在河内:川普称迈克尔科恩在国会的证词“不要脸”和“完全捏造” [美国媒体]

当美国总统川普在河内与朝鲜领导人金正恩开第二次特金会的同时,这周迈克尔科恩 –他曾是川普最亲近的幕僚之一,在国会中做出一份极度戏剧性的供词:他称川普是一个“骗子”“种族歧视者”。

In Hanoi,Trump calls Michael Cohen’s congressional testimony 'shameful' and 'fake'


“They could have made it two days later or next week, and it wouldhave been even better,” Trump said. “They would have had more time, but havingit during this very important summit is sort of incredible, and he lied a lot.”


Trump did manage to find one bright spot. He claimed Cohen “didn’tlie” when it came to the “most important question” — whether Trump and hiscampaign colluded with Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidentialrace.


“He could have gone all out,” Trump said of Cohen. “He only wentabout 95 percent instead of 100 percent.”


“Is there anyother wrongdoing or illegal act that you’re aware of regarding Donald Trumpthat we haven’t yet discussed today?” Krishnamoorthi asked
“Yes,” Cohen responded, “and those are part of the investigations that iscurrently being looked at by the Southern District of New York.”


Mr. Trump, ifyou have nothing to hide why not testify or answer questions directly toMueller instead of you team of attorneys doing so?


CW Quinby
I remember Trumpmentioned several times that there was big news coming very soon then all of asudden the wiki leaks SO YES HE WAS AWARE and INVOLVED


Trump should behappy about this. Cohen admitted he knew of no collusion except the meetingTrunp denied. If Cohen was lying, one would think he would have said he knew ofcollusion.


Even if onlypart of what Cohen said is true it's pretty shocking. It shows Trump has nointegrity or morals. It's also amazing such a person could be elected presidentand that he still gas aa lot of support. Where have politicians with someintegrity gone? They are elected to serve the country not their politicalparty. When you take office it sometimes involves stepping up to the plate andmaking some difficult decisions.


now we know whyTrump hired 17 new lawyers a few month ago...seems like the real show is justbeginning.


Why did theytime the hearing when I have this very important summit which could have givenme the Nobel Peace prize


You can clear itup donald. Meet with Mr.Mueller and appear before Congress.Your testimony underoath would help a lot.
