白宫指责中国在台湾问题上“奥威尔式胡言乱语” [美国媒体]


Trump White House accuses China of 'Orwellian nonsense' over Taiwan references


I swear if Trump manages to get the regime to reform after this shit in Korea my head is going to explode.


It'll be interesting to see how China reacts. I'd expect them to avoid making a bigger fuss out of this issue as they seem to be testing the waters for how much they can get away with while bullying individual companies, but the wording of this statement might trigger a few CCP officials. I'd imagine foreign countries calling out the "Orwellian nonsense" going on in China would feel like an existential threat to them.


They would have to get on wikipedia to look up the reference if they don't understand it. If it's not blocked that is.


Let's face it: EVERYTHING feels like an existential threat to the PRC shitbags. They are in fact an existential threat to the rest of the world, and must be stopped at all costs.


Everything is an existential threat to them. Which makes sense, because they are terrible, and should not exist, and they know it.


Let's face it though, countries that support terrorism and threatens nuclear strikes against other countries (north Korea for example, though there are others), are far more of a threat to the world. The leadership in China has issues but all things are relative. They promote trade, even if unfairly, is better than threats of violence and war.


North Korea isn't the second largest economy in the world with the largest standing army. That's the key difference, not that China has the worst government, but that have a bad government and they are very powerful.


Thanks for taking your time responding and making a rationale argument. We all don't have to agree but it's good to be polite and open to opinions instead of just creating an echo chamber.


All things are relative, but dictatorship is dictatorship.


You know that China has been supporting North Korea's existance, right? As well as supporting many other dodgy regimes for their own economic benefit? The US does the latter too, but at least they do things with an originally ethical aim, even if it gets twisted beyond recognition. China on the other hand does not care about how the rest of the world does at all, and only cares about its own short term benefit, and will play a zero sum game to deprive others while enriching themselves, which is rather short sighted for such a powerful country.


If you want to rule the world, you have to ensure that there is a world left to rule when you are at the top, don't you? Doesn't seem like China really has a grasp of that concept yet, or worse still, they could care less about other countries and see their actions as beneficial to world order by suppressing other countries/entities until they fizzle out and die off, like what they are doing to Tibet and the Chinese Muslims. All this means that China is not beneficial for the world the way they are functioning on the world stage as of now.


Ethical aim? Vietnam, Iraq? Have we lived through the same time line? How delusional are you???


Like I said, originally ethical aims twisted beyond recognition. I am not saying what they did was ethical at all. The problem is that China does not even try to be ethical. Please try to read and understand my meaning before shooting off.


My point: they didn‘t do any of it with ethical aims. They might use talking points to justify their wars. That’s about it.


I think that is a subjective view of US foreign policy. As a non-partisan observer not from the States, the US has at least built frameworks that were in the general interest of the world. They pushed for democratic governments because they felt that it was the better form of government in many parts of the world, war or not. Of course the wars were mostly decisions made to further the US' own benefit, there are many other instances in which the US has acted altruistically because there is a drive from the people to act that way, and the government carries the wishes of the people who run it out.


It seems to me that not as many decisions made by the US were made just for their benefit, or at least not just for the short term, as compared to what China has been doing. War is also not the be all and end all of foreign policy, and just because China has not waged as many wars does not mean it cannot wreck the world through other means.


Their policies in Africa could be interpreded in a similar fashion. Only that China doesn‘t care much about the form of government when it does make business with other countries. And for me the US seem to often just care about democracy when it fitted their purpose and when it would bring the right people into power... China not messing in other countries affairs seems to come with lots of benefits fir them and world stability as a whole.


Have you read about what the Chinese are actually doing in Africa? On the surface, yes that seems like what they are doing, but over the past few years it has become more and more apparent that China is giving out "aid" in the form of loans to assets they know are unproductive or they can make unproductive by not giving it business so that the governments cannot pay the loans and have to hand over the assets, many strategic like shipyards and land parcels, as part of the terms of the loan. Otherwise they give out high interest loans to weak governments and bleed the countries dry because the government officials only care about a new source of cash in the short run while they are in office. China has managed to work aid into a muscular foreign policy tool precisely because they care not about how other counried fair in the long run, unlike how the West has done things, which is to go through the UN conventions on foreign aid guidelines to ensure that the aid means certain standards, which prevents aid from being used unethically like how China does.


Go look up the cases of Sri Lanka, Djibouti and Greece, in which they have taken over the key ports, possibly to use as covert military bases. Tell me again how this sort of muscular foreign policy is good for world stability? Maybe the world does become stable when every country is under China's thumb as a tributary state to China, but I am quite sure the countries which succumb will disagree with your definition of beneficial foreign policy.


Compared to the U.S. the PRC in a haven of stability, cooperation, peace and shared prosperity. They are doing just fine.


Yeah, right. Stability with the constant threat of imprisonment for not only any Chinese, but every member of their family, if they dare to peacefully differ with the PRC. You are either a complete idiot who has never been to China, or a Wumao with a fake name.


Very aggressive statement.But I get it: you hate the party and think you ( and or the west) are superior. You can peacefully differ like half of the population all you want here, you just dont want to openly protest or do stupid things. Not sure if the first would really get you arrested though. I was out with Chinese who jelled in restaurant that they hate the party...


Yep can say it in a restaurant. Try to take it any further and ask for humanitarian treatment? For example, look at all the women who have been arrested, harassed, or threatened lately for saying they shouldn't be raped. Just one example of dozens I could cite about your glorious, harmonious paradise.


Why do you even change the subject. The initial point was about Chinas behavior toward the word. I also don‘t know about what you are talking right now.


Nope. Your initial point was "China is awesome!"


Read again.


Can you give me a link to the rape thing you talked about.


Google is your friend.


So you have nothing? You don‘t seem to have all too much attention arguments at all.


Google it you stupid cow! I'm not going to do the work for you. Moron.


Don't be mean to Toni. Toni is having a rough time lately, this is her time of the month, and the sheets were so messy this morning.
http://www.scmp.com/news/china/s ... hinas-feminist-five
It took all of 5 seconds to find this. Toni needs that 5 seconds to get that gunk out of her navel that builds up everyday she doesn't shower.


So China is great, as long as you don’t do anything silly like protest against the government?


Stability with the constant threat of imprisonment for not only any Chinese, but every member of their family, if they dare to peacefully differ with the PRC.
Did he stutter? Stability is most easily achieved by quashing dissent. Doesn't make it a good thing, but it is reasonably predictable, which is important in geopolitics.


Just curious how you seem to know so much about the US. Are you American? Are you living in America right now? Because I’m telling you, it’s not some sort of dystopian wasteland, despite what you might have read online.


Check his post history, seems like he is simply a rather biased American left wing zealot who can only see the flaws in his own country.

