中国飞机乘客空中窃取数千欧元被逮捕 [美国媒体]


doitnow11 hours ago
That is why I hate to have to put my bagsanyplace but next to me. On some airlines they even warn you to watch yourbags, then they insist that the women put their purses in the overhead fortakeoff, sometimes away from you.
I have also noticed that there is a groupof folks that RUN to put there luggage in first class or business, even whenthere is room in the cabin that their seat is in. Some international flightsthe attendants refuse to allow them to do this. But when they do, they will popinto the cabin about the time they think folks are sleep. You will even seeattendants in the bins without pillows a or blankets as well.
Best bet is keep your money and passport onyou. Trust no one.


LeighSydneyChinaLeighSydneyChina20 hoursago
I had my bag moved on a flight. I had putit above my window seat storage. Went to get my computer out and the bagmissing. Grabbed a cabin crew member and demanded to know what had happened.This is on a China Eastern fight from Shanghai to Beijing. Some guy had takenthe bag and moved it about 5 metres away. It had no money, but a lot of expensiveequipment. He had put his bag in the place of mine, yet was sitting under thenew location of mine. This is a chinese scam. You really have to watch yourstuff. My problem is that the cabin crew seem to be in on this also. They triedto make me sit down and they would find the bag. I didn't. Be careful withexpensive belongings in China in particular.


My wife and I travel frequently and we haveseen this type of theft occur several times (usually by Chinese nationals), somuch so that we invested in some carry-on bags that have locking zippers and wealso put TSA approved cable locks on them. We know for a fact that this hasdeterred at least one attempt to steal from our bags. Most folk do not locktheir carry-on bags and thus are easy prey for this type of theft, especiallyon long international flights were people go to sleep. Lock your carry-on bagsand only keep items that are of no value to a thief in the outer pockets of thecarry-on.


He is lucky he is not in Saudi Arabia.


Him having a return ticket for the verynext day is suspicious. This leaves me to believe someone working in airportsecurity is targeting passengers with cash. It could be X-ray technicianspassing data to another party who then arranges a criminal passenger to takuables. Some coordination seems involved.


Kelvin NguyenKelvin Nguyenyesterday
I read those similar story from all overthe news. Please keep an eyes on your belonging and don't trust anyone withyour GREEN


GlennGlenn18 hours ago
This seems to be quite a common occurrence.It happened to me with a Chinese man taking money from my bag in the overheadlocker while I was asleep. The guy in the seat next to me told me. No camerathough. We got him. His passport was very full, he flies almost every day.Problem. I am not staying in the country where the plane lands. I'm in transit.I would have to travel back for the court case. So he got off. Mid flight is agreat time to steal, normally the victim would not notice the loss until later.Do airlines have a blacklist of people who have been caught but not charged ?


Ciro CaprioliCiro Caprioliyesterday
I EUROPEAN leving in the USA , every yearthat I go to EUROPE to visit my family in christma I take EURO 4000.0 ,, Idivided in half and wrapped in clear chiken plastic foil and put each packageof 2000.00 EUROS in the center or ARC of my feet so it make support my feet andput my SOCK ,,, when I go trhu security at the airport to embarc the aircraftthere is not problem and my money is secure, I did this because some years,some one ago steal my wallet at the airport and loose 4000.00 euros ..


ElefantElefant5 hours ago
One bullet to the head I guess is thestandard punishment.


RiverRiver8 hours ago
With all due respect, who in the hell wouldput thousands of Euros in the overhead?

