好莱坞多样化问题上的白人隐慢都是中国的错 [美国媒体]

别出声夏洛特,Bill Maher要表现白人隐慢了。这位深夜节目《Bill Maher实时秀》的主持人说,好莱坞的多样化问题是亚洲人的错。Maher在他HBO的节目中说:“黑幕是,许多电影制作时都瞄准了海外市场,而亚洲人真的是种族主义者。”

Bill Maher Whitesplains Hollywood’s Diversity Problem: It’s China’s Fault

Bill Maher在好莱坞多样化问题上的白人隐慢:都是中国的错!

by Greg Evans
January 23, 2016 6:17am


Bill Maher(左)和Seth MacFarlane在节目中

Hush, hush now Charlotte, Bill Maher has some whitesplaining to do. Hollywood’s diversity problem, said the host on last night’s Real Time With Bill Maher, is the Asians’ fault. “The dirty little secret,” Maher said on his HBO show, “is most movies are made now with an eye to the foreign market, and Asians really are racist.”

别出声夏洛特,Bill Maher要表现白人隐慢了。这位深夜节目《Bill Maher实时秀》的主持人说,好莱坞的多样化问题是亚洲人的错。Maher在他HBO的节目中说:“黑幕是,许多电影制作时都瞄准了海外市场,而亚洲人真的是种族主义者。”

When his guests, including Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane and Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FLA), reacted with surprise, Maher doubled down. “I’m just honest. They don’t want to see black people generally in their movies. The Hollywood executives are, like, ‘We’re not racist, we just have to pretend to be racists because we’re capitalists. We want to sell our movies in China (and) they don’t like Kevin Hart.’ ”

他的嘉宾,包括《恶搞之家》主创Seth MacFarlane和佛罗里达州民主党众议员Alan Grayson等都对此很惊讶。Maher还加了码:“我只是实话实说。他们不想在电影中看到大量黑人。好莱坞制作人的态度就是:‘我们不是种族主义者,而是伪装成种族主义者的资本主义者。我们想在中国卖电影,他们可不喜欢Kevin Hart’。”

Grayson wasn’t having it, saying through a smile, “You just said they’re racist, that makes you racist.”


Maher said that Hollywood is full of “the biggest liberals in the world, people who said they did not see 12 Years a Slave but they still voted for it because they knew it was the best picture.”


MacFarlane, not seeming quite sure whether Maher’s comments were a put-on, summed up the diversity problem with a weak “It’s tricky” before moving on to plug his new album.


Maher’s comments came just hours after the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced its own new rules to encourage diversity. The controversy had erupted when Jada Pinkett Smith and husband Will Smith announced they would boycott this year’s Oscar ceremony to protest the lack of non-Caucasian nominees. In his monologue last night, Maher brought up another city in the news: lead-poisoned Flint, Michigan. “Jada Pinkett says it’s almost as bad as her husband not getting a third Oscar nomination.”

Maher的评论是在美国电影艺术与科学学院宣布了鼓励多样化的新规则数小时后做出的。在Jada Pinkett Smith及其丈夫Will Smith宣布抵制本届奥斯卡典礼以抗议非白人提名过少之后,争论就爆发了。在前一天的开场白中,Maher拉上了另一座城市——正遭受铅污染的密歇根州弗林特市:“Jada Pinkett说那里就和她丈夫没得到第三次奥斯卡提名一样糟糕。”

1、Whitesplain:白人隐慢。白人的隐藏傲慢态度。在Urban Dictionary中,这个词主要用于形容:白人向有色人种解释何为种族主义,并最终显露了自身的种族主义。这个词应该有更好的译法。
2、Hush, hush now Charlotte:这明显是个典故,但具体是什么典故并不确定。1964年有一部心理惊悚片《最毒妇人心》(Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte)。
3、Bill Maher:比尔·马赫。现在国内民间一般称他彪马叔。他的《彪马实时秀》是名声很响的自由主义脱口秀,比乔恩·斯图尔特(囧司徒)的《每日秀》更极端,也更毒舌。
4、Seth MacFarlane:赛斯·麦克法兰。除了《恶搞之家》这部系列卡通,他另一为人熟知的作品是《泰迪熊》系列两部,他是编剧、导演和泰迪熊的配音。他还有一部在国内流传很广的喜剧《西部的一百万种死法》。
5、Kevin Hart:凯文·哈特。近几年上升势头很猛的黑人演员。
6、Jada Pinkett Smith:着名黑人影星威尔·史密斯的夫人。

AJ Benza • on Jan 23, 2016 6:31 am
He’s right. Everything he said. I’m dying to see what comments follow.


TheBigE • on Jan 23, 2016 7:44 am
Yes, because the top Holywood movie in China last year, Furious 7, had a lily-white cast.


Troilus • on Jan 23, 2016 8:26 am
That’s just one exception.


TheBigE • on Jan 23, 2016 10:36 am
Of the top 20 nominated actors/actresses, 3 came from blockbuster films with large international box office. So It’s not exactly cause and effect. He may be right that there are fewer high-profile acting jobs for actors of color, but as noted, Oscar nominees don’t exactly all come from high profile films.


AMC73 • on Jan 24, 2016 1:57 pm
Exactly. I don’t totally disagree with him. The business is international and white is the standard face that I guess people of different races relate to more easily than they do to other races… but Oscar movies aren’t all major blockbusters. I really don’t think Hollywood makes Carol, Room in order to make a ton of money or to please the Chinese audience.


shrekgrinch • on Jan 27, 2016 1:52 pm
Technically, they are all ‘just one exception’ when viewed individually.


S • on Jan 23, 2016 8:27 am
China tells studios what their BOs will be before the films even open


Anonymous • on Jan 23, 2016 11:25 am
I just think it’s funny that Bill Maher now has something in common with Donald Trump – he blames China!

我觉得有趣的是,Bill Maher现在和唐纳德·特朗普有共同之处了——都怪中国!

Jared • on Jan 25, 2016 9:24 am
Donald Trump, the candidate of choice for white supremacists, blames China for racism in Hollywood?


Anonymous • on Jan 28, 2016 12:22 pm
You should tune into the debates sometime. Bill Maher blames them for why the studios don’t cast people of color, Donald Trump blames them for hollowing out America’s manufacturing base. Both are partially right and partially wrong.

可以让辩论嘛。Bill Maher因为制片厂不给有色演员机会怪他们,唐纳德·特朗普因为空洞化美国的制造业怪他们。都对错各半。

maydoy • on Jan 23, 2016 12:30 pm
So America’s racism is being blamed on China? Can you get any entitled male whiter? Know what dude, we’ve been doing fine all by ourselves.


Anonymous • on Jan 23, 2016 1:35 pm
He has a bit of a point. The Sony email scandal a tually revealed this….

Jesus H. Christ (@JConabicycle) • on Jan 24, 2016 3:43 am
Noooo….I think what he is saying is that Americans (who may or may not be racist, but who are capitalists) are tailoring their product to appeal to Chinese TASTES–and some of those ‘tastes’ may be a preference for pale people in heroic, comedic and romantic roles. In Action parts, they’ll accept more diversity. It’s a business decision that involves supporting racist casting for economic reasons. The Chinese shouldn’t be “blamed.” The thing to do, though, is integrate those casts and force them to deal with it. Familiarity breeds….well, familiarity.


jr565 • on Jan 24, 2016 11:12 am
But they are not really doing that. You can find plenty of movies with black actors that are going to china. Think ride along, or ride along 2. Kevin Hart has been in how many movies in past few years for example.

但他们不是这样的。你能在中国市场上找到很多黑人演员的电影,比如Kevin Hart在过去几年的影片《佐州自救兄弟》和《佐州自救兄弟2》。

Anonymous • on Jan 24, 2016 2:35 pm
Except that’s not true. Ride Along and Ride Along 2 did not open in China. In fact, Kevin Hart has never had a movie open in China.
If you need further proof, look at Disney’s poster for Star Wars VII.

并非如此。《佐州自救兄弟》和《佐州自救兄弟2》没有在中国上映。Kevin Hart其实没有任何一部影片在中国上映。

Noir • on Jan 27, 2016 4:20 am
Nonsense. If all these movies need to cater to Asian audiences, then why aren’t there MORE ASIANS in movies?


AC • on Jan 23, 2016 6:34 am
It’s not just China, there are other countries where films featuring black leads don’t do as well, either.


Paul Gibbons • on Jan 23, 2016 7:13 am
Eastern Europe springs to mind when you say that.


Anonymous • on Jan 23, 2016 7:58 am
Maybe I’m missing something, but wasn’t Furious 7 their biggest hit ever? Doesn’t that movie have a black cast?


Derek • on Jan 23, 2016 10:29 am
No. That film has two Black people in it. Or what foreign would consider Black. In minor, comic roles.
Did you see the Chinese trailer and poster for The Force Awakens. Basically, what they did, was make Finn smaller.


Ken Conrad • on Jan 23, 2016 11:42 am
Derek, using the same old tactic of explaining away the racial makeup of cast doesn’t work.
Jaden Smith’s Karate Kid did just fine in China BTW. BERY few films with black leads make it to China and those that do suffer from the typical problem white films that go to China do: they don’t translate culturally.
This is why studios want the stuff that Marvel, michael bay and JJ Abrams do, because foreign audiences can understand them without having to know english or american culture. Please learn what the foreign market wants before giving asinine opinions based on your own racial biases.
And just for your information Furious 7 had a cast of 3 black men (Tyrese, Ludacris and Djimo Honsou) and 2 black-biracials (Dwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel) 3 if you count the girl who played Ramsey.
And while I’ve never seen trailers for Chinese-import movies (and suspect you haven’t either) they don’t change the content of the film, so Finn, the black male lead hasn’t hurt Star Wars box-office in China.
Sorry, but nobody else shares your psychopathic hatred of black people. Get counseling.

顺便说一下,Jaden Smith(译注:威尔·史密斯的儿子)的《功夫梦》在中国成绩就不错。很少有黑人主演的影片能在中国上映,即便有,也饱受白人影片所遭遇的同样困境:非文学性的翻译。
我还要告诉你,《速度与激情7》有3位黑人演员(Tyrese、Ludacris和Djimo Honsou),2名黑白混血的(Dwayne Johnson和Vin Diesel),如果算上演Ramsey的那女孩就是3名。

Carlos • on Jan 23, 2016 12:19 pm
“Jaden Smith’s Karate Kid did just fine in China BTW”
Couldn’t just walked by without LOLing, at notion that Karate Kid in China was a Jaden Smith’s movie.

“Jaden Smith的《功夫梦》在中国成绩就不错”
走过路过,不能不笑过。《功夫梦》在中国竟然是Jaden Smith的影片。

Derek • on Jan 23, 2016 2:23 pm
Can I take your personal attacks as lack of arguments?
Karate Kid was a movie set in China, starring Jackie Chan, a chinese mega-star.
You make no sense.


Anonymous • on Jan 23, 2016 6:42 pm
Dude you are pathetic.


tikkanen10 • on Jan 23, 2016 6:38 am
Liberal Hollywood was whitewashed (and underpaying women) long before China became a viable film market.


Anonymous • on Jan 23, 2016 7:37 am
You’re an idiot.
When the academy was founded the country was 90 percent white and continued until 1960’s when welfare was introduced by pres. Johnson.
Most current executives are old enough that they were born and grew up in the all white culture.


Alex • on Jan 23, 2016 6:49 am
China has bee banned “Deadpool”, not many black people in that flick.


Anonymous • on Jan 23, 2016 7:08 am
China doesnt care much for dialogue either. What they like are explosions and special effects


Chet Manley • on Jan 23, 2016 9:41 am
Well, they did invent fireworks after all. They must be huge Michael Bay fans.


Truth Sayer • on Jan 23, 2016 7:11 am
Not just China but many major countries are deeply racist. This is a black hating planet. I find the whole thing incredibly bizarre.


Rob • on Jan 23, 2016 7:50 am
Cause the rest of the world is not a nonracist utopia that falls within your PC education’s definition of them.


Maryann • on Jan 23, 2016 7:28 am
Identifying a foreign market as racist doesn’t make Maher racist. What’s wrong with Grayson?


Rob • on Jan 23, 2016 7:53 am
Cause pointing out the sins of nonwhites makes the whites the real sinners.


AAA • on Jan 23, 2016 8:00 am
Careful now, PC police behind a corner.


Anonymous • on Jan 23, 2016 7:37 am
Honesty!? There is no place for that in todays society.


ANONYMOUS • on Jan 23, 2016 7:44 am
His argument fails when you remember that China’s government controls any outside media allowed in its country. You can’t say “it’s China’s fault!” when Chinese citizens can’t even choose what they want to consume. They only choose between what their government allows them.
It also goes out the window when Furious 7 did huge business there and it had the most diverse cast of the year AND Straight Outta Compton did well in China.
So what’s the next excuse Hollywood can come up with?


Dragnet • on Jan 23, 2016 8:29 am
What about Korea and Japan? Vietnam and the Philippines? Maher didn’t specify China.


deej • on Jan 23, 2016 10:11 am
Maher’s a cretin. It’s all the same to him. He conflates second generation Asian Americans with farmers in northern China, and probably thinks Jeremy Lin can’t speak English. I attribute it to his age and weed.


HM • on Jan 23, 2016 9:48 am
Straight Outta Compton wasn’t even released in China


Anonymous • on Jan 23, 2016 10:22 am
Straight Outta Compton was given a digital/ppv release in China and Korea.


maydoy • on Jan 23, 2016 12:36 pm
But it was made, right? It was a huge success right? Who is not going to make that movie because it may not play as well in China? It’s a strawman argument.


Lisa Douglas • on Jan 23, 2016 5:11 pm
The Chinese box office has recently become a huge concern. In listening to The Frame talk about The Force Awakens, they discussed the fact that the original three Star Wars (and maybe the later three?) were never released there, so the marketers had a big job to do to stir up interest.
Because a bit of PR/implied endorsement in China goes a LONG way, that market is both tricky and a cash cow worth the effort.

中国的票房已经是个重要因素了。在《The Frame》(译注:南加州数字电台)中听他们谈《原力觉醒》,他们谈到星战的最初三部(可能还有前传三部?)从未在中国上映,所以激起市场的兴趣需要大量工作。