China is buyingup companies around the world at a record rate — and it's great news for WallStreet
Chinesecompanies have been acquiring foreign companies at an unprecedented rate, andwe're likely to see a lot more of it this year.
So far in 2016, General Electric has sold its appliances business toQingdao-based Haier. China's Zoomlion made an unsolicited bid forheavy-lifting-equipment maker Terex Corporation, and property and investmentfirm Dalian Wanda announced a deal to buy a majority stake in Hollywood'sLegendary Entertainment.
On Friday, a Chinese-led investor group announced it would buy the ChicagoStock Exchange. And then there's ChemChina's record-breaking deal for the Swissseeds and pesticides group Syngenta, valued at $48 million according toDealogic.
There have already been 82 Chinese outbound mergers-and-acquisitions dealsannounced this year, amounting to $73 billion in value, according to Dealogic.That's up from 55 deals worth $6.2 billion in the same period last year.
Last year was a record-breaker for Chinese outbound deals, with 607 dealsvalued at $112.5 billion in total. Just over one month into 2016, and China ismore than halfway to breaking that record.
PrentProps Rank 404
Yep, while allthe wing-nuts are foaming at the mouth about Muslims, the Chinese have beensuccessfully "invading" the US for years by buying up every piece ofreal estate the can get their hands on.
surfwatcher Rank 170
Trouble is,they've been printing money and building high rises that nobody lives in justto keep their GDP up. It will eventually come tumbling down, and since theyprop up a lot of our debt, we may as well. You saw what happened here when theyhad trouble just a few weeks ago.
WMeister Rank 289
Culturally,Chinese companies are run very different from US companies. It'd be interestingto see how this all pans out. Almost all of US manufacturing has gone overseasso this will just add to the problem.
postman2 Rank 266
Would you wantto be a US professional working for a Chinese company? At some point, theinvestors would get wind that Americans expect not to work on Saturdays andSundays, that it's normal for US employers to underwrite health insuranceplans, and that the government mandates Social Security contributions,workplace safety, and protection of one's job during a statutory leave. If youroffice weren't slashed outright, half of your colleagues would be, and yourwork life would be made miserable.
surfwatcher Rank 170
Um, you'veobviously not heard that many staffs have already been slashed in half, thework load shifted onto those remaining and their work lives made miserable atnumerous companies here.
godlike Rank 954
Treasonous bigbusiness.
ACC Rank 159
China is buyingus out, what could possibly go wrong?
GrainOfSalt Rank 3584
What’s good forWall Street is awful for Main Street.
Russia was neverreally our enemy. It was all a set-up, put together through collusion betweenthe DoD and the defense community. The worst thing Nixon ever did was opentrade to China…which was his way of sucking up to corporations in the 1970s topull us out of the inflation we were in.
The Americanpeople have been sold a bill of goods for the past 50 years.
Smooth_Criminal Rank 574
@GrainOfSalt Soin other words, you hate global trade and having countries focus on their owncore compentencies? So instead of computer engineers building products likeGoogle we should have them become process engineers designing factories thatmanufacture clothing and the such?
Smooth_Criminal Rank 574
There are manyreasons, the primary reason in the last 10 years is currencysterilization...look it up.
toons Rank 1360
Time to learnMandarin
redwood_baby Rank 22
The US capitalmarkets will cheer communist China on as they buy up US real estate.
Are we ademocracy first, or capitalists first?
simplefarmgirl Rank 588
You know, deepin your heart, the answer to that question. Sadly.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...