菲律宾抗议者访问南海岛屿,中国表示愤怒 [美国媒体]


China angered as Filipino protesters visitSouth China Sea island


BEIJING (Reuters) - China expressed angeron Monday after a group of Filipino protesters landed on a disputedPhilippine-held island in the disputed South China Sea.


About 50 protesters, most of them students,reached Thitu island in the Spratly archipelago on Saturday in a stand againstwhat they say is Beijing's creeping invasion of the Philippine exclusiveeconomic zone, said Eugenio Bito-onon, the island's mayor.

大约50名抗议者,大部分是学生,于周六抵达了位于南沙群岛的中业岛,以反对他们所宣称的中国对菲律宾专属经济区的入侵,该岛市长Eugenio Bito-onon如是说。

AsIseeIt 14 hours ago
The Philippine people lost more than100,000 fighting the Americans, who came to colonize after the Spaniards,before they were subdued between 1898-1900 (not exact dates). They could havecontinued to be an American colony much like Puerto Rico and Guam and Hawaiibut they fought against being a colony. Then in WWII, many died fighting withthe Americans against the Japanese. The Bataan Death March is even studied atWest Point. In 1986 they staged a People's Revolution against Marcos' martiallaw regime and men women children were out in the streets confronting Marcos'army. The country may not have the military hardware that China has butFilipinos will not agree to be held down too too long. Even they have abreaking point. The people of the Middle East and all the grown men who willnot pick up arms might want to read up on the People's Revolution which did notdepend on foreign forces to overthrow a dictatorship.


Eye Of Horus 18 hours ago
Aircraft carriers are a relic of theprevious war. They are sitting ducks. You think China can't have all theaircraft carriers it wants? They don't worry about having them because 10cruise missiles and the pride of the US Navy, and hundreds of billions inhardware, rests at the bottom of the ocean. Then China will dump a bunch ofsand on them and create a new island.


Eleatic Stranger 22 hours ago
Why is the rest of the world toleratingthis Chinese theft of other countries' territory? It is the same as when Chinaannexed Tibet in 1959; nobody did anything about it. The rest of the world muststand up to this Chinese tyranny, piracy and abuse of international law. Startto form the freedom patrols to expel the Chinese invaders. Start to form aworld-wide anti-Chinese alliance to keep the South Sea open and free.


Aquinno The Filipino Clown 23 hours ago
The thieving Philippines is the sick man ofasia.


😱小王 23 hoursago
I was on leave in Hong Kong if not Ialready sank their ship.


bakunoda 22 hours ago
They have more courage than some of ourGovt Officials and Military. 
Why are some of the Phil. Coast Guard and Phil. Navy officials so concerned ofChina,
when China doesnt even care about us Filipinos feelings, still continuing inbuilding artificial islands inside our own territory.
This youngsters should be praised and followed for their example of bravenessand courage to stand for our Country not chastised and scolded.


terry booth 20 hours ago
China is like a next door neighbor. Theyhave their house and you have your house. Then you start noticing your kidsball is in their yard, then your lawn chair, and then your lawnmower. Powertools left in your open garage start disappearing, reappearing in yourneighbors garage. Your neighbors decide to plant some bushes, trees, andflowers three or four feet across the property line into your yard. But, youare non-violent and non- confrontational, and think if you ignore them, theywill leave you alone. Slowly, they move in to your home through an open backdoor, and they wind up telling you, you must pay them rent or move out. This isChina.


spring 9hours ago
I would say Chinese navy are coward, letthese small countries to ocuppy China' islands and sitting there do nothing,let PH thievies trample on China's sovereignty, do your dudy, Chinese navy,bomb these PH invaders, let them stay at SCS's bottom.


PC 17hours ago
Most of you intellects, girls would rathermarry a Westerner and move to America, Europe, and boys would just signed up towork oversea and stay there. Instead of coming back to Philippines and createwealth and power for your country. Think about it.


Daniel 11hours ago
China is far from these small islands. Sotherefore they don't have the right to claim these places. Let Philippines,Vietnam Malaysia will occupied these territory because they have the right toclaim.


Nature 23hours ago
How stupid the Filipinos can be. You landon disputed islands also claimed by Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam and Taiwan. Isn'tthis a slap on the face for your ASEAN partners?
