这是个法律漏洞 [美国媒体]




Posted byu/HTownian25 18 hours ago
theconcealedweapon: An action being “punishable by a fine” basically means “legal for rich people”.


gnot knormal: Oh wow. That's...


zipsuptsides: I once dated a rich guy and if I said “Hey it's illegal to drink on the street.”He'd respond with “Nah it just costs £150” or “You can't park here!” “Yeh I can it costs £35”like...literally...that's how he saw fines it was just how much you paid to do the thing.



ndrado 1.4k points·14 hours ago
Reminds me of a joke.


thepoxbox 468 points·16 hours ago
In Canada here depending on speed you lose points off your license and then eventually you can't drive.
But for parking I don't think there's anything. The city would love it actually if you paid 100$ a day in parking fines.


ricochet48 139 points·16 hours ago
Makes sense as parking tickets are 'non moving violations' and in theory do not really endanger anyone; however if you are parking in front of a fire hydrant constantly you are potentially endangering others and should perhaps lose points or something similar.


NiceSasquatch 1.4k points·17 hours ago
if you think 'the rich' have advantage in trivial fines just wait to you see the advantages the wealthy have in criminal court cases!!


Critical_Finance minarchist - jail the violators of NAP 592 points·16 hours ago·edited 15 hours ago
Some countries have fines as % of a person’s monthly income. That is better way to punish the violation of non aggression principle
Wealthy don’t have advantage in criminal cases against them when the case is filed by a govt



Varrick2016 115 points·15 hours ago
Time is the only thing we all use st the same rate and it’s actually worth more than money because you can’t get time back.
These punishments should be based on time.
$50 fine? Timeout or community service for 60 minutes or something like that.
I guarantee no wealthy person is going to risk losing a couple hours just to double park.


trepidhickory 119 points·11 hours ago
Time isn't really all that equal when you compare the rich to the poor.
Rich people can afford babysitters to watch their kids they can afford to use services like instacart to buy groceries they can afford the gas to drive to the location and probably aren't reliant on mass transportation schedules they can afford tutors for their kids so they don't have to help with homework they can afford to order pizza instead of cooking they can hire cleaning services rich people can afford to have more free time than a poor person could.


That hour may affect a rich person and a poor person way differently.

