小米计划在今年年底前将其在欧洲的门店数量增加两倍 [美国媒体]


From fewer than 50 to more than 150 by the end of 2019


Chinese phone makers have yet to make significant inroads in the US market, but that doesn’t seem to bother them much — they’re too busy focusing on Europe instead.


The latest example of this shift in attention is Xiaomi’s announcement that it plans to triple its European store count by the end of the year. CNBC reports that the firm wants to go from fewer than 50 stores at the end of 2018 to more than 150 by the end of the 2019. “It’s a big big target for us,” Xiaomi’s senior vice president, Wang Xiang, said.


It’s also part of an established trend. Chinese brands like Xiaomi, Huawei, Oppo, Vivo, and OnePlus are grabbing more and more of the European market. In the last quarter of 2018, market analysts Canalys reported that they accounted for a third (32 percent) of all smartphone shipments in Europe, with Huawei taking the majority of that slice (23 percent).


Chinese phone makers used to be best know for producing high-spec, low-cost devices (and they still do quite a bit of that). But in recent years they’ve also shown they can out-innovate more established companies, getting new features like bezel-less displays and multi-lens cameras to market quicker than rivals. The only question is, how much longer will US consumers be content to be missing out?


I plan to buy a Xiaomi Mi 9 here in the U.S. in the next few weeks asap partly because of the great features and low price but also because I like rare and unusual things that others don’t have. And also because of politics and freedom. The FBI treated Richard Jewell as a suspect during the 1996 Olympics after he found a backpack filled with pipebombs and evacuated the people in the area saving many lives. He was a hero who died at age 44 partly because of the stress of being falsely accused.


LOL, this statistic from EU pretty much debunks Apple’s explanation as to why their revenue dropped in Q4 of 2018. There is no trade war between EU and US at the moment. neither can you claim Chinese market is stale leading to decrease in sales. You can’t blame the market when you company is struggling in more than one major market. They better stop blaming the market, and focus back on creating products that users love (marking up their products is not one of them)

