陆军中士James Brown曾经经历过两次伊拉克战争.2012年他在西德州监狱中死亡,彼时他正因醉驾而被刑拘,刑拘的时长是一个星期.美国网友:安息吧我的士兵.我很好奇他的这种状况为什么没有反应在他日常的体检报告中。
Mother hopeful son's death in Texas jail won't berepeated
HOUSTON(AP) — Army Sgt. James Brown survived two tours of combat duty in Iraq. He died in a West Texas jail in 2012 while serving a weekend sentencefor a DWI conviction.
陆军中士James Brown曾经经历过两次伊拉克战争.2012年他在西德州监狱中死亡,彼时他正因醉驾而被刑拘,刑拘的时长是一个星期.
Brown'sdeath, which occurred after he became hostile and was restrained by jailers,was ruled natural due to a crisis of an undiagnosed sickle cell blood disorder.But this year, a forensic pathologist hired by El Paso Countyas part of its defense in a wrongful death lawsuit filed by Brown's familydisagreed, concluding it was a homicide and citing the restraint methods thatjailers had used.
Brown的死亡发生在他行为变得暴力而被狱卒镇压之后,他的死亡被自然的归结于不能确诊的镰形细胞(贫血)症.但是今年,埃尔帕索郡的法庭病理学家对这起乌龙死亡事件下了最终的定论,这是一起谋杀案,作案的手法是狱卒们常用的镇压犯人的方法. Brown的家庭因为不满对其死因的判定对该案件提出上诉,该病理学家是其辩护团的成员之一.
A video ofthe 26-year-old soldier after he was taken from his cell show him tellingjailers at least 14 times that he couldn't breathe while being restrained andthat he was choking on his blood.
Butthe pathologist's conclusion wasn't expected to affect the findings of thesheriff's department investigation, which determined that no disciplinaryaction against the officers involved or changes in policy were needed. A grandjury also declined to charge anyone. The county ultimately settled the lawsuit,but Brown's mother, Dinetta Scott, said she is committed to preventing similarjail deaths.
但是这位病理学家的结论并不会影响司法部门关于这个案子的调查结果. 这个结果是并没有任何介入该案件的行政人员受到纪律处分,也没有必要对狱警进行人事调整和变动. 大陪审团也拒绝处罚任何人.案件就这样被最终定论了.但是Brown的母亲DinettaScott却说,她将用余生来减少这类狱中死亡惨剧的发生.
Tom 1minute ago
Hadthis guy not died he would've faced a humiliating court martial and immediatelybooted from whatever leadership position he was assigned to and eventuallydischarged. The army is looking to get rid of anyone they can. That might bewhy he was so violent in jail.
Butbeyond that if someone tells you they can't breathe, you need to bring in amedic to examine him. It's beyond irresponsible to just toss him into thecorner and leave him there in a restraint chair. If the cops involved didn'tlose their jobs they should consider themselves lucky.
如果他没有死的话应该会面临一场令人羞愧的军事审判,然后会马上被削去现在的职务,并且最终会被释放. 部队随时都在淘汰人.这是就是他在监狱里表现得如此暴力的原因.
james5 minutes ago
Aboutone third of the 103,788 veterans returning from the Iraqand Afghanistanwars seen at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs facilities between September30, 2001, and September 30, 2005, were diagnosed with mental illness or apsycho-social disorder, such as homelessness and marital problems, includingdomestic violence. More than half of those diagnosed, 56 percent, weresuffering from more than one disorder. The most common combination waspost-traumatic stress disorder and depression. Yeah, now go ahead and tell methose guys made a choice to be fucked up after fighting a war for theircountry. Just not to my face, because talk like that about our warriors willget your knocked in the dirt.
2001年9月30日至2005年9月30日的三年间,来退伍军人事务部医院看病的103,788名退伍的伊拉克战争和阿富汗战争的老兵中有三分之一被确诊为患有精神疾病或社会心理障碍症, 比如无家可归,婚姻问题,包括家庭暴力.超过半数,56%的人被确诊为患有超过一种以上紊乱性疾病.很多人都是来自受伤后的压力和抑郁双重困扰.好吧,现在你告诉我,这些人为国家战斗后,选择了如此阴暗不堪的生活.这些话最好别当我的面说,因为这样说我们国家的战士我会把你按在地上打的.
Tom 4minutes ago
Verysad that this man died but the jailers have to use force sometimes to stopviolent behavior and to protect either the prisoner from hurting himself , orhurting someone else. When they tried to restrain him he began havingdifficulty breathing. They got him first aid and he ended up dying afterwardsin his cell. There was no mention that he had a crushed airway or was choked. Ido not see what , if anything these corrections Officers did wrong ?? Sometimesbad things just happen . Officers cannot just sit idle and allow violent ,disruptive , and potentially dangerous behavior to just happen. They must takeaction.
Aj 11minutes ago
Sad.Really. When people feel an injustice has been done to them, they will fight.Esp a soldier. People need to recognize this. And, while I think this soldiermade his own situation worse because nobody recognized his illness, I think hisservice SHOULD have been taken into account. Not to excuse him,no. But to ascertain that his reactions weren't a result of PTSD. And PTSDisn't an excuse...but it IS a reality. Ask anyone who lived through 9/11 andstill suffers extreme trauma. I'm just sorry that this soldier lost his lifeover something that...in retrospect...was a minor hiccup in his amazing life.
难过,真的.当人们受到不公平待遇的时候应该反抗,特别是士兵.人们必须意识到这点.我觉得是这个士兵自己把情况弄得更糟,因为没有人意识到他的病.我觉得这跟他之前参过军有关系.不要为他找借口,不要.但是要确认清楚他所做出的反应不是创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的结果. PTSD也不是理由.但是它是事实.去问问那些经过911,现在还在承受极端伤痛的人们.我很遗憾的是,回顾这个士兵传奇的一生,他居然在这个小小的事情上丢了性命.
MnovS26 minutes ago
Ifind it hard to believe that he didn't know about the sickle cell. That is agenetic condition and they certainly would have done blood tests as part of hisphysical before joining the Army and before deployment. Sickle cell is prettyeasy to detect.
很难相信他不知道镰状细胞贫血症状.这是一种遗传病,在他参军和执行部队任务前就应该有这方面的体检. 镰状细胞贫血症是很容易察觉的.
acitizen 2 hours ago
Restin peace fellow Soldier. I am surprised his condition was not found in hisroutine physicals.
David1 hour ago
Manycombat duty war vets returning home do not get the help they deserve.
ubtrnot52 minutes ago
thebottom line is people should not die in police custody. Inmates get mad, peopleshould be trained to deal with that without causing death. Glad they settled,but until attitudes and responses change, these kinds of things will continueto happen.
Geo 1hour ago
trustme I've been to jail a lot. it doesn't matter if your black or white they willlet u die in there. the jailers dont look at u as a legitimite human. they arenot overly concerned about a prisoners death because they are never punished.everyone involved from the med examiner to the captain to the jailer who didthe killing are all on the same team and they all live by a code to always haveeach other's back.
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