, not at first, even after my doctor uttered the words: “I'm sorry, we did find cancer.” My husband, Dave, and I had only the faintest sense that evening that our lives had been hijacked forever.



Early 2014 brought major surgery, then six weeks of chemotherapy and radiation. Eight months later they found cancer again, so it was Christmas surgery and more of the same. When a scan in June showed new tumors, the outlook turned bleak. The cancer, a rare type — metastatic squamous cell head and neck carcinoma of unknown primary — had gone systemic.


Like all doctors, oncologists want to offer patients hope — who can blame them? But with a little prodding, I was able to learn the approximate truth. A Stanford specialist gave me six to nine months to live. “But there are people who do a lot better,” he said. My surgeon told me “Months to a year.” My UC San Francisco oncologist said, “The average is a yearish, but nobody's average.”


So there it is. I'm 59. I have terminal cancer. And I'm dying in a yearish.


I feel perversely well right now. I have recovered from the worst side effects of treatment, and I am not yet experiencing the corporeal failure that is to come. I am working part time. And I have turned my attention to the question How do I best spend the time I have left?


My answer is writing, family and friends, the pleasures of small things.


My sister and brothers and the rest of our clan gathered for a reunion on the Monterey coast this summer. My niece came over from France, bringing her young daughter and new baby. We sobbed quietly in each other's arms as farewells were said, both knowing we'd likely never see each other again.


Dave booked us a cruise to Alaska, and we're planning a few other special trips. But mostly we read and laugh. We work. We walk and watch movies. I was told “Don't skip dessert” — so we don't. We play the Neville Brothers and dance around the living room.

戴夫为我们订了游艇去阿拉斯加,除此之外我们还有一些特殊的旅行。不过大多数我们都在奇文共赏,谈笑风生。我们团结协作,我们闲庭信步,我们欣赏电影,我们享受甜点。甚至我们在Neville Brothers的歌声中翩翩起舞。

We've taken to getting up early a few mornings a week and driving out to see the sunrise over the flatlands of our mostly rural county. Our dog Scout thrusts her head out the window from the back seat, passionate on behalf of the here and now. I am suddenly aware of how differently the sun announces itself into the world each day.



I sometimes worry about my ability to exit life with grace and humor. What if I'm bad at suffering? I admit I can fill up with fear, but what's the point? For counsel, I turn to my favorite philosopher, Lao Tzu: Be content with what you have/rejoice in the way things are/When you realize there is nothing lacking/the whole world belongs to you.


I understand that my infinitesimally tiny piece in all this is coming to a close. Letting go will be difficult, but death has its own clock. So I will take solace in the idea that, once gone, I may come to occupy a small space in the hearts of the people who loved me most. And perhaps from there, I will be a source of a few simple reminders: Time is limited. Life is miraculous. And we are beautiful.


Melinda Welsh was founding editor of the Sacramento News & Review. She is leading a national writing project about climate change

梅琳达 威尔逊(作者)是萨克拉门托的新闻及评论撰稿人。她还带领一个团队研究当地气候变化。

Melinda, thank you for sharing your story and your grace, courage, and humor with us. I wish you a smooth transition. When the time comes, is death with dignity an option? I had a friend who opted for that a little over a year ago. No need to suffer more than we have to. Thank you again. 
I will save the words of Lao Tzu: "Be content with what you have/rejoice in the way things are/When you realize there is nothing lacking/the whole world belongs to you."


Melinda, thank you for sharing, get ready for your next adventure, peace.


Thank You, Thank YOU Melinda for sharing all of this with us. I can somewhat understand. I too am on the long/short journey through cancer. We do not know where it shall take us, who we will meet along the way or how it will end. I finally realized in this last 2 years, that doctors cannot always CURE us, they can only TREAT us. I value each day. I value the moments. I value the Te-nows. One great thing cancer did for me, it opened my eyes to all that I see. I aked for 2 years, I reached that. Now all the days I have are GIFT days, Bonus days. The other good thing, once you know your life will end sooner, you get to say goodbyes and tell those near you how much you love them. Little things seem to mean so muc more.……


Melinda, Thank you for this. I am traveling with you, I have survived death three times while in the service of my country all gunshots. Only to be laid to waste by the slow deadly cancer. I wake each day at 0300 to make sure I get the best of each day, sunrise over the San Gabriel Mountains then I to read and laugh with my wife. I have seen my two Grandchildren marry and was there when my great grand child was born. I am a lucky man and will fight to see the sunset this evening and try to stay awake as long as I can only hope I wake tomorrow. Just want one more day! Life is good!


To be clear, western medicine and oncologists have no idea how to treat cancer.  Please read the story of our experience and the responses then go to an alternative cancer treatment center in Mexico or Germany and get the truth. 
17 hours ago

