日本正在谋划自己的反介入/区域封锁(A2/AD)的策略-即某日本前官员称之为“海上霸权和空中优势”--以对付中国海军。美国网友: 日本入侵了13个国家,进而侵略、杀害、强奸了数百万人,这是事-实-。
It seems that Japan is developing plans to craft its own Anti-Access/Area-Denial (A2/AD) strategy—or what one former Japanese official describes as “maritime supremacy and air superiority”—against the Chinese Navy.
The plan itself, detailed by Reuters, makes a tremendous amount of good sense:
“Tokyo is responding by stringing a line of anti-ship, anti-aircraft missile batteries along 200 islands in the East China Sea stretching 1,400 km (870 miles) from the country's mainland toward Taiwan. . .
“While the installations are not secret, it is the first time such officials have spelled out that the deployment will help keep China at bay in the Western Pacific and amounts to a Japanese version of the "anti-access/area denial" doctrine, known as "A2/AD" in military jargon, that China is using to try to push the United States and its allies out of the region.
“Chinese ships sailing from their eastern seaboard must pass through this seamless barrier of Japanese missile batteries to reach the Western Pacific, access to which is vital to Beijing both as a supply line to the rest of the world's oceans and for the projection of its naval power.”
The piece also spells out an overall larger Japanese military presence in the East China Sea, which will certainly not please China:
“Over the next five years, Japan will increase its Self-Defense Forces on islands in the East China Sea by about a fifth to almost 10,000 personnel.
"Those troops, manning missile batteries and radar stations, will be backed up by marine units on the mainland, stealthy submarines, F-35 warplanes,
amphibious fighting vehicles, aircraft carriers as big as World War Two flat-tops and ultimately the U.S. Seventh Fleet headquartered at Yokosuka, south of Tokyo.”
aymond Covit • 2 days ago
its tough being a little guy when there are bullies around. Defense is not imperialism. Good job Japan !
CarlK Raymond Covit • 2 days ago
Japan is not really a little guy as it's military technology is still superior than China's at least in quality.
Raymond Covit CarlK • 2 days ago
japan 127 million, china 1.36 billion. and Japan has shown to be honorable ,unlike the unscrupulous chin dynasty in place now
JT Cen Raymond Covit • 2 days ago
@raymond - japan was part of the axis powers just over half a century ago. the tiny little country raped, pillaged, and wantonly killed millions throughout asia. calling them honorable would be a stretch.
MA JT Cen • 2 days ago
Give it a rest. I doubt there is any country on planet that at some point in their history wasn't responsible for some kind of atrocities.
JT Cen MA • 2 days ago
@MA - of course, but i dislike people stating nonsense about which country is more honorable or unscrupulous.
MA JT Cen • 2 days ago
Today, right now. Japan is more honorable. China is acting just like Japan did in the 1930's
Pete MA • 2 days ago
China raped and beheaded people now???
What a stupid statement from you.
MA Pete • 2 days ago
And if war comes China will murder millions. They already do it to their own people
Pete MA • 2 days ago
They already kill millions of their own people???
Another stupid statement.
Basically, let's look at facts because everything else is fake therefore an opinion.
Japan invaded and murdered and raped millions of people, invaded 13 countries to do it. FACT.
China. 1 maybe 2 countries. Killed millions and raped millions? NO.
Here is another FACT. A certain western country and their allies started a war in the middle east which killed millions (FACT) and displaced around 2 million families (FACT)
Your perception is very low.
TroLLs-Luv-LA Pete • 2 days ago
go back to history my friend...the facts you're saying are as one sided as your argument...go back to china's history and you'll see that they've killed millions of their countrymen which you should also state as FACT :D
Pete TroLLs-Luv-LA • 2 days ago
So what? I repeat, SO WHAT?
那又怎么样? 我再说一次,那-又-怎-么-样-?
AGAIN. I keep repeating it. ALL countries, EVERY country have their internal struggles. That is what made Germany, Germany. That is what made the US the US. That is what made Korea, Korea. etc ... millions die in these internal struggles.
BUT, WW2 Japan invaded lots of foreign countries and did horrible gruesome things to foreigners.
China has not invaded lots of countries and raped and murdered foreigners. FACT.
WW2 Japan did. FACT.
it's me Pete • a day ago
Pete I you pitiable, you can't move on past is past we talking of future. are you blind. china is starting to invade Philippines island, vietnam, indonesia, malaysia. wake up Pete.
Pete你个可怜的,你无法前进了,过去就是过去,我们在谈论未来。你瞎了吗?中国即将开始入侵菲律宾的岛屿、越南、印尼、马来西亚,醒醒吧 Pete。
Pete it's me • a day ago
Have anyone died? This article is about Japan, not China
John Brown Pete • 4 hours ago
China still occupies Tibet.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...