Inrecent years, China’s military has begun to expand its presence abroad. Yet thepace and scope of Chinese international military operations and activitiesremains modest compared with the country’s expanding array of economic andstrategic interests. This report seeks to better understand how China ispursuing security for its overseas interests. It surveys the threats facingChinese interests abroad, the range of forces available to counter thosethreats, and the missions and tasks that are likely to be undertaken bysecurity-related forces. This report also considers some implications ofChina’s approach for the United States.
Thisresearch was sponsored by the Office of the Secretary of Defense and conductedwithin the International Security and Defense Policy Center of the RANDNational Defense Research Institute (NDRI), a federally funded research anddevelopment center (FFRDC) sponsored by the Office of the Secretary of Defense,the Joint Staff, the Unified Combatant Commands, the Navy, the Marine Corps,the defense agencies, and the defense Intelligence Community.
China’sascent as the world’s second-largest economy has brought the country tremendousprosperity, but integration into the global economy has also exposed growingnumbers of its citizens and their assets to potential harm. According toChinese authorities, 30,000 of the country’s enterprises are located overseas,and more than 100 million Chinese citizens travel abroad annually. Dangers in distantlands menace the markets, resources, and investments upon which China’s economynow depends. In the words of the country’s 2015 Military Strategy White Paper,China has become “more vulnerable to international and regional turmoil, terrorism,piracy, and serious natural disasters and epidemics.” Chinese leaders haveaccordingly elevated in priority the provision of security for the country’soverseas interests.
Thisreport examines the question of how China can provide security for its growingarray of overseas economic and strategic interests. It also seeks to understandhow China’s approach might provide opportunities or raise concerns for theUnited States. The report seeks to answer the following questions:
• Howwill China protect its citizens and their economic assets in distant countries?
• Whatsort of military capabilities or other arrangements might China pursueaccordingly?
• Whatwill China’s approach to security abroad mean for the United States and itsallies and partners?
• 中国如何保护在遥远国家的中国公民及他们的经济财产安全?
• 相应的,中国追求什么样的军事能力或其他的军事安排?
• 中国对于海外安全采取的手段对于美国以及其盟友和伙伴意味着什么?
HowChina decides to protect its overseas interests carries important implicationsfor international politics and for the country’s own economic prospects. Thesize and strength of any military forces stationed abroad could affect thecourse of an international crisis or prospects for collaboration with theUnited States on shared concerns. Insight into China’s approach to protectingoverseas interests can also shed light on the economic feasibility of majorBelt and Road Initiative infrastructure investment projects in fragile states.If China lacks a reliable way to protect its interests in unstable countries,ambitious infrastructure and investment projects could suffer heavy losses orremain unrealized.
Historyoffers precedents in which rising nations struggled with the securityimplications of their increasing integration into an international economy.Many of history’s most powerful countries fueled their growth, in part, throughtrade and investment abroad. To secure their overseas interests, these nationsfrequently relied on expeditionary militaries and imperial conquest. Inprevious centuries, European empires and imperial Japan raised large armies andnavies, subjugated other countries, and established colonies in part to ensureaccess to vital resources and markets. The United States established militarybases on some of its imperial conquests, such as the Philippines and Guam.However, after World War II, the United States expanded its internationalpresence through an extensive network of military bases located in alliedcountries. The relevance of these examples for China is unclear. Giveninternational norms proscribing imperialism, China’s own renouncement ofmilitary aggression, a lack of international allies, and the Chinese military’slimited power projection capabilities, Beijing has little incentive to mimicthe examples of either past imperial nations or the United States.
Drawingfrom analysis of publicly available databases and academic studies, as well as Chineselanguage official documents and scholarly writings, this paper argues thatChina is likely to pursue an approach distinctly different from that taken bypast imperial countries and the United States. China’s approach will becharacterized by an overlapping mixture of People’s Liberation Army troops,paramilitary forces, civilian contractors, and local security forces provided bynations hosting major Chinese assets. State-owned companies will likely alsoplay an important role in providing needed ports and bases, as well aslogistics and maintenance support. Many of these forces are likely to becharged with narrowly defined tasks and may cooperate with one another only sporadically,if at all.
In someways, China’s likely approach to overseas security operations and activitiesreplicates in exaggerated form trends already apparent in western countries.Declining defense budgets, low public tolerance for costly overseasentanglements, and the persistence and seeming insolubility of security threatsin diverse parts of the world have led the United States and Europe to involvemore defense contractors in their overseas operations, press partner countries tostep up contributions on security affairs, and narrow the focus of their combatoperations to address only the most pressing threats, while leaving broadersecurity problems unresolved. China shares some of these concerns andassessments, and its own limitations and inclinations provide strong incentivesfor it to borrow many of these practices even as it develops its own path.
China’sapproach suggests both opportunities and limits to the prospects of cooperationwith the United States in the international arena. Paradoxically, the prospectsfor cooperation may be highest in domains suited to military operations,especially such nonwar missions as disaster relief and countering maritimepiracy, because of U.S. strengths in these domains and clearer shared interestsbetween the two countries. However, areas featuring a Chinese reliance onparamilitary and Chinese-backed host-nation security forces may offer morelimited areas of cooperation. Paramilitary forces are more likely to operateunder the authority of laws or frameworks influenced by Chinese politicalvalues that may be at odds with those of the United States. Differinginterpretations of terrorism, for example, could continue to impaircollaboration between the two countries in countering some threats, forexample. In some cases, China’s pursuit of security abroad could encroach onU.S. interests. In particular, Chinese efforts to arm and equip friendlyhost-nation–provided security forces in areas of South Asia, the Middle East,or Africa could complicate U.S. efforts to promote its security and those ofits allies and partners in the same areas. China’s desire to cultivate tieswith Iran—a key energy supplier—could lead Beijing to provide advanced weaponsthat Tehran could employ against countries allied with the United States, oragainst U.S. forces themselves. Similarly, Beijing may step up arms sales tohelp equip the governments of the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, and othersto suppress domestic insurgencies that threaten Chinese investments. Growingdependence on China for security could expose those same countries to pressurefrom Beijing.
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