《三体2:黑暗森林》最新海外书评之二(2016年至今) [美国媒体]


(书名)The Dark Forest (Remembrance of Earth's Past #2),


译者:Joel Martinsen


1、 五星,2017
Reading a Chinese Sci-Fi trilogy that hasbeen translated to English is new for me. I have completed the first book andstarted the second book. This is a fun series because the characters are allnew to me not only because they are Chinese but because of how they live andthink. So are the twist and turns in this story. As we have all been taught,the Far Eastern mind is quite different from the American mind and thatdefinitely comes through in this series. If you are ready for a good read thatwill expose you to new characters, new ways of thinking AND new Sci-Fi concepts,you should try these books. If the series ends as well as it has gone so far, Iwill buy more Cixin Liu books.


This book is a shattering reply to thosenaive souls who persist in SETI and alien-contact pursuits. The 'Dark ForestTheory' is a serious thought provoking logical analysis of these issues from anunflinching scientific perspective. Although not by name, its implications haverecently been endorsed by Stephen Hawkings. Anyone well versed in sciencefiction will recognize this novel as an outstanding achievement.

Really cool and creative sequel to"Three Body Problem". The selfish, confused, but likable maincharacter was a refreshing change from your run-of-the-mill hero. I never sawthe ending coming, but it truly brought the story to a conclusion, somethingthat so many novels lack.


This is easily the best Science Fictionstory of all time. Cixin Liu's unflinching look at the reality of evolution isfar better than the coverage of evolution in much of Science Fiction today. HisCosmic Sociology is one of the most brilliant ideas that I have heard of in along time and far surpasses the evolutionary speculation that I have read fromlesser authors, as if they don't realize that all their speculation is justdesign dressed up like a cheap ape at the prom. This combined with his ideafrom "Death's End" that differing races will tear the universe apartto survive and then just die after all that they have accomplished is survivalmakes this the hardest of Hard SciFi.
This is real Science Fiction at its best.


THE DARK FOREST is “hard” science fiction,a sub-genre of sci-fi that either sticks closely to facts and/or gives thegreatest semblance of it when creating the technology featured within it. And,just like the first book in the REMEMBRANCE OF EARTH’S PAST trilogy (TheThree-Body Problem), he does this in spades. And, on top of that, his work isfascinating, his characters are realistic and his knack for quick, satisfyingexplanations of technological innovations is simply amazing.


I could not count how often I felt WOW!-edby the author’s refusal to obey the tropes of alien invasion works, by hisstartling innovations at every turn, and by all that he was able to create. Heseems to thrive when he produces an almost impossible-to-solve situation, ANDTHEN somehow solves it. For instance, it’s going to take 400-plus years for theinvading Trisolarians to reach here, but Liu creates sub-atomic “sophons” thesize of a photon of light that are not only able to reach here as quickly aslight, but are also able to observe our actions and in so doing, findsympathetic humans who are happy to see humanity destroyed and correspond withthem.


So how does one defeat these pryingsophon-ic “eyes”? Well, Liu creates the concept of human “Wallfacers”: uniquehumans who will work in total secrecy with unlimited funds in order to come upwith sophisticated strategies to defeat the Trisolarians…. things NO ONE elsecould have come up with. So how do the Trisolarians aim to defeat theWallfacers? And so on, and so on…


THE DARK FOREST is fascinating, deep,unorthodox and compelling, but author Cixin Liu makes you do a little work,too. This is not a book the reader can coast through, and often requires thereader’s attention. While Liu’s brilliance at stretching the boundaries of themind are inspired, these feats of intellect can be a little taxing. Simply put,the reader has to keep up. I think this might be a really good text to read viaKindle, as one can use it to search and recall characters and events mentionedearlier and then let go of for dozens or even hundreds of pages. One must alsobe patient: when waking up from hibernation a character encounters many, manyreferences to a huge event called “the Great Ravine” for quite a while beforean explanation is offered for the term. Another example is a so-called “spell”that central character (and Wallfacer) Luo Ji “casts” that takes anextraordinary amount of time to bear fruit, and the patient reader will berewarded for waiting. But I can certainly see why some readers could befrustrated.


Like author Kim Stanley Robinson, Cixin Liudoesn’t concentrate his fiction upon strong characterization or precisephysical descriptions; but this is not to say there aren’t a few memorablecharacters. I loved Luo Ji, who comes off like a latter day Lt. Columbo, therumpled and clever TV detective played by Peter Falk. But his sprawling workhas no problem using a character one comes to admire – like his policeprotector Da Shi, a man who is so sharp and on the ball that I would entrust mylife to him in a heartbeat – but then Liu can just DROP him when it seems likethe right time. But never fear, important characters abound in this work.

(译注:金·斯坦利·罗宾逊(Kim Stanley Robinson)是当代科幻小说大师,1952年生于美国,多次获得雨果奖和星云奖,有《火星三部曲》、《海岸三部曲》等传世;《神探可伦坡》为70年代热门美剧)

For veteran science fiction readers this isrevelatory. Great new ideas about galactic civilization. Profoundly arrestingcharacters presented with artistic depth rarely seen in our literature. Fornovice readers of science fiction, a warning, you will be disappointed byalmost everything else you ever read in this genre.


The Dark Forest fulfils all the potentialflashed in The Three Body Problem while overcoming its deepest flaws and addingmuch, much more.


And there is more: with "spells"that destroy stars to the indestructible probe, the machines that map minds tospacecrafts that turn on each other, a sharpshooter in vacuum, suicide bomberplans and even guerrilla war militants - this is a book packed with thrills.


An absolute classic.


There is some weirdly simplistic dialogue,and some laughably socialist concepts, like the guy who made Venezuela into asocialist paradise (obviously this was written before the current disaster) butif you can put that aside, the concepts and story are worth it.


The Trisolarians are an advanced race, butprimitive in their honesty, and horrified when they learn that the human mindis capable of deception. In their horror they launch an invasion fleet, andsince they can't lie about it, tell us so. When asked what we can do to try andmake it right, the answer is "Die, please. No offense." Not in thosewords, but that's the gist of it.


Humanity drafts some dudes with huge,bulging brains to come up with plans and strategies to meet the alien fleet andsave the world. These bulging brains are called Wallfacers. Hey, Liu's a littleweak on names, but maybe it sounds cooler in Chinese, instead of in Englishwhere it's a guy who's to afraid to ask a girl to dance. But I digress. One ofthe Wallfacers is the Venezuelan hero, which is appropriate, if you can getSocialism to work without a bunch of people standing in line for toilet paper,defeating advanced aliens should be a walk in the park.


There are large space battles, with somepredictable outcomes, but I'll give Liu a pass, his characters are interesting,and his descriptions are full. While the space battles are predictable (not allof them) there are some great plot twists, and the book as a whole will keepyou up at night.


Written with a sensibility unfamiliar towesterners, this book is like a window into a certain Chinese way of seeing theworld. Not only are the wall facers hard to read, all the human characters are.The author tells us what they do and say but his words generally misdirect.There's always stuff going on under the surface, left unsaid. We are asked toread the novel like a puzzle, not only to discern what humanity will or can dowhen the inevitable confrontation comes but even what the different charactersmean when speaking with one another. Everyone is always fooling others,concealing his or her real thoughts. Perhaps this is a characteristic ofChinese culture where one often masks one's intentions with smiles and bows andindirect remarks.


Cixin Liu's book presents us with a verydark vision not only of human behavior (see the aftermath of the battle withthe Trisolarian probe) but with the nature of the universe and existenceitself. One is reminded of the dark German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer andhis vision of nature as "red in tooth and claw."


Luo Ji's romance with his imaginary/actual lover was hard to get through. I am willing to contemplate multiple theories about the author's motivations for writing it, from satire, to a demonstration of just how self absorbed Luo Ji is, or even cultural differences that are hard to bridge. Whatever the reason it was uncomfortable and I'm sure it will turn many off. Beyond that section of the book this is (just like The Three Body Problem) world class science fiction that raises the bar. Brilliant concepts, well executed that keeps you on your toes start to finish. I loved it.


Brilliant read!! I went through the 3 booksover a week, with the Death's End being the magnificent culmination to the series.


However, all said and done, this series isan awesome ride and every 50 pages. I was astonished at Liu's imagination!There is so much that the book forces you to think about, and our childlikenaivety feels positively dangerous to our survival! And like all great books offiction Death's End forces you to reconsider your beliefs.
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