中国新型高超音速飞机可以让我们在两小时内从北京飞到纽约 [美国媒体]


Global powers are pushing flight faster. With Japan looking to reintroduce supersonic speeds to aircraft, China has joined several US companies in working on aircraft capable of achieving hypersonic speeds - and they're relatively far along.
Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing successfully tested their "I Plane" (named because it resembles a capital 'I' when viewed from the front) in a wind tunnel at speeds ranging from Mach 5 to Mach 7, or than 3,800 to 5,370 miles per hour.
In their research, published in the journal , the team explains the hypersonic plane would only need a "couple of hours" to travel from Beijing to New York.For comparison, a commercial airline flight can take at least 14 hours.Testing has been successful so far, with the craft producing low drag and high lift.As reported by the South China Morning Post, the I Plane's lift was roughly 25 percent of that of a Boeing 737; compared to the 737's ability to carry up to 20 tonnes, or 200 passengers, an I Plane of the same size could carry 5 tonnes or 50 passengers.


Furthermore, the US Navy is testing hypersonic weapons that could hit anywhere on Earth within an hour, and Lockheed Martin hinted in January the SR-72 - the successor to the SR-71 Blackbird - is already in development, and that this hypersonic plane could be flying by 2030.It'll be some time before hypersonic flight comes to commercialized aircraft, but the idea of going hypersonic is already being capitalized on. At this point, it comes to to who can use it more effectively first.


Neal Wadsworth
England and France had one in the 70's, it was called Concorde. But I'm glad to hear that the US & China are far along in the process for the "new" one.


Curtis Schierling
Hypersonic plane made in China? Yeaaahhhh, I'll pass.


Adam Reynolds
That means Chicago to Hongkong would be about the same flight time. That beats the hell outta a 19 hour flight. When are they gonna start flying these


Trevor Rans
China can’t even make an airliner that works properly. If they did this, I wouldn’t be willing to fly it. Spend a year or two dealing with Chinese commercial grade products and you won’t be too impressed.

中国甚至不能制造出正常工作的飞机。如果他们做出来了,我也不会坐 。花一年或两年的时间与中国的商业级产品打交道,你不会留下太好的印象。

Skip Burroughs
Well the US will never make one because we're a nation of idiots these days.
