中国医院被强拆,里面当时还有病人 [美国媒体]


richard 1 day ago
China is a very different place than theUS. They do not collect property taxes like they do here, the only taxes arewhen something new is built. So an old building is not making the localauthorities money. And they are as corrupt as the day is long. Truckingcompanies actually knocked holes in the great wall so they could drive aroundtoll booths. 
The hospital was 'asked' to demolish part of the building. They said no, whichis not the way things work there. It is very likely way to many people are inline for a cut of profits from the new road. The local communist party bosswill get a cut, in return he will approve everything. And he can then sendglowing reports up the chain. Now that the authorities are on board, there islittle than can be done, there is no going to the courts like here. And thepolice will be enforcing whatever their told to do. Those who speak up willdisappear or get a visit from the police to show them the error of their ways.Any news of it will be censored from the news and social media. 
The road will be poorly built and falling apart in months. The contractor doingthe work will short cut every bit of material possible, with a whole pile ofpeople with their hands out for a cut of the profits. And in the end thecompany will leave it workers unpaid for the last bit of work and nothing theycan do to fix the problem. It is simply the status quo in China.


Esther 1day ago
Life has little value in China, and that isbecoming true of the U.S. as well.


J 1 dayago
Yes, the Chinese will do anything in thename of progress and profit. Cardboard dumplings, boxes of crabs laden withlead and lately smartphones which fall apart after a few months of use.
Anything decent come out of China? Anything?


George 1day ago
Seems like you could get quite ill byvisiting hospital in China for a checkup.


JJ 1day ago
China is a communist (in name only-more ofa kleptocracy) dictatorship. Countries governed by dictatorships can bulldozewho they want, when they want with no regard to individual rights or dueprocess. 
End of story.


vir 1day ago
Thank God, it was only a hospital and not atheater with 5000 Chinese inside watching some program or a multi-storeybuilding. Next time they should attempt to demolish a theater crowded withpeople. Well, in China, forced occupation or demolition is more important thannegotiation. This is called Communism.


Carl 1day ago
Our governments do the exact same thing butthey call it "imminent domain". Whatever the rich want, the rich gethere in Granola Land and if your property happens to get in their way, toughcookies.


ECHE 1day ago
In U.S., Congress is going to bulldoze theObamacare with patients in it, with no replacement options for the uninsured.


JEWfluenza 1 day ago
China is SOOOOOOOOO agressive aboutpopulation control.


Scott 1day ago
Gee- Communists sound like Democrats- Theyattack when they don't get their way, regardless.


Henry 1day ago
We are probably thinking that this can onlyhappen in China while we are all slowly approaching similar fate here inAmerica with these bunch of Incorrigibles running for the highest office today.maybe we deserve it!!


Decomo 1day ago
After the Chinese government investigatedthe incidence, they sent a notice of violation and fines to the family membersof each of the dead body found in the morgue for blocking the bulldozers.

