中国正建立它自己的加州理工学院以在创新方面与美国匹敌 [美国媒体]



【Biophysicist Shi Yigong is leading Westlake University’s  preparation team.】

【生物物理学家施一公领导着西湖大学(Westlake University)的准备团队。】


–]ChinaBounder 49 指标 1 天前 
“In 15 years every indicator of our university will be on a par with that of Caltech” Shi said. It “will be regarded as one of the best universities not just in Asia but around the world”.
Sure it will Bub. Especially with things like harmonized internet and ass-backwards visa laws to intice foreign talents into becoming faculty. Protip for Shi: Caltech didn't get to become Caltech by being under a government with a xenophobic attitude towards foreigners.


[–]YouShouldBeWriting 12 指标 23小时前* 
They can do it if and only if pour huge amounts of money create a huge expat bubble similar to SIP in Suzhou and pay big money to attract the best of the best of the best.
Can they do it in theory? Maybe. In practice? No way.

And it is simple why. The best of the best want high quality of life for them and their families feeling of permanency and normalcy and a sociolopolitical  etc that unfortunately cannot offer.


[–]narsfweasels 8 指标 22小时前* 
“feeling of permanency and normalcy and a sociolopolitical environment”
I think that's a very accurate statement my friend. When on every street corner there is a cheerful old uncle shouting "FOREIGNER!" at every non-Chinese passing by then a sense of belonging is most definitely off the cards.


[–]YouShouldBeWriting 8 指标 22小时前* 
It starts from uncle ganbei in the corner shouting "halloooo" and ends up in the government banning shit left and right without a reason (e.g. Tattoos in soccer players) and pushing massive propaganda everywhere.
It's quite depressing actually...


Anyway it is not a simple thing to start a university and attract the best of the best. Caltech evolved naturally etc and has a unique culture that facilitate that innovation etc.. This feels rushed and quite asinine realy.. Who do claims like these without any standing? The claims are laughable by anyone with half a brain.


[–]motnorote 3 指标 22小时前 
This is a really good point you are making. Leaving highly liberal institutions in the west for glorified indoctrination camps that are chinese universities is going to be a tough pill to swallow.


[–]simbunch -2 指标 19小时前 
Wouldn't that be the same as the hick yelling "CHINK!" or "MUSLIM!"? That in and of itself won't discourage immigrants because it's evident that immigrants are always more motivated by money (hence so many immigrant english teachers there). What China lacks it the culture of open thought that is crucial for innovative higher fields of learning.



[–]YouShouldBeWriting 3 指标 8小时前 
High caliber academics are not English teachers. They can get money everywhere. If they come and can only use google on campus cant collaborate cause skype is banned or spotty or whatever see a couple of kids shitting in the sidestreet. You think that they will stay for long here? When they literaly have every institution in the world throwing money etc at them?

These are the people that want/have to attract in order to be the new caltech in 15 years.
Starting a grassroot institution where good young academics (hindex 8-9) are hired with potential etc and supporting and cultivating them takes TIME EFFORT MONEY a CULTURE and an EVIRONMENT most Chinese academic instituions are lacking.
It is not easy to hire the rock stars of academia and is EVEN more difficult to keep them.


[–]simbunch 0 指标 8小时前 
The Google and Skype issues are all related to the lack of an open culture though. The kids shitting in the sidestreet isn't as big an issue as you'd think. I mean just look at New York which is famous for public urination. It still attracts immigrants from everywhere because the monetary incentive is sufficient enough.


[–]YouShouldBeWriting 2 指标 7小时前* 
NY is NY man. It is been in our subconsious as "the big apple" the place to be. Everything happens there. Everyone that is anyone is there etc.
Hangzhou is ... well.. a Chinese city with farmers an emerging middle class and family marts that is polluted to fuck and has some gardens.


And I am making this comparison without taking into account any socio-political issues (e.g. GFW China banning shit left and right) or culture (American VS Chinese) the language (where for the most part no foreigner can communicate with maybe 1% of the population if that) or the academic environemnt/culture of the institutions.
You see now why everyone wants to go to NY? And no-one gives a fuck about Hangzhou?


[–]simbunch 2 指标 7小时前* 
“You see now why everyone wants to go to NY? And noone gives a fuck about Hangzhou?”
Not at all. Lets take Shanghai for example. Will China have another Caltech if they choose to locate it in Shanghai? Of course not because of the before mentioned lack of open thought. Are there spitting and public urination in Shanghai? Of course. And yet immigrants still flock there because "Shanghai is Shanghai man". International companies are still eager to set up in Shanghai simply because of the opportunities and monetary incentives. China as it is attracts immigrants the same way America attracts immigrants. The difference here is specific to institutions of higher learning and related to their culture of uniformity and system of censorship.


[–]YouShouldBeWriting 1 指标 7小时前 
I agree with you.
I made the comparison between Hangzhou and NY to show that even if all is equal NY is way more attractive to high performing academic stars.



[–]L2hopeful 2 指标 7小时前 
I doubt that happens a lot around Caltech.


[–]ChinaBounder 3 指标 18小时前 
I've been to SIP. I was impressed. Impressed that they spent so much effort to do it right but still managed to do it wrong. Don't get me wrong it's much nicer than most areas of even Shanghai. But I can only give them an A for effort C+ for execution.


[–]heronumbertwo 1 指标 18小时前 
Why is it wrong and where did it fail?


[–]ChinaBounder 4 指标 16小时前 
The parts I saw looked like they managed to cross the worst parts of car dependent suburban sprawl with the worst parts of modern Chinese high density housing. Lots of open space between buildings but insufficient parking in the various strip malls that were not readily accessible by foot / streets too narrow to support the amount of traffic I'd expect to see during the daily rush hour plus residential developments with limited ingress / egress points which would make getting into them or out of them a nightmare during the mornings and evenings. Similarly some very nice shopping malls that clearly had been built without considering how placement of driveways into the parking garage would impact street traffic. Take a taxi you say? A serious lack of spots taxi could pull over and pick up or drop off passengers without also blocking traffic. Back to the housing- if you're going to do high density it's better to have retail on the ground floor instead of banishing it to be outside the development walls where you end up walking a couple hundred meters to get at the nearest mini mart. But then that's also a general issue I see with new apartments anywhere in China.

我看到的这些区域就像是依赖汽车出行的郊区的最差地段和现代中国高密度住宅区最差部分的混合。大楼之间有很多开放空间,但是(门前有停车场的)各小型购物中心其停车位却不足,步行路段/街道太过狭窄没法保证我所预期的交通量,日常高峰期再加上住宅开发的有限进/出入口问题使得早晚的出行就像一场噩梦。 一些非常不错的(大型)购物中心也有类似的问题,它们在建设引向停车场的车道前显然是没将不影响街道交通的这点考虑进去。哦,你说做的士?由于缺少能让的士停下车、接或送乘客的停靠点,这也造成了交通堵塞。回到住宅区方面上——如果你要(住) 高密度住宅区,最好选择那些在一楼有零售店而不是那些小区内没零售店,你最后得走个几百米才能到达最近的小型超市的住宅区。但话说回来,这也是我在中国各地新建公寓区里常见的问题。        
[–]bigbosslaowaiBest Korea 2 指标 15小时前 
Fuck the visas man. Submitted mine on 10 jan. Got it back with issue date 12jan 2018 and exp date 25 March 2018. Of course I had to pay more money to get them to fix their mistake. Was meant to be for a year.


[–]simbunch 0 指标 19小时前 
Caltech didn't get to become Caltech by being under a government with a xenophobic attitude towards foreigners.
Nah the US government has traditionally (and consistently) been xenophonic towards foreigners - their actions have never caught up with their rhetoric. Hell their rhetoric has never caught up with their rhetoric.
That's not new but that itself doesn't discourage "Caltech being Caltech". What China lacks is a culture that encourages open thought without consequences. In that they are still far behind.



[–]ChinaBounder 9 指标 18小时前 
Nah the US government has traditionally (and consistently) been xenophonic towards foreigners
So xenophobic that even under the current administration this year tens of thousands of foreigners will be allowed to gain USA citizenship. It's true at times if you're the wrong kind of foreigner you're going to be less welcome than others. Compare this to China where 外国人 are at best tolerated but will never be fully assimilated.


[–]simbunch 0 指标 18小时前 
It's true at times if you're the wrong kind of foreigner you're going to be less welcome than others.
It's the same in China. Assuming you're non-Asian then somebody like me (who looks like them) would definitely be more welcomed and be more assimilated than you since you'd be considered the "wrong kind of foreigner" to them.


China has thousands of years of racial homogeneity heritage though. They did not start off as a diverse nation made up of immigrants. Differences in immigration policy is as much a historical issue as much as a political one.


[–]Jezzdit 9 指标 1 天前 
more like copytec...amirite


[–]impossinatorHong Kong 4 指标 21小时前 
Who the hell is going to teach there that matters?


[–]bigbosslaowaiBest Korea 3 指标 15小时前 
I'd say at least one B class laowai bundled in with the whites face Russians and Ukrainians.


[–]papabear_kr 2 指标 15小时前 
Some news story will tell you that professor xyz of the sip is the next Stephen Hawking


[–]groinbag 2 指标 17小时前 
As a place to funnel stolen tech through I'm sure it'll be a roaring success.

