中国深圳滑坡 煤气管道爆炸 [美国媒体]

北京(路透社)-官方媒体报道,星期天,中国南部广东省深圳发生山体滑坡,造成了22栋楼房坍塌27人失联。美国网友: 看看中国一个月就做好的豆腐渣工程发生了什么?他们做的都是垃圾。


BEIJING (Reuters) - A landslide hit the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen in Guangdong province on Sunday, burying 22 buildings and leaving 27 people missing, state media reported.


A nearby section of China's major West-East natural gas pipeline also exploded, the official China Central Television (CCTV) broadcaster reported.


Hundreds of rescuers sifted through rubble looking for survivors after the landslide struck Shenzhen's Hengtaiyu industrial park in the city's northwestern Guangming New District in the morning, the official Xinhua news agency said.



Honestman 16 hours ago 
Who cares, let God sort it out.

Marisa 17 hours ago 
In china it's all about building quickly and not worrying about safety or sound foundations. More people get killed in china from buildings than any other country.

Kamla 16 hours ago
China is the worst place on earth.

HiddenDueToLowRating. 17 hours ago
Hopefully the same fact will not happen to 3-Gorges Dam otherwise 1.5 billions Chinese population will be reduced to 800 millions. What a happiness ( lol )

sorin 15 hours ago
China is a wasteland anyway...

man 17 hours ago
Correction apt price is over $18,000 usd per square meter !that is over $200 per square feet



Ray 13 hours ago 
We were at this Industrial site one year ago to establish a greenhouse operation to plant the barren hill sides with our carbon eating trees. 100 acres was going to be provided. The Project never was finished due to some of the investment team backing out of the deal. Most of the hill sides remain without trees or plants to hold the soil from moving. Much construction was ongoing there at the time. I stood on my soapbox and told them this could be expected if a lot of rain occurred. I feel so bad, that maybe I should have said something more. We are still prepared to assist and will be returning to China this Spring from Fresno, California.



stupid 16 hours ago 
my neighbor is chinese and they eat my dog...

JP 13 hours ago
A terrible thing to happen but what's the cause?

rob 13 hours ago 
One word...karma. Have read lots of distasteful comments on other people's that suffered natural disasters from the Chinese 50 cent trolls. Thumbs me down but my point is don't wish, suffering, and among other distasteful agenda to those who are of no faults to mother nature's 

man 17 hours ago
SZ is a beautiful & high tech city and property are sold over $1000 or more per Square meter ! Unfortunately the gap between the super rich and low income in too wide ! So I would be surprise to know most of these missing are from low income / labour sector of the society. ! Still Losing love one is hard in SZ or Syria , Paris or California if we follow the roots of the issue some one is responsible !



Roger V. 15 hours ago
Look at the pictures, that country already looks like a wasteland, so polluted and dirty.

terry booth 16 hours ago
China is a huge shot hole.

Legal Citizen 16 hours ago 
22 buildings and only 27 people missing! The Chinese economy reminds me of the Indonesian Shadow Puppet Theater. One day the curtain will drop and we may all be dragged down.

22个建筑而倒塌只有27人失踪 !中国经济总能让我想起印尼的皮影戏剧院。总有一天帘子掉下来的时候我们会全被拉倒。
davidn 14 hours ago 
Why isn't European helping?
Why isn't United States helping?

Rush2112 16 hours ago
The way they build their infrastructure with now expertise or inspections they would have big time damage with any kind of quake.

L. Riki Cheever 18 hours ago
I hope the 41 stated as missing are found. For those that do not know this, Shenzhen is also a very important industrial area. Jobs will be lost, as it rebuilds itself.
To the families that will be affected. My thoughts are there.



Good Dog 16 hours ago 
You can't rape the earth forever and not expect consequences. China has build a long string of dominoes and they're going to start toppling at some point.

Aquinno The Filipino Clown 4 hours ago 
Another case where in Philippines safety comes second in the tourist industry.This could have been avoided if proper management at the adjacent islands area was properly secured. Walk onto any cities in Philippines, mugger, beggars, scammers, prostitutes, corrupted police and kidnappers all come to meet you. Horrible

cosmos 15 hours ago 
My god the horror those people must have felt must have been dreadful. Shenzhen is a beautiful province in China, I hope they rebuild.

Zhao 2 hours ago
They made an eathquake in summer, and now a landslide, maybe a tsunami or volcano next, who knows!

Robert 16 hours ago
big deal, so what, no one cares, this is china and no one cares about this world wide abuser, ask Tibet how they feel about the chinese han, screw them to death



G19-G4 17 hours ago

James 9 hours ago
At least they don't have school shootings where people directly kill another. Whats your counter argument? Racist #$%$.

Frank 15 hours ago
the worst smog of the century, and now this, land slide, it is showing who is the most greedy people on earth.. this is a sign of punishment...

tai 14 hours ago
see what happens made in china, they build paper buildings in a month. I would never step my feet inside. Everything they made are trashes.

Fred 10 hours ago 
Commie China is a sinking ship. All kinds if disasters happen to China because they are bad bad people. China is the most scorned country in the world. Xi Jinx Ping is leading commie China to apocalypse and downfall. Ugly bully Chinaman go home!

Alex 3 hours ago
So the western media is determined to put every natural disaster and accident in China to the front page. That is very good journalism.



Fred 11 hours ago
More bad things are coming to godless and atheist commie China. China will be buried in the mud and earthquake. China is doomed, toast, finished, DOA, RIP. Ugly bully Chinaman go home!

Alexmart 14 hours ago
I am in shenzhen,bai shi zhou

sorin 4 hours ago 
China is going down - literally.

ThomasT 13 hours ago 
this seems to happen every day in china

