If you’re ever bothered by the blind spots in the typical car today, then you would hate to drive a flying car.
But a new Toyota patent offers a solution to a classic flying car problem — awful blind spots and a vehicle that’s too wide for roads, parking spaces and garages.
Flying cars are rare, but you can find a few in the wild. A handful of companies around the globe are developing them. A long list of challenges has held back flying cars since their initial creation almost a century ago. One problem is putting the wings on the side of the car, which blocks driver sight lines and makes the vehicle so wide that it’s difficult to park and drive on roads.
Toyota’s patent calls for stackable wings on top of a flying car.
Toyota received a patent for a stackable wing that sits on top of a flying car.
2:06 PM GMT+0800
I do not see the point of having flying cars.
You have to drive to an airport in order to takeoff. You can't just takeoff on the interstate. And you have to fly to an airport to land. Again, you can't land it on the interstate. So you have to drive a number of miles to reach your destination once you land. If you aren't landing at your jobs parking lot, what time did you save?
Just buy a plane and rent a car once you land, which is how you always had to do it. A car that can takeoff and land like a helicopter would be more practical. You may be able to land it on a pad once you reach your office. You would need at least an acre to land it at your home.
Once there are real Hoverboards, they can then make a Hovercar. That's the day I'm waiting for.
1/3/2016 11:52 AM GMT+0800
The first problem, Matt, is no one needs one. If you sell needs, which is what all the sales folks want to do, then you have a slight problem. And, on the wants side, Mat, it's just folks, who sit around out of touch with the real worlf and talk about "innovations", who try to think what people might want. And, this isn't even a "Gee wouldn't that be neat." idea.
Your biggest problem, Matt, is no one wants or needs them!
1/3/2016 9:15 AM GMT+0800
People cannot operate in two dimensions, within defined lines. You want to add a third dimension, and an infinite number of directions?
It would solve the population problem.
1/3/2016 8:28 AM GMT+0800
If it's door-to-door speed you want, consider LeviCar (www.LeviCar.com/), which will let you travel in your own car, on a nationwide Magnetic-Levitation (MagLev) rail network at 300 mph, with only the first few and last few miles on conventional roads.
1/3/2016 7:57 AM GMT+0800
Let's assume it is possible. Then I should be able to fly over the Hudson river and avoid George Washington Bridge or Lincoln Tunnel traffic jam to land onto the New York side from anywhere!
1/3/2016 5:01 AM GMT+0800
When a car engine fails, you coast or push it to the side of the road.
When a flying car engine fails, the side of a road is 150 meters below.
The towing thing sure solves the parking problem, hahaa.
WIdth and parking are problems, sure.
Weight and power are bigger problems.
Driver proficiency is even worse: people have trouble managing speed and position in a two dimensional space. Imagine that in 3D.
And how about keeping them inside their lanes?
What about emergencies? We train pilots for ages and weed them out and still pilot error keeps happening. What will happend with a million half-cooked pilots going around?
You need two things - even if you solve the problem of weight, power, size and aerodynamics:
- infalible AIs to keep it safe
- passive antigravity - meaning you should battle it to get to the ground, not maintain it to keep altitude.
- 需要可靠数据保持安全
1/2/2016 9:20 AM GMT+0800
Potential problems:
1. Cost. Even a 1948 Cessna 140 is pulling $25,000 on Trade-a-plane. A more reasonable 172 runs about 70K.
2. Weight. An empty Cessna 172 runs 1700 lbs. Max weight is about 2400 lbs. That includes luggage, passengers and fuel. This is not your average pickup truck, or even SUV in terms of carrying capacity.
3. Size: Wingspan of 36 feet. That's standard 12 foot lanes.
4. Complexity: As you do more things it gets more complicated. And does each task less well. Compare a steak knife to a leatherman tool. Complexity adds weight, or requires more engineering, materials of higher strength per pound (and more bucks)
1.成本 一架1948年的塞斯纳140要价2.5万美元,而一架好的172要价7万美元。
2.重量 一家空的塞斯纳172重达1700磅。加上背包,乘客,燃料最大载重是2400磅 你的皮卡或者是suv的载货能力都要比它好。
4.复杂:操作越多越复杂 要兼顾每一项操作将牛排刀和莱瑟曼切肉工具进行比较复杂性增加了载重抑或需要更多的技术和更高强度的材料(更多的钱)。
Barbara T.
12/31/2015 11:24 PM GMT+0800
Since we already limited drones, why would anyone think America needs Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? How many people would pass that flying car driving test? Airspace traffic and overhead congestion do not sound inviting.
12/31/2015 11:11 PM GMT+0800
Too heavy and too much energy to lift and fly. Too expensive. If they were able to design a flying car, the traffic in the skies not to mention weather problems would be extremely complicated situations to resolve. Maybe a 22nd century idea. Need a quantum jump in energy.
太重而且飞行(距离)有限 ,太贵。要是他们有能力设计出一款飞行汽车,天上的交通更别提天气问题将很难解决。这或许是22世纪的想法。需要能源上的巨大突破。
12/31/2015 11:09 PM GMT+0800
It strikes me that there is a fundamental incompatibility between the infrastructure required for supporting air travel and the optimum use of a car and an airplane. What an airplane does best is fast transit: high speeds over straight lines. What a car does best is the provision of specific point to specific point travel. The sorts of car/planes proposed above are all fixed wing designs: they will all require an infrastructure of air fields. This infrastructure already exists—that’s not the problem. The problem is that these sorts of designs will never provide for flying from a specific destination to a specific destination: they will require a take-off and a landing air field between origin and destination.You might, of course, be able to drive to the take-off airport and drive from the landing airport . . . but how is that better than what we have now: a cab to the first airport and a rental car from the second airport? Personally, I’ll wait for teleportation.
12/31/2015 10:50 PM GMT+0800
Same design problem as for boat / car concepts: tradeoffs required to do both means it does neither well.
Anyone who can afford a car / plane would probably opt for a good car and a good plane rather than a hobbled combination.
12/31/2015 10:06 PM GMT+0800
Yeah, because adding a third dimension and infinitely variable directions of travel will really be spectacular to watch - on the 4th of July.
12/31/2015 9:58 PM GMT+0800
You forgot the most obvious problem with flying cars...plenty of people drive like morons to begin with...and you want to put them in vehicles that fly?
1/3/2016 4:56 AM GMT+0800
Fortunately there's a lot more required to learn to fly than to drive a car. And planes are a lot less forgiving to stupid actions. I think it wouldn't take too long before the problem solves itself.
Unfortunately, people on the ground are liable to get hurt or killed in the process.
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