中国因错误处决而惩罚27名官员 [美国媒体]




Twenty-seven officials in China have been "penalised" for the wrongful execution of a teenager 20 years ago, state news agency Xinhua reported late Sunday.


Hugjiltu was 18 in 1996 when he was sentenced and put to death for the rape and murder of a woman in the toilet of a textile factory in Hohhot in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region



ick 3 hours ago 
Say what you want about China but they will never be invaded by illegal aliens or live in fear of Muslim terrorists.

Joe 3 hours ago
99.93% conviction rate. In other words you're screwed if the Chinese government charges you with a crime.

FrancisH 3 hours ago
99% conviction rate is a good incentive to shoot it out or run.

Tom 3 hours ago 
Sounds like some of our convictions in the court rooms of the United States. We have had people sentenced to death or life in prison when the police, lawyers, DA's office and sometimes even the judges knew that a person was innocent, but wanted a conviction just to close a case. The only problem here is all of these people are never or hardly ever prosecuted for this type of crime. We could use a change in our laws where they would be held for the death of a person who was wrongfully convicted and sentenced to death or given life sentences by withholding evidence that they were not guilty. This would certainly cut down on this type of behavior by the people who are responsible for the investigation and to bring the truth to the courtroom.



David G 4 hours ago
They recieved administrative penalties including admonitions and record of demerit? Really? That's supposed to be punishment, suppose to appease the parents and family of those executed? All those bloodthirsty sobs should be shot just like many of those that have been executed were and I dare say many were innocent and recieved the death penalty when it wasn't warranted. There have been many miscarriages of justice in that sick, screwed up society.

Major Tom 2 hours ago 
A Cuban, a Japaneze guy, an American and a Mexican are in a boat.
The Cuban pulls out a box of cigars, takes one and throws the rest
in the water. He puffs twice and throws it in the water.
He says, "We have so many cigars in cuba, we can spare a

The Japaneze guy pulls some computer chip out of his pocket and says,
"We produce so many of these, we can spare a few."
The American looks at the Mexican and the Mexican says "Don't even
think about it."



SeanO 1 hour ago 
Red-Chinese Justice is real. No Secret Grand Jury, protecting the 27 Government Officials. The Chinese Citizens enjoy a way less incarceration rate than the USA. Justice is the Primary Duty of a Chinese Prosecutor, wrongful convictions that destroy the citizens trust of government, can mean a death penalty for the prosecutor.

Mav V 1 hour ago 
Does anyone know how many innocent people received the death penalty and were put to death in the about Texas alone.


Since the Innocence Project was established, 156 death row inmates were exonerated.
For every 25 put to death, at least one is innocent. That's a pretty big number. So before we comment about China, let's look in our own house.

Joseph 4 hours ago 
For some reason, the Bush family is absolutely fascinated with the Chinese. Elder Bush was our de facto ambassador during the 1970's, and Georgie Moron went to Peking to attend the Olympics. It was the first time a U.S. president ever traveled outside the country to attend the Olympics. Georgie Moron also borrowed billions of dollars from them to pay for the tax cuts to his rich friends.



Being 4 hours ago 
20 years ago China tortured all death row prisoners, including torturing them in front of large crowds just before shooting them.


K1 6 hours ago 
The endless stupidity of capital punishment, when does people understand


Dave 4 hours ago 
The Chinese have an opportunity to reject the death penalty even without the guidance of a religion based on love and understanding, such as Christianity.

 即使没有建立在爱和宽容之上的宗教的引导,例如基督教, 中国还是有可能取消死刑的。

Andrew 4 hours ago 
honestly, it is a better system than ours.


a child molester gets 5 years. a movie bootlegger gets life, a woman who kills her kid gets community service


Glenn 3 hours ago 
Wow, these seem like nice, honorable folks. Let's send more jobs and build more factories in China. After all, the price of underwear is really the number one concern for everyone. Human life is cheap.



dante 2 hours ago 
it was little too late to undo the injustice for the victim, but at least china acknowledges there is a problem with its judicial system that sometimes does not being fair to some people in china. after 20 years, somebody in china is going to punish for his roles for the wrongful death verdict on an innocent victim shows china’s legal system is improving! never mind china has 1.3 billion people which makes impossible to review all cases for due process, even in the US, few people were wrongfully sentenced for death row for the crimes they did not commit. US government has unlimited legal funding for its inmates to hire the best lawyers and witness experts, while Chinese don’t have such luxury to appeal their cases to be retrial! 


Del 2 hours ago 
If I can’t see my comments and replies to them,in yahoos latest changes downhill,I will go elsewhere to express my opinions. 


bob 4 hours ago 
Lets send all these militia patriots over to China and see how vocal and brave they are. 



Thaddeus 1 hour ago 
If this happened in the USA the officials involved would get a PROMOTION! Don’t believe me? Look up what happens to officials involved in wrongful convictions! 


Matt 4 hours ago 
china has no legal system: just the communist party 


Gary 3 hours ago
And we can’t even punish Hillary who let 4 Americans die in Benghazi 3 1/2 years ago. 


cheeseburger 1 hour ago 
No wonder. Nobody wants to stay in China. 


Truth 3 hours ago 
that happens all the time in the u.s. but no one is held accountable after the fact. 


Ron 2 hours ago 
The 27 officials should have been summarily executed. 


Oyoyo 3 hours ago 
99.93% conviction rate? LMAO!!! That’s impossible unless prosecutors and cops are corrupted. Chixnks are corrupted in and out! 


Thomas 1 hour ago 
what do you expect in a country were the government is your mommy and daddy and you better listen. 


Thomas 4 hours ago 
The problem with punishing 27 Chinese officials is that an hour later, you want to punish 27 more. 


Henry Fong 4 hours ago 
Well you can’t blame them, those Asians all look a like. 



Donnie 1 hour ago 
I notice that many of us Americans are being rather patronizing about the wrongful conviction of a citizen in China but in America many DA's fight tooth and toenail to prevent review of potentially wrongful convictions even to the extent of trying to and in some cases preventing testing of DNA evidence.
Here we do not punish investigators and prosecutors who obtain false convictions. We simply throw money at the wrongfully convicted without any consequences for those who falsely convicted them.
It seems that regarding this issue that justice is better served in China.

Kurt 3 hours ago 
China leads the world in executions and human rights violations.
We need an administration that puts that issue on China's front door. We should not be silent about that issue.

Cyrus 3 hours ago 
rule of you have that china?
