日本韩国解决战时性奴争议 [美国媒体]


Japan, South Korea settle wartime sex slavedispute


TOKYO (AP) — Japan and South Korea havereached an agreement to resolve their decades-long dispute over Korean victimsof Japan's World War II-era military prostitution system, with an apology byPrime Minister Shinzo Abe and a pledge to set up a 1 billion yen ($8 million)fund for the victims, euphemistically called "comfort women."


SwineFlew2 38 minutes ago
Uncle Sam pushed Japan on this, not due toconcerns over justice, but due to concerns over alliance that has been hurt byKorean-Japanese feud. But the Koreans will never trust Japan due to centuriesof hurt done to Korea by Japan.


Tom 1hour ago
The case is just the beginning for Japan .The country has also to settle the same problems with almost all countries thatImperial Japan invaded during WW2 , least they be accused of double standardsor even multiple standards . The next giant issue would be the propercompensation from Japan in todays money . The past reparations were just a dropin the bucket of the actual losses of the countries brutalized by ImperialJapan during WW2 .


Anyone 3hours ago
What about those victims from othercountries such as China, Taiwan, Philippines, Dutch, Vietnam...etc. ?


River 4hours ago
Finally... best news in decades for bothnations regarding this sensitive issue.


Law 3hours ago
Uncle Shame is anxious for the itsfollowers to fall into line for its loosing world domination, of courseJapaneses militant are glad to rewrite their history. But real people like Modiand people the world over still think Putin type of straight talk is the way togo in this troubling world.


Atilla 2hours ago
Japan waited till all the Comfort Womenwere dead before addressing the issue of Mass Rape and Kidnapping for theComfort of the Japanese Officers during WW II. Now are they going to apologizefor the Rape of Manchuria and the Millions of Chinese they murdered andmillions more mutilated.


RichardC 32 minutes ago
The Japanese and Koreans should supporteach other. It's good to see this.


SwineFlew2 13 hours ago
The first step in the right direction.


Edward Wood 4 hours ago
In related news, Japan has opened talkswith China about resolving some of their issues. Some points of discussion: (1)Japan will issue a statement, "We apologize for what our grandfathers didto your grandfathers 70 years ago. (2) China will quit crying and complainingevery time a Japanese politician visits the Yakusuni Shrine. (3) China willquit casting Japanese soldiers as the evil villains in every kung fu movie.


B Obamawitz 1 hour ago
The president of south korea, daughter of amurderous dictator traitor who faithfully served the Jappe occupiers duringWW2, and Abe, the grandson of a class A war criminal murderer agree.


Mystic 12hours ago
finally korea and japan can become allies.Next is china, if only they actually wanted mutual peace.


Joe 11hours ago
What about the rest of Asia Japan? Oh yeahyou still need permission from your CIA boss.


desertres 11 hours ago
What about the Korean prostitutes lawsuitsagainst US soldiers???


USnearBK 10 hours ago
$8M ?
I think Japan just raped S Koren president.

