Posted byu/allestacious 3 days ago
Posted byu/allestacious 3 days ago
lol_historical_facts 26 points·3 days ago
Can’t tell if serious or sarcastic...
Xupc 33 points·3 days ago
I am 99% sure that they probably don't know who Voldemort is.. I am sure that they thought that is probably a historical philosopher or whatever.
BillyBattsShinebox 15 points·3 days ago
It'd be a pretty fucked up quote to actually believe even if Buddha himself said it
ForwardEmantsal 1 point·2 days ago
Not really. Replace power with success and weak with unmotivated and you get a perfectly acceptable quote in western standards. I'm sure the chinese translation doesn't have half the bad connotation.
BillyBattsShinebox 3 points·2 days ago
Sounds equally fucked up to me
ForwardEmantsal 2 points·2 days ago
Yeah and that's 99% of the stuff on get motivated.
BillyBattsShinebox 1 point 2 days ago
Really? They actually say that you should do anything whatsoever in order to reach your goals even if it means destroying people's lives?
ForwardEmantsal 1 point·2 days ago
What does destroying people's lives have to do with this quote or anything at all?
Keep in mind they have no idea who voldemort is so we're just looking at the quote itself.
BillyBattsShinebox 0 points·2 days ago
Read some of the other comments in this thread that show how a quote like this can justify other things
ForwardEmantsal 1 point·2 days ago
[Read some of the other comments]
The entire comment thread is filled with english literature graduates reading into a single sentence and creating bullshit scenarios. Read my other comments which I specifically point out how hypocritical you people are.
I can spin a stupid getmotivated quote as well to criticize people for being lazy life failures and justifying that the poor deserve to fail in life something that I've explain which you people cannot comprehend. Your artificial drawing of borders to say "NO NO this is different" shows how mentally retarded you guys are.
GhostIntention -2 points·3 days ago
How is it a fucked up quote?
Alsoghieri 35 points·3 days ago
it implies that the powerless are making a choice to be that way. it implies that the weak are less worthy. it implies that power is the most important achievement. it implies that those who seek power are suited for it. it implies that strength is more important than right and wrong.
Frokenfrigg -3 points·3 days ago
A choice to be made when you reach a historical juncture I suppose?
Alsoghieri 3 points·3 days ago
yea the easy and stupid choice
ForwardEmantsal-3 points·2 days ago
it implies that the powerless are making a choice to be that way
Every single quote out there has a negative implication to it. It's just ok to western standards. Here's some stupid text that was showed to me from getmotivated thread: "Falling is not a failure. The failure is staying where you've fallen " Likewise it implies that people who can't dig themselves out of their holes are failures or that they have the choice to just pick themselves up.
Same argument you're making. But you can't seem to comprehend cultural differences that result in different language connotations.
shishiqiushi 3 points·2 days ago
Cultural difference my arse plenty of the Chinese respondents in that thread recognise it is fucked up. One says it means that murderers and rapists and exploiters are misunderstood and their victims are weaklings who don't understand reality and another says it means the victims of the Nanking massacre were too weak to recognise the facts.
我去,还文化差异,很多中国人在那条微博下也评论说这条引语糟糕透了。有人说这句话是不是说,“被抢劫强奸谋杀的人,被剥削压迫欺辱的人是无法分清事实的弱者; 而那些罪犯们恶人们实际上是被误解的强者?”另一个说这是不是意味着“侵华的日军制造南京大屠杀的日军是强者,而被侵略被屠杀被强奸的那些中国人是无法分清事实的弱智?”(这两句话出自同一位微博网友)
The example you gave is totally different because it doesn't justify a lack of moral boundaries. The "no good or evil only power" is the key point. This means all sort of dishonesty and brutality and savagery is justified in the pursuit of power.
ForwardEmantsal1 point·2 days ago·edited 2 days ago
[One says it means that murderers and rapists and exploiters are misunderstood and their victims are weaklings who don't understand reality and another says it means the victims of the Nanking massacre were too weak to recognise the facts.]
Wow are you an english graduate? You really know how to read into that statement don't you. I didn't know Voldemort's quote could be stretched so hard that you start going back to world war 2. Stop being so creative in your interpretations and maybe you guys will sound less like an idiot.
【有人说这句话是不是说,“被抢劫强奸谋杀的人,被剥削压迫欺辱的人是无法分清事实的弱者; 而那些罪犯们恶人们实际上是被误解的强者?”另一个说这是不是意味着“侵华的日军制造南京大屠杀的日军是强者,而被侵略被屠杀被强奸的那些中国人是无法分清事实的弱智?”】
[The example you gave is totally different because it doesn't justify a lack of moral boundaries. The "no good or evil only power" is the key point.]
"No good or evil" justifies brutality and savagery? Hmmm if that phrase includes both the words "good" and also "evil" then it must all justify the good honesty mercy and civility used in the pursuit of power.
BillyBattsShinebox 36 points·3 days ago
Because it can be used to excuse the worst atrocities ever committed by mankind
ting_bu_dong United States 12 points·3 days ago·edited 3 days ago
It's contempt for the weak.
It speaks to a worldview where since the weak "choose" to be weak strongmen "deserve" to rule over them and treat them like shit.
“Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology insofar as it is fundamentally aristocratic and aristocratic and militaristic elitism cruelly implies contempt for the weak. Ur-Fascism can only advocate a popular elitism. Every citizen belongs to the best people of the world the members of the party are the best among the citizens every citizen can (or ought to) become a member of the party. But there cannot be patricians without plebeians. In fact the Leader knowing that his power was not delegated to him democratically but was conquered by force also knows that his force is based upon the weakness of the masses; they are so weak as to need and deserve a ruler. Since the group is hierarchically organized (according to a military model) every subordinate leader despises his own underlings and each of them despises his inferiors. This reinforces the sense of mass elitism.”
“精英主义是反动意识形态的典型面向,因为它在根本上是贵族的,贵族和军国主义的精英主义残酷地暗示对弱者的蔑视。原始法西斯主义只能倡导一种流行精英主义。 每个公民都属于世界上最好的人民,党的成员是公民中最好的,每个公民都可以(或应该)成为党的一员。但是不存在没有子民的贵族。事实上,领导人知道他的权力并非通过民主方式获得,而是通过武力征服;也知道他的力量源于群众的软弱,他们是如此软弱以至于需要并应当有一个统治者。由于组织是分层的(参考军事模式),每个领导都鄙视他自己的下属,下属又鄙视自己的下属。这加强了大众精英主义的意识。”
It's a system where everyone looks down on someone. There are no equals.
So no equal rights for starters.
Cairnsian 3 points·3 days ago
This type of value is a race to the bottom and a recipe for instability. See Mexican cartels.
ting_bu_dong United States9 points·3 days ago
Hell see chickens.
“If egg-laying productivity is a heritable trait then the experiment should produce a strain of better egg layers but that’s not what happened. Instead the experiment produced a strain of hyper-aggressive hens as shown in the first photograph. There are only three hens because the other six were murdered and the survivors have plucked each other in their incessant attacks. Egg productivity plummeted even though the best egg-layers had been sexted each and every generation.”
“The reason for this perverse outcome is easy to understand at least in retrospect. The most productive hen in each cage was the biggest bully who achieved her productivity by suppressing the productivity of the other hens. Bullying behavior is a heritable trait and several generations were sufficient to produce a strain of psychopaths.”
"The strongest" often tend to be antisocial and aggressive as fuck. I guess that makes sense. They're good at competing.
Cairnsian 2 points·3 days ago
If a similar study was done on humans I would say the results wouldn't differ too much. Good post.
Deceptichum Australia2 points·2 days ago
I disagree they'd have be discontinued after the first generations failed to lay any eggs.
mr-wiener 2 points·3 days ago
"Woe to the conquered".
ForwardEmantsal 1 point·2 days ago
Just as how redditors hate the unmotivated and lazy which is why there's getmotivated quotes!
takeitchillish 8 points·3 days ago
Who will they quote next? Hitler?
mr-wiener 9 points·3 days ago
"The great strength of the totalitarian state is that it forces those who fear it to imitate it."
rockyrainy3 points·3 days ago
70 years after Slytherin won the civil war.
mr-wiener9 points·3 days ago
They seem to be suffering the effects of the stupor ignoramious spell.
shishiqiushi 2 points·3 days ago
Lol. Iciba had this the other day too I was like "wtf?"
Incidentally I've noticed the Iciba sentences have been purged a bit too I haven't measured it but it seems all example sentences containing liberal sentiment have been purged.
allestacious 1 point·2 days ago
Opening up even more discussion on national policies and decisions China Daily's latest inspirational message is: " It is by acts and not by ideas that people live."
就国家的政策和决定上,更加开放讨论,《中国日报》最近想传递的激励人心的信息是——“人们依靠行动而活,而不是靠想法而活。”(译注:美国思想家Harry Emerson Fosdick[哈利·爱默生·福斯迪克]的名言)
cuteshooter 1 point·2 days ago
If the party was smart it would just stfu for a decade instead of putting FootInMouth Daily.
New-Atlantis-4 points·3 days ago
The Christian West has a bias towards the weak that is not common in the East. The story of David against Goliath or Bible verses like the one about a Camel passing through a needle's eye have deeply influenced the Western mind.
In the West we suspect the rich and powerful of having gotten their riches by wickedness whereas in the East a person's riches are seen as proof that s/he is right. A person with good Karma will be reborn in a better life. Thus success is seen as proof for a person's excellence.
注解2: 圣经中有诗云: “富人进天堂,比骆驼穿过针眼还难”。译者个人理解是: 追求物质财富是堕落的,莫奢望能够进天堂,只有放下自己的一切,虔诚得归附在主的脚下,一言一行皆遵从主的指示,才能得到主的恩赐,死后进入极乐天堂。)
TheDark1 7 points·3 days ago
Um. Buddhism? It is often thought that the teachings of Jesus were influenced by Buddhists and that the massive gap in the story of his life was him travelling East and experiencing buddhist teachings which influenced his personal philosophy. Worth noting that the story of his birth involves a visit by wise men from the East. Perhaps his family had a longer relationship with Eastern religions?
tikki_rox Canada 5 points·3 days ago
Where are you getting that from?! That same thought process exists in the west among rich people...
Ever heard of Buddhism? That incidentally is an eastern philosophy.
Why did China since they see richness and excellence as the same thing have a mass revolution of poor people who overthrew and murdered the wealthy people? You know where that didn’t happen? Western Europe or America.
oGsBumder Taiwan6 points·3 days ago
mass revolution of poor people who overthrew and murdered the wealthy people? You know where that didn’t happen? Western Europe or America.
..French Revolution?
dusjanbe Sweden3 points·3 days ago
People tend to forget many Western European countries did transfer from absolute monarchy to parliamentary system and constitutional monarchy the French revolution is prominent because it was an outlier.
All dynasty that China had ended in a shitfest.
tikki_rox Canada-2 points·3 days ago
Forgot about France. I was more focused on the Anglo world.
Too bad though. Too bad.
housemanX 1 point·3 days ago
is it puritan thought?
New-Atlantis 2 points·3 days ago
No Puritanism is an Anglo-Saxon aberration of Christianity.
birdlawyer85 -15 points·3 days ago
It's the truth though.
BillyBattsShinebox 10 points·3 days ago
So you really don't think people like Pol Pot Josef Mengele Ted Bundy and Harold Shipman were evil?
mr-wiener 6 points·3 days ago
Nah just misunderstood apparently.
birdlawyer85 -10 points·3 days ago
Did all of these people did it by themselves? No. They had millions and millions of people working FOR/WITH them.
A human is a human is a human. We're a product of our environment/context.
If Mengele had been born in the US guess what? He would have fought against the Nazis during WW2.
Obviously their actions were pure evil but that's human nature. We are a bipolar ape. We can be the nicest creatures or the most evil ones. And it usually boils down to survival (i.e. resources). When resources for survival are low that's when the scarcity mindset kicks in and that's when we turn into chimpanzees.
BillyBattsShinebox9 points·3 days ago
[Did all of these people did it by themselves?]
Ted Bundy and Harold Shipman didn't have millions of people working for them. Mengele also conducted his own experiments. He didn't HAVE to conduct live vivisections and torture men women and children literally to death.
[If Mengele had been born in the US guess what? He would have fought against the Nazis during WW2.]
Not necessarily. There were/are Nazi sympathisers in the US there were Germans who fought against the Nazis and there were even countless hardcore Nazis who would have thought that even what Mengele did was evil if they knew about it.
[Obviously their actions were pure evil but that's human nature. We are a bipolar ape. We can be the nicest creatures or the most evil ones. And it usually boils down to survival (i.e. resources). When resources for survival are low that's when the scarcity mindset kicks in and that's when we turn into chimpanzees.]
Plenty of people do evil shit when there's no shortage of resources.
birdlawyer85 -2 points·3 days ago
You raise fair points. But my point remains valid: humans are bipolar apes. We can be the nicest creatures or the most evil ones. You & I and everyone else here has it.
You're trying to remove context/environment from people's actions which is stupid.
BillyBattsShinebox3 points·3 days ago
I understand stealing if you're starving. I understand killing people in wars. I even understand when people kill other people in the heat of the moment due to an argument that gets out of hand.
But there's nothing about context/environment that excuses any of those people's actions. Sometimes evil is just evil.
birdlawyer85 -1 points·3 days ago
Well you just proved why history repeats itself. Most people like you don't understand the nature of human behavior.
You have a very naive understanding of life in general. Like ''oh you're starving it's ok to steal''. That's child level thinking/understanding.
好吧,你刚刚证明了为什么历史往往会重演。大多数人,像你一样,不了解人类行为的本质。你对生活有一种非常幼稚天真的理解。 就像''你饿了就可以偷东西''一样。 这是孩子级别的思考/理解。
BillyBattsShinebox 6 points·3 days ago
There's nothing about human nature that causes people to murder hundreds of retirees for literally no reason. There's nothing about human nature that causes people to inject chemicals into children's eyes. There's nothing about human nature that causes people to fuck the decomposing corpses of women that they killed.
And even if you think it is human nature it's still evil.
[Like ''oh you're starving it's ok to steal''. That's child level thinking/understanding.]
I didn't say it's ok. I said I understand why people do it.
[就像''你饿了就可以偷东西''一样。 这是孩子级别的思考/理解。]
GalaXion24 7 points·3 days ago
No because the quote is about morality. There is some truth to it but that is incidental not the core message. The core message justifies oppression and cruelty as right. It claims those with power deserve power and those without can only blame themselves. It claims those without power are inferior and deserve to be used by the powerful that they deserve to be killed on the whims of the worthy.
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Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...