为什么911让中美免于危险冲突 [美国媒体]

当世贸双塔倒塌时,你在哪里?几个月后,这种问题将引燃因特网和社交媒体,因为美国将将再一次纪念911悲剧 --- 今年是15周年。被911事件造成了戏剧性的冲击,并显然有助于其崛起成为不仅仅是一个大国而是接近超级大国状态的一个国家,不是别的,正是中华人民共和国。


Where were you when the towers fell?


In just a few months' time, such questions will burn up the internet and social media as America once again marks the tragedy that is 9/11—fifteen years ago this year.

仅仅在几个月后,这种问题将引燃因特网和社交媒体,因为美国将将再一次纪念911悲剧 --- 今年是15周年。

And while we tend to think of how the events that day shaped our own lives and our country's global outlook, 9/11 clearly altered the prospects and national security fortunes of many others nations as well—and not just in the Middle East.


One nation that was impacted dramatically by the events of 9/11, and clearly aided in its rise to not only great power but near superpower status, is none other than the People's Republic of China.



I would bet Chinese leaders also remember where they were, but more importantly what they felt on 9/11—an overwhelming sense of relieve and opportunity. In fact, Frank Ching, a prominent journalist who opened the Wall Street Journal's Hong Kong bureau, went so far as to say that from “China's point of view the attacks were a blessing in disguise” (more on Frank in a second).

我打赌中国领导人也记得他们当时在哪,但更重要的是他们对911的感觉 --- 潮水般巨大的放松感和和看到机会的感觉。 事实上,开启华尔街日报香港分部的卓越报人,Frank Ching,甚至竟说“从中国人的视角看攻击是因祸得福”。(随后马上将详细讨论Frank)

Now, I am sure at least some of you are reading the above, scratching your heads in disgust. Who would ever think they could profit in some fashion from such despicable acts? Welcome to the great game known as international politics, where history's pages are filled with examples of one nation's tragedy becoming another's opportunity for power and glory. So let there be no doubt, China was impacted dramatically by the events of 9/11—and for the better.



How you ask? Take a step back for a moment. Before the shocking events of September 11, think back to the other big international event of 2001—that of the U.S.-China standoff during the Hainan Island incident. Relations between the two nations, clearly set to decline as they no longer shared a common foe in the Soviet Union, seemed destined for dark days. As Mr. Ching observed for The Diplomat magazine in 2011:

为什么会这样,你可能会这么问? 把时间往前拨一点。在911的震惊时间发生之前,回想一下另一个2001年的大的国际事件---中美在海南岛撞机事件中的僵局。这两个国家之间的关系显然由于他们不在共享共同的敌人---苏联而走向衰退,看上去注定将经历黑暗的日子。 正如Ching先生于2011年在外交杂志上所看到的:

“Ten days after the crew was returned, Bush decided on a major arms deal for Taiwan. . . the biggest arms package since his father decided in 1992 to sell F-16s to Taiwan.


“China lodged a strong protest against the sale. But days later, Bush, marking his 100th day in office, said in an interview on Good Morning America that the United States would do ‘whatever it took to help Taiwan defend herself' against China—a pledge that went even further than the Taiwan Relations Act.



The author should be commended for at least admitting that it is US who is trying to make China an enemy, not the other around.


Having said that, 9/11 is the result of US reckless policies in Middle East. Americans invade and bomb other countries using manufactured excuse, executing a foreign policy which is centered in its own interest while completely taking no regard to other people's interest. There would be many 9/11 forthcoming, as long as US continues on its current hegemonic way.


As for China, yes, 9/11 gave China much needed breathing space but even if there were no 9/11, China would turn out to be as good as now, as Chinese leadership and the entire nation were focused on improving people's livelihood, unlike American politicians who are more interested in their own pockets using all excuses including bombing, killing or creating chaos and deaths everywhere.


It is no coincidence at all. It is the destiny.



I would to recommend the comment: The author should be commended for at least admitting that it is US who is trying to make China an enemy, not the other around.


I like to recommend a paper that proved it was China who is trying, and has been trying, to make America an enemy of China:
The title of the paper is:我们凭什么反美,我们为什么亲美?, published on February 2, 2016. Its content is full of "we should not make America our enemy".


Readers may vote. Up to date, agreeing votes were 3245, while disagreeing votes were 1339; regardless which number we look at, both show China is, and has been trying to make America China's enemy.


Some readers commented. If we read all the comments, we will find that 95% of readers believe the Chinese rulers cheated people into believing "America is China's enemy". There is even a time in which China started its trying to do so; it was as soon as the Korean war started. The anti-American slogan proves all: Kang Mei Yuan Chao, Bao Jia Wei Guo. Ever since the Korean war, America is written as 美帝, or霉帝.


jealousy gets you killed
let me try to understand you moron. You said the paper was published on 2/2/2016? Are you that stupid clueless idiot? Your uncle Sam has made out both china and russia as her enemy after WWII. Wow, you are a moronic inbred!! know your timing idiot. Now troll along and find more articles that china had made your UNCLE Sam as her enemy prior to WWII. Wow, un-!@#$en believable how the CIA nickel armies just have no clue!!!

 让我试试理解你这个白痴吧。你说那文章是2016年2月2日发表的? 你是愚蠢的那种程度的无脑呆逼吗? 你的山姆大叔在二战后已经做出把中国和俄国都当作敌人的事情。哇哦,你这个近亲交配出来的低能儿! 看看你的时间顺序吧,傻瓜。现在继续喷和找更多的说中国在二战前就已经把山姆大叔当成他的敌人的文章去吧。哇哦,难以置信CIA的5美分水军简直一窍不通。

shiva the destroyer
Neither China nor USA is a Saint
China isn't making foes with USA cos she cant....too weak for that
USA on the other hand cannot digest the rise of an Asian nation



ha ha ha -- you funny man .
Next time America goes up against China ( already lost twice -- N, Korea + Vietnam ?? !! ) -- it will be for all the marbles == my money is on China again.
Kill 400 million americans -- take the land .

哈哈哈 ---你这个逗逼。
 下一次美国起来反对中国(已经失败两次了---北朝鲜+越南)时,将是全部身家的孤注一掷 == 我还是下注在中国这边。
杀光4亿美国佬 -- 占领美国。

"Sammy Dean" I love it. LOL. Was that name out of a hat or computer generated?

 "Sammy Dean" 我喜欢。笑尿。 那名字是随意取的还是电脑生成的?

how are u gonna kill 400 million americans when there is only over 300 million. and remind me when did america lose to china in vietnam and korea

只有3亿多美国佬,你怎么能杀4亿 ? 请提醒我啥时候美国在越南和朝鲜输给中国了?

He used Common Core math.

Frank Blangeard
The United States is projected to reach 400 million by 2051.


Under these circumstances and in response to Hanoi's requests, China offered substantial military aid to Vietnam before 1963. According to one highly reliable Chinese source, during the
1956-63 period, China's military aid to Vietnam totaled 320 million yuan. China's arms shipments to Vietnam included 270,000
guns, over 10,000 piece of artillery, 200 million bullets of different types, 2.02 million artillery shells, 15,000 wire transmitters, 5,000 radio transmitters, over 1,000 trucks, 15 planes, 28 naval vessels, and 1.18 million sets of military uniforms

