Digital payments widen gap with ATM withdrawals数字支付与ATM取款的差距扩大 BENGALURU: There are early signs tha
华零落成诗 2020-07-26 阅读(85)
View: India’s economy is ailing from more than Covid-19观点:印度经济不景气不仅仅是受新冠疫情影响 According to the
红尘多变 2020-07-04 阅读(141)
India returning to normal business activity; consumption, demand rising: PM Modi莫迪:印度经济活动恢复正常,消费需求上
爱情 2020-06-24 阅读(59)
Green shoots of economy visible, unlocking to continue: PM to CMs莫迪对各首席部长表示:经济复苏迹象显现,解封继续 NEW DELHI
应笑我 2020-06-20 阅读(140)
How India's Economy Will Overtake The U.S. By 2050印度经济将如何在2050年之前超过美国经济以下是美国youtube网友的评论:DOOK_NUKEM_
入戏太深 2020-06-20 阅读(237)
India's economy to contract by 3.2% in fiscal year 2020-21: World Bank世界银行:印度经济将在2020-2021财年萎缩3.2%
没有小新 2020-06-12 阅读(121)
Guardians of the world economy stagger from rescue to recovery世界各国政府和央行正从救援模式转向复苏模式 The world&rsquo
普通小姐 2020-06-09 阅读(70)
Jan-March expansion at 40 quarter low of 3.1%, 2019-20 GDP growth at 11-year low of 4.2%印度1- 3月经济增速
你真难懂 2020-06-03 阅读(52)
China got independence after Indian independence and developed more than India. What is the success
天剑一决 2020-05-25 阅读(248)
After 41 years, RBI sees GDP shrinking印度储备银行:印度经济预计将出现近41年来的首次萎缩NEW DELHI: The Indian economy is exp
再回首 2020-05-25 阅读(43)
PM Narendra Modi raises stimulus size to 10% of GDP莫迪总理宣布经济刺激计划,金额相当于印度GDP的10% NEW DELHI: Prime Min
舍得放手 2020-05-18 阅读(55)
Tough road ahead, economy gears up for limited restart前路艰难,印度准备逐步重启经济活动 NEW DELHI: Several key sect
泪两行 2020-04-24 阅读(102)
Raghuram Rajan urges govt to invite experts to deal with economic impact of Covid-19拉古拉姆·拉詹敦
月光傾城 2020-04-10 阅读(66)
Making India $5 trillion economy challenging but achievable: PM Modi莫迪总理:印度5万亿美元的经济目标具有挑战,但可以实现NEW D
没有小新 2019-06-22 阅读(405)
World Bank retains India's growth rate for FY19-20 at 7.5%世界银行预测印度2019-20财年经济增长率为7.5%,与此前预期保持一致 WAS
情所困 2019-06-07 阅读(197)
Economy may have slowed in 2018-19: Finance ministry report印度财政部报告称,2018-2019财年经济增长或已放缓 NEW DELHI:
为你停留 2019-05-05 阅读(219)
Exports hit record in FY19, surpass earlier FY14 peak19财年出口额创历史新高,超过14财年峰值NEW DELHI: Despite single
唯一 2019-04-18 阅读(157)
RBI Governor says India's economy needs to grow even faster印度央行行长表示,印度经济需要更快增长 India’s centra
爱情 2019-04-16 阅读(193)
India to grow at 7.3% in 2019 and 7.5% in 2020: IMF国际货币基金组织,印度2019年和2020年的经济增长率分别为7.3%和7.5% WASHING
山河永慕 2019-04-12 阅读(143)
India could be a $3 trillion digi economy in the next 4-5 years:Ravi Shankar Prasad未来4-5年,印度会成为3万亿美元
爱情 2019-03-18 阅读(303)
India to remain fastest growing major economy in next decade: Report报告称:未来十年,印度仍将是增长最快的主要经济体India wi
情歌只为你唱 2019-02-25 阅读(180)
India to remain fastest-growing economy in 2019, 2020: UN report联合国报告:印度在2019、2020年仍将是增长最快的经济体NEW DE
感情假象 2019-01-27 阅读(185)
India on way to becoming 5th largest economy in world: PM Modi莫迪总理:印度就要成为世界第五大经济体了NEW DELHI: Prime M
感情假象 2019-01-26 阅读(137)
At 7.2%, India to stay fastest growing economy印度经济增速将达到7.2%,仍是增长最快的经济体 NEW DELHI: In some welcome ne
爱你无解 2019-01-09 阅读(185)
India's robust economic growth to continue in 2019: CIICII:印度强劲的经济增长在2019年将持续NEW DELHI: The country
情所困 2019-01-01 阅读(95)
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