在中国大陆的施压下,台湾在一个月内失去了第二个盟友,台湾称不会畏缩 [美国媒体]


Taiwan says will 'not cower' as loses second ally in a month amid China pressure


OUAGADOUGOU/TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan lost its second diplomatic ally in less than a month on Thursday when Burkina Faso said it had cut ties with the self-ruled island, following intense Chinese pressure on African countries to break with what it regards as a wayward province.


Taiwan now has only one diplomatic ally left in Africa – the tiny kingdom of Swaziland - and formal relations with just 18 countries worldwide, many of them poor nations in Central America and the Pacific like Belize and Nauru.


The Burkinabe foreign ministry's statement made no direct mention of China, but said "the evolution of the world and the socio-economic challenges of our country and region push us to reconsider our position".


Speaking at a hastily arranged news conference in Taipei, President Tsai Ing-wen said Taiwan would not engage in "dollar diplomacy" and denounced Beijing's methods.


"China toys with dollar diplomacy and promises huge sums of money to entice many countries to build relations," Tsai said.


"I want to emphasise again that China's pressure will only lead to Taiwan's ties with its partners in the international community getting closer. We will not cower at all."


spike 4 hr ago
What could Burkina Faso offer anyway? Taiwan should be fine.


peppy 4 hr ago
Never heard of a country called "Burkina Faso".


jay 4 hr ago
At least the president of the Republic of China has the freedom to speak her opinion, unlike in PRC opinions are censored by the CCP putos putas.


Wake Up America 2 hr ago
We in the US should not abandon Taiwan.


Darren 2 hr ago
Respect Taiwan and its people!!


zardeus 4 hr ago
Not clear how far the US would go defending it.


D 9 hr ago
China put a lot of effort on the construction in Africa, what Taiwan can do?


Christopher 4 hr ago
As goes Burkina Faso so goes... Chad? Togo? Oh boy, I bet Taiwan is devastated. Let's get real Burkina doesn't matter in global politics. The US doesn't recognize Taiwan, BUT we sell them weapons and no one can say for sure that the US won't defend Taiwan from the PCR. As long as the US stands silently by Taiwan, none of this matters.


Kevin 2 hr ago
Taiwan is safe as long as the United States exists.


Bartleby 3 hr ago
Why hasn't Trump also rejected mainland China and officially recognized Taiwan?


Jamius 1 hr ago
Taiwan should do the same as Hong Kong... but with more guarantees. Make a deal... 50 years hence... to be integrated back in... peacefully.


Maz 2 hr ago
Every Taiwanese person I’ve ever spoken to desires freedom of thought and life liberty and happiness just like Americans. They don’t wish to be ruled by the authorities in Beijing.


Walnutcalvery 1 hr ago
unless US and major EC countries recognize Taiwan as an independent country, not part of China, Taiwan is part of China undeniable. Like it or not, Taiwan will be back to mother's arm.


Peter 52 min ago
How sad are you as a country that you have to bribe others to recognize you politically? That's all China is doing in these cases.


Unger 5 hr ago
Taiwan will lose all of her so-called "allies" sooner or later anyway.


Titan 1 hr ago
For Taiwan, alliance with the U.S. and Japan is the most important thing. And in this regard, the relations among these three countries have never been better and stronger. This is why China has made several moves recently trying to further isolate Taiwan, but this will do nothing but antagonize the people of Taiwan and hate China the bully even more.


Matdarat 4 hr ago
Taiwan should put their money and focus into improving their military pay and culture. Currently both need massive improvement. Too much Chinese Culture holding the leaders from back from fighting big brother...


jlmtik 3 hr ago
Use all the money improve Taiwan technology anything is better than tossing money away. China is exporting its people around the world. With 13 billions of China man too many mouth to feed . If US pull back trades with China, all he’ll break loose. Look around how many china man in USA. How many came to steal our technology via college program we naively embrace


Rick 47 min ago
Taiwan and mainland China should reunite and NO third party/country should interfere, period! Go PRC, Go ROC!


PHILLIP L 1 hr ago
USA has defense-agreement with Taiwan, triggered by CHINESE AGRESSION. Will the USA move to defend Taiwan? Chinaman runs that risk...

