hina's first aircraft carrier, which was renovated from an old aircraft carrier that China bought from Ukraine in 1998, is seen docked at Dalian Port, in Dalian, Liaoning province September 22, 2012.
By 2030, China will be such an unquestioned superpower that the South China Sea will be nothing more than a "Chinese lake," the Center for Strategic and International Studies writes in a new report. China's dominance in the region is due to Beijing's projected continual development of aircraft carrier groups and the People Liberation Army's focus on expanding its ability to operate overseas.
Citing a Chinese white paper, CSIS notes that "the PLA in the near future will be operating well beyond the First Island Chain and into the Indian Ocean ... The call for the PLA to adopt this expanded mission set is of greatest concern to the United States, as it will gradually extend the reach of the PLA and emphasize 'nontraditional security operations.'"
Michael 3 hours ago
It's an absolute disgrace that the USA, and the rest of the World have invested so heavily in manufacturing in China that they now have the money to possibly build up this kind of military power! I worked in China for over 6 years. They are smiling Tigers. They seem so nice and friendly. But they are not. They are a country of Cheaters and Stealers. I once saw a local Engineer in Shanghai who worked for the Volkswagen and Audi Factory, open his own Factory, and try to COPY an Audi. Unbelievable. So people think it's such a great country. And it's a total JOKE!!
Steven 1 hour ago
And if any body remembers, China has never fought a modern navel battle in 2000 years. and the is no way, they will will have any idea, whats is ex spected of them, and their reaction, will be to run a way like scurried rats in battle. Their ships will be destroyed, They do not have the a billity to re supply a sea, during battle. It will be another Mariannna's Turkery Shoot. for the 2nd time. China will sue for peace. The war planes will be slaughtered, and their missile defense systems, over whelmed.
Chol 3 hours ago
Since China's domestic economy is tanking, they may not be able to sustain a large defense
industrial complex without imploding.
ey02kdv98 2 hours ago
The fact that even the Chinese cannot manufacture their own aircraft carrier and must rely on old hulks from Ukraine calls into question their commitment to securing the South China Sea region for themselves. All the bluster and saber rattling is just that - empty threats backed up by really nothing much. Like the Fire Breathing Dragon in Chinese folklore, they look and sound formidable, until you realize that they don't really exist.
Pepe 4 hours ago
@Jeremy Bender.You are entitled to any opinion but you are wrong. We learned the lesson last 2nd world war with Hitler and Emperor Hirohito, the famous INFAMY at Pearl harbor, the Battle of Midway, the storming of Normandy, Utah and beaches in France, the freeing of France from German army, the famous Battle in Berlin. We are not allowing that to happen again. We do not want anyrepeat of that.While it's too early, the U.S. and it's Allies will gradually cut the hands andfeet of that monster that will initiate such gloomy prediction
@eremy Bender。你有权提出任何意见但是你说的都是错的。我们从和希特勒于裕仁天皇的二战吸取了经验,珍珠港事件的耻辱,中途岛海战,诺曼底登陆,犹他和法国的海滩,从德国军队中解放,着名的柏林市战役。我们不允许这样的事再发生。不像再重复这样的事。虽然现在还太早,但是如果这个魔鬼表现出为所欲为的趋势的话,美国及其盟友会将其扼杀在摇篮之中。
James 4 hours ago
It never stops to amaze me how so many under estimate China. Not now, but in the future they will have the ability to deny the U.S. Navy access to that area. They have quality long range anti ship weapons that are land base. Soon the will have them by the 1000's. They have hacked our military and defense contractors and build their weapons to counter ours. We really need to stop thinking they are not capable of developing a powerful military and realize that technology is no longer exclusive to only the West. They do not need to have in technology, they only need to have mast amounts of good enough technology. In the future we will find out that indeed they are ahead in some technology simply due to the fact that they have the money and will to invest in R&R all along hacking to keep cost down and have up to date information. With this they will produce very large stockpiles of anti ship missiles that will deny access. They aim not to attack
us in our waters, but to deny us access over there.
MichaelC 4 hours ago
China better think twice about trying to dominate or hegemonize the South China Sea's! China does not want to be drag into a conflict that is drawn out for what could be a long battle with several countries like Philippines, Vietnam who are the most vocal and with the support of the United States and other western allies! A drawn out battle with sporadic attacks can only frustrate China! The advantage is that these smaller countries can use guerrilla type warfare tactics knowing that China will not use a nuke because if it does China knows what the consequences will be! Maybe China needs to be drawn out in a war like that to deplete its cash reserves and resources!
ert_medic 3 hours ago
Modern Chinese aircraft carrier? Is this article referring to the decommissioned soviet-era
Russian aircraft carrier China bought and is now trying to reverse engineer?
Randall 2 hours ago
It takes a lot more then building an aircraft carriers, to become a super power. Russia has Aircraft Carrier, And they have proven how incompetent they are.
Xi Jinping 5 hours ago
chicom will kill mother nature
As Always 3 hours ago
Years ago, China proclaimed she will not build aircraft carriers because they do not meddle into other countries' business like what USA is doing.
udon't kn jk 5 hours ago
14 more years China will own the seas n islands and japan/philippines/usa can keep watch and cheer... nothing will stop china ...
再过14年,中国将拥有海洋和岛屿,而日本/菲律宾/美国就能接着围观并喝彩了... 没什么能拦住中国 ...
Jone Doe JR 4 hours ago
In 2030 China will be deep $hit because half their population will be old due to the one child policy, their economy will decline due to lack of young workfoce, they will have polluted their country beyond repair, military posturing is just a front to maintain control on the population
到2030年中国就会摔个狗吃屎(deep shit,俚语,表示陷入巨大的麻烦之中),因为在一胎政策的作用下他们将有一半的老龄人口,在年轻劳力的短缺下他们的经济将会衰退;他们的污染已经无法修复,其军事姿态仅仅是为了保持对人民的控制。
Scott 4 hours ago
western countries should not try to corner or contain china, this
will only make china to build up their military to stronger to defend themselve.
westway 4 hours ago
We can thank Obama for this.
Duy Nguyen 4 hours ago
The South China Sea is first victim then Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean and next will be The Gulf of Mexico.
J&B 4 hours ago
The earth is not enough. We are our own enemy who put an end to our existent.
JamesInStowOhio 4 hours ago
China's economic growth is not sustainable in the long run, and is already showing signs of coming to an end. In the meantime, Japan should change its constitution and restore much of its former blue water navy as a counterweight to China's naval power for the next couple of decades, which look like a dangerous time. Japan can financially handle it, and the U.S. is not going to significantly expand its naval forces.
David 1 hour ago
it will take China 50 years to match American navel power. than their is 200 + years of American navel experience that they will never match. However, if we get a Democrat president next term, things could get dangerous for us especially if we get another gutless American hating jackass like Obama
WTF123 4 hours ago
Dear Communist China,
Please suck it.
The Rest of the World
请吃瘪, //suck it有强行忍受屈辱的意思,而且是贬义俚语,因此这样译
sinister 5 hours ago
is this world not big enough for all of us to share?
Derek 4 hours ago
Why not make a bio weapon that kills only Chinese people? That would make an army the size of the PLA a nullified fighting force.
John 3 hours ago
The one thing that this article fails to mention. If they're going to turn it into a lake they better get it done before the end of 2016 when our current fearless leader is sent packing. President Trump will be taking a little different approach to what is happening in that part of the world.
Amazing 2 hours ago
It has been Chinese lake since more than a thousand years ago when Chinese merchant ships frequently travelled to Middle East and back.
Henry 2 hours ago
You can thank all the wall street traitors that sent our tax paying jobs to China. You know the ones that Bought up viable companies using the assets of the companies to get loans from the #$%$ wall street Bankers, putting massive debt on the books and then harvesting the companies like a past Presidential candidate did to get rich. I hope that China destroys any naval force that dares to challenge it in the area.
Vic 4 hours ago
China will think 365 days of agony, whether or not to hegemonize and control South China Sea, under USA new president..... Donald Trump.
minh_70_chia_2 55 minutes ago
EVIL BULLY communist china has NO right to flights into neighbor's airspace. Vietnam to defend father land needs support from the WEST and also from Overseas-Vietnamese around the world. The time for Vietnam to SPILL-OFF EVIL communism SKIN to join the WEST, The Freedom Side BEFORE too late to defend against EVIL BULLY communist china. Vietnam East Sea and Islands will NOT Steal by EVIL china force and This Is How EVIL china Steals From Vietnam
Native 4 hours ago
"Why send American boys thousands of miles away for what Asian should do for themselves" LJB. Don't need anymore American Emperalism.
注:Lyndon B. Johnson,美国第36任总统,任内进行了经济改革,扩大了越战,并武装干涉了多米尼加共和国。引用的这句话原句是We are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves. 出自LBJ的竞选时的宣言。当时另一位总统候选人Goldwater奉行激烈的对外政策,主张对中国援越路线进行核子打击并视苏联为敌人。因此LBJ以这句话表明了自己的相对更加和平的领导人,并以此争取到了美国中间派的支持——这与他后来扩大越战形成了鲜明对比。
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...