Posted byu/aXiaobai 19 hours ago
I gather foreigners are always fucked over in situations vs a chinese person in China but is it possible for a foreigner with the right connections somehow with the police etc to override this? I guess im partly just asking how guanxi works in a sense.. anyone know?
TheDark1 10 points·18 hours ago
Not really. If you have family ties you have their guanxi. If you're useful you have guanxi. If your use expires the guanxi does too.
It's the same for Chinese people too though. Look what happens when people at the very top are purged. All those they enriched disappear into the ether.
JayTeeLaramie 7 points·18 hours ago
One of the only consistently positive responses to this question has come from /u/Hautamaki over the years and he just re-told in the past couple of days how his relationship with the son of the police chief gave him advantage.
dcrm Great Britain 13 points·18 hours ago
Generally no. I actually agree with /u/TheDark1 on this. The only two ways to have guanxi are;
1.To be useful. Most foreigners are not useful they don't have a large circle of friends in China nor do a lot of them have top positions or public positions of power. If you have a lot of money or a high position you will have limited guanxi.
2.To be family with someone who has guanxi. Friends doesn't cut it. If there is any trouble you'll be thrown under the bus instantly by a non-relative. Doesn't matter how much you think you are friends with them (you could be friends for over a decade!). They are not going to help if you it gives them trouble.
Family is different if they don't help you their other family members will berate them and look down on them. They NEED to help you if you are family. By family I mean married. If it's a boyfriend/girlfriend situation it'll depend on if their family like you and how much of a serious marriage prospect they view you as.
GuessImStuckWithThis Great Britain 12 points·15 hours ago
I know an ex-police guy from London who came to China to be a teacher and then started hanging out with all the policemen near where he worked. He gave them gun training and stuff and generally hung around with them a lot and sucked up to China huge amounts and gave them lots of face. He appeared on Shenzhen TV as a British policeman helping to train the Chinese police. Then he found out that he was on an illegal visa without knowing about it and the police helped him out with that and basically shut down the company he worked for who had been bribing the authorities for years. Then another Chinese "businessman" got him to invest a lot of his savings (a couple of hundred thousand pounds) in what he thought was a legit opportunity but then he just ran off with the money. However his police friends basically helped him to get it all back with a couple of phone-calls and then helped him to open his own cafe and start his own business. So yeah in can be done but in very specific circumstances and you've really got to have a way to be valuable or give powerful people a lot of face.
ShittyWeeBrownPoodle 12 points·15 hours ago
[ex-police guy from London]
[on an illegal visa without knowing about it]
[invest a lot of his savings in what he thought was a legit opportunity]
So apparently intelligence has nothing to do with A) Having Guanxi and B) Being a Copper.
This is China 101 stuff.
Seriously though was this guy dumb as shit or what?
[来自伦敦的前警察] 、[在毫不知情的情况下持的是非法签证] [把大笔积蓄投资于商人认为是合法的机会中].....
snicksnackwack 5 points·18 hours ago
wobbly_au 5 points·17 hours ago
Not possible unless you marry in. Homogeny will always treat you as an outsider man! GOODLUCK!
bradj43 3 points·7 hours ago
I have great guanxis with all Chinese people because they always tell me my Chinese is amazing when I say nihao
TopBeginning 2 points·18 hours ago
It is possible and it has been done but you will face similar barriers across cultures (classism is a big factor in both cultures).
agree-with-you 1 point·18 hours ago
I agree this does seem possible.
JustInChina88 2 points·16 hours ago
Depends on the kind of guanxi. One of my drinking buddies just got hired on the police force a year back or so and I was able to get a friend of mine out of trouble. Basically the friend got in a bike accident and the other side wanted 20k rmb but my police friend was able to pressure the family into admitting they couldn't produce medical documents. Most officers wouldn't give a shit in that situation.
lambdaq 1 point·15 hours ago
Not laowai individuals but I think American companies would be widely more successful without the FCPA.
Smirth 1 point·2 hours ago
And reviled.
Plus sometimes it's a massive advantage to tell your Chinese partners "no fucking way can I pay a bribe".
Calver-o 1 point·14 hours ago
It belongs to those with family connections that will be a reliable factor i.e. marriage. Or if you are the owner of a company where people will have a certain amount of interest either working with you or eliminating you taking your customers along with them. There is small guanxi such as doing favors for people but this will only get you so far and must approach those who get this kind of reciprocation. For a foreigner who isn't planning to stay long term there is not much point to thinking about this. Understanding face will be enough and no need to pursue it.
aXiaobai 1 point·14 hours ago
Can you explain face too me? Doesnt everyone not like getting embarrassed? How is it different to the west?
Xupc 1 point·18 hours ago
Yes you can. Through getting married or becoming buddies with Chinese folks is the most common way non Chinese get guanxi.
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