中国已进入其下一代隐形战机歼20生产的初期阶段。上周图片最先由中国国家新闻社新华网发布,美国月刊杂志《Popular Science》也于上周刊登了这张照片,图片显示一架黄色的飞机停在停机坪上。美国网友: 开不到一个小时你就得换第二架,这就是中国生产的隐形战机的最大问题【笑】。
hina has entered the early stages of production for its next-generation stealth fighter jet, the J-20. Photos originally published by the state-run news agency Xinhua and displayed by Popular Scienceshow the fighter on a tarmac last week, painted a dull yellow.
中国已进入其下一代隐形战机歼20生产的初期阶段。上周图片最先由中国国家新闻社新华网发布,美国月刊杂志《Popular Science》也于上周刊登了这张照片,图片显示一架黄色的飞机停在停机坪上。
Based on the plane’s numbering, Popular Scienceestimates that it’s the ninth model to be produced by Chengdu Aviation Corporation in less than five years.
从机身上的数字来看,《Popular Science》估计这是成飞公司在五年内生产的第九个机型。
The fighter’s original prototype first flew in 2011 and the entire program is expected to be operational by 2018. The jet unveiled last week is thought to be the first of a small run of planes intended for full military use.
arryl B 1 day ago
The Chinese are two-dimensional thinkers, with no original thoughts.
However, once they grasp a subject, they master it, as long as the subject matter follows a consistent order. That is why they can do Quadratic Equations all day long. As long as a System is A, B, C, they are fine. If you pitch them C, B, A, they are lost until they learn the new order, and are are dumbfounded once again if Z, X, C, B, A presents itself.
Lacking the intelligence to invent anything themselves, they learned a long time ago it is easier to steal ideas, like the Soviets do, then to invent them.
Eddie 1 day ago
come on liberals tell me how we spend more on military. how we are so far ahead of them and how good liberal internet protection and fire walls are. So why is it under Obamas watch so much was stolen from us.don't you think the Obama government should take the blame as well. Or is it in liberal minds the fault of government when a republican or conservative is in power. it seems though sad, its the later. I blame the company and the government ant the only reason it would be on line is Obama's white house because ease of access because they are to stupid to setup and use a private network outside the net. And I'm waiting to hear its bushes fault.
得了吧 自由派告诉我们美国如何在军队上投入更多钱,是如何如何领先于中国,我们的互联网防护和防火墙是如何地强大,那么为什么奥巴马政府看着中国人从美国把我们的技术偷走?奥巴马政府一样应该受到谴责。又或者是不是在自由派人的思想中,在共和党和保守党掌权时错误都在于政府?多可悲,但为时已晚。那家公司应当受到谴责,政府不是唯一的原因,反而是白宫难逃其咎。白宫愚蠢地建立并允许政府网络之外的私人网络的使用,这使得外国势力侵入更加容易!他们可能又会说这是布什的错了。
Race Reed 1 day ago
there is a reason our technology takes 20 years to develop, it didn't exist before. Lets see china land a man on the moon or discover flight or invent the radio, television, xray, microwave, nuclear power, micro chip, micro processor, computer, internet, GPS, cable television, blue tooth, wifi, or a cure for polio, pace maker, organ transplants, cancer treatment or life support, yeah, there is a reason everyone in the world steals from America- its because we perfected the impossible or invented to unimaginable.
这是一个我们花了二十年发展科技的理由,这以前并没有存在过。让我们看 中国人登上月球或者是发现飞行或者是发明电台,电视,x光,微波,核能,微处理器,电脑,网络,全球定位系统,有线电视,蓝牙,无线局域网络或者是治疗小儿麻痹,心率调整器,器官移植,治愈癌症或者是生命保障(系统),呵呵 这也是全世界从美国剽窃科技的理由,因为我们十全十美无可挑剔。
Commenter 1 day ago
Other than China, which country do we know that can pull himself up from his bootstraps, from a poor 3rd world country to a world power that can challenge the U.S. in less than 30 years? FYI China lifted over 600 millions Chinese out of poverty (almost 1/2 of China population) and which country can come even close to that?
All our news media can do now is to bad mouth China/Chinese, pathetic!!!!
除了中国,还有哪个国家可以在30年时间里从一个第三世界国家变成一个可以挑战美国的世界强国? 供参考:中国让6亿人民摆脱了贫穷(几乎是中国的一半人口)哪个国家可以做到这些?
Tom 1 day ago
We are having the Chinese make every product we need. This nation is no longer capable of manufacturing anything any longer because of the greed of every industry and their CEO's to make a larger profit so they can be paid millions of dollars a year, counting in their golden parachute award when they do leave. We have known for years that the Chinese and the Russians and damn near everyone else has been stealing our military secrets for years. From the looks of it, our government and the defense industry themselves has done little or nothing about it. Why not have them start doing the R&D, with the US paying for it, and have them build our military equipment, planes, tanks, trucks, jeep, weapons and ammunition for us. We could save billions and put the defense contractors out of work. Just like our people who use to work in the manufacturing business use to do. Of course, the CEO's will have to get a really nice package to agree to it. We can change our country's name to the United States of China. It shouldn't take too long for us to learn to speak one of the languages in China. Of course, they will have to import the picture of Mao to us. We don't have the ability to print pictures any more.
jim 1 day ago
We've suckered China into spending $trillions on weapons.
Now time to kill the F35.
Piloted planes are so, so 1990s.
Use drones for 1/100th the cost.
novus_ordo 1 day ago
China launches most advanced remote sensing satellite into high orbit
In its last space mission of 2015 China has launched its most sophisticated Earth observation satellite to date, Gaofen-4. It is to become the country's first high-definition satellite in geosynchronous orbit.
在2015最后的任务中,中国发射了她最精密的地球观察卫星 高分-4.它是该国在地球同步轨道的第一颗高分辨率卫星
Mises Institute 20 hours ago
Never underestimate an adversary.
The Chinese are capable of destroying an aircraft carrier with a massive barrage of anti-ship ballistic missiles overwhelming missile defenses and with their large submarine force launching torpedoes and anti-ship missiles of their own. They have already demonstrated the ability to track an aircraft carrier by surfacing within torpedo range.
When allied with Russia and its large oil and natural gas reserves they are more than capable of outfighting and outlasting a conventional war with the US.
Mark 1 day ago
This is a blatant copy of American aircraft design. As I understand it, the Chinese hacked their way into Lockheed Martin and various sub-contractors and stole the designs.
Yet another reason why America need to closely guard it's military and domestic cyber-infrastructure.
Mises Institute 20 hours ago
The Chinese strategy has been to strip America of its factories, financial power, and allies and steal its technology and trade secrets.
At a time of their choosing, they could crash the US bond market and the US dollar, forcing an immediate bankruptcy of the US government and paralyzing the American leadership and the US military.
The Chinese could fundamentally alter the balance of power without any overt military conflict. The world will go on with a US playing a much smaller and isolated role in world affairs.
Beach 1 day ago
I will ask again, why do companies put 'top secret' design on networks connected to the internet? Shouldn't all that stuff be on a closed network?
Secondly, are all our designs coming from reverse engineering alien technology? There is no doubt that after the mid to late 1940s, there was a surge of technological innovationinvention in a short 10 year span.
al 10 hours ago
This writer has no clue about military plane technology and he is just quoting rumors as his source. Anyone can write #$%$ like that.
No doubt China is copying western technologies, just as France and Israel are doing to the US, but this J20 doesn't at all look like F22, apart from some easily imitable features like slanted tail wings. It is much longer in length and can carry more arsenal internally than F22. J20 has a canard but F22 doesn't. The aerodynamics of the plane has to be very different from F22. About the stealth feature, the secret lies in the radar-absorbing chemical. Even if the Chinese could steal the so-called blue-print for the plane (do you know how many pages there are?), how did they steal the chemical formula which is the top-level military secret?
The comparison between F35 and J31 is even more laughable. J31 is flying and F35 is still being finalized because F35 is much more complicated, having SVTOL ability. If the Chinese has the blue print, why not make a SVTOL plane right away instead of one only capable of the traditional take-off? What about the long-range missiles? Copies too? Chinese long-range air-to-air missiles are much larger in size than the American (you can tell from the pictures), probably closer to Russian technology than the US. If they are copying, they are copying from Russia.
本文作者对军用飞机技术一无所知,他只是引用传言作为论据。任何人都能像这样子写。毫无疑问的是中国在复制西方的技术,就像法国以色列正在美国做的(一样)但是歼20完全不像F22,除了一些易模仿性的功能,如倾斜的尾翼。相比娘娘其机身更长内部可以携带更多弹药。J20拥有鸭翼,但是F22没有。这架飞机的空气动力学也和F22完全不同。有关隐形功能,秘密在于吸收雷达波的材料。即使中国能偷到所谓飞机的蓝图 (你知道有多少页?),他们是怎么偷到作为顶级军事机密的材料配方的?
Thomas 1 day ago
The problem with rolling out a Chinese stealth fighter is that an hour later you want to roll out another one.
A Chinese 1 day ago
Reading comments here is like watching bunch of kindergarten kids discussing calculus. For the last time, J20 has two engines while F35 only has one. J20 has delta shape wings with canards while none of F22 or F35 does. These are fundamental differences in aircraft designs. Higher education is strongly recommended.
Jay 1 day ago
As I said long time ago China will be next super power in next 20-25 years. Our middle class in decline while China is expanding in unbelievable rates. US becoming more like a ghetto country. Our tax dollars to pay for a certain destructive elements social handouts. Our education and social culture is a joke.
Casper 1 day ago
So how would a fighter jet Made in China square off against a fighter jet Made in USA?
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...