芝加哥半年凶杀案死300人 超200人死于枪下 [美国媒体]


Chicago Marks 300 Homicides in 2016 Over Father's Day Weekend


Father's Day marked a grim milestone for Chicago, as the city recorded its 300th homicide of 2016. A total of 13 people were killed and 43 were injured in shootings over the weekend.


Of Chicago's 300 homicides this year, more than 200 of them have been from firearms. About 1,800 people have been shot this year in Chicago.


The city recorded its 300th homicide this weekend and went on to record six others over a 60-hour period that saw 56 people shot, 13 fatally, from Friday afternoon through early Monday morning.


So far this year, about 1,800 people have been shot across the city and more than 200 of those wounded have died of their wounds, according to records kept by the Chicago Tribune. A total of 306 people have been killed this year by shooting, stabbing or other means, Tribune records show.


In late May, it was revealed that shootings are up by more than 50 percent in Chicago since last year. Six people were killed over Memorial Day Weekend.


Unspeakably sad.


There are nearly 12000 gun murders a year in the U.S. - and despite falling crime rates, that number has barely changed since the late 1900s.


[color=rgb(51, 51, 51) !important]Joe II • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.498039)]3 days ago
When Liberals have control of any city or state you can guarantee two things: 1) Fiscal irresponsibility. 2) High crime rates.

当自由主义者控制了城市,你可以确定两件事:1,财务无能 2,高犯罪率

[color=rgb(51, 51, 51) !important]BakersfieldRedneck • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.498039)]3 days ago
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Chicago have some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation?


[color=rgb(51, 51, 51) !important]kahnkeller • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.498039)]3 days ago
what do you call 300 deaths in chicago... average....


[color=rgb(51, 51, 51) !important]DarbyScratch • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]3 days ago
Let's tally it up again. How many shooters were black? How many victims were black? How many gang sweeps did CPD do? How many guns did they seize? The answers, serially, would be 97%, 99%, zero and zero. The result: expect 375 by the end of July.

我们再屡屡看。多少枪手是黑人?多少受害者是黑人?多少黑帮被芝加哥警署灭了?多少枪被缴了?这些问题的答案,分别是:97%, 99%, 0, 0。估计七月完了要死到375人

[color=rgb(51, 51, 51) !important]Bruce • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.498039)]2 days ago
Wait. What? I thought Chicago had the strongest gun laws in the nation . . . . . Does Obama know about this?


[color=rgb(51, 51, 51) !important]hhm • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.498039)]2 days ago
This is all a lie. Chicago is a gun-free zone. That means guns can't exist in the city limits! Magic keeps them out. Why do they make up these stories?


[color=rgb(51, 51, 51) !important]Jerome E. Goodwin • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.498039)]3 days ago
Impossible they have strict gun laws. OOPS they forgot to tell the criminals and gangs I guess.


[color=rgb(51, 51, 51) !important]BobInBpt • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.498039)]3 days ago
The Home of Obama, Democrat control and the strictest gun laws in the nation !!! So why isn't it working? Will it take the National Guard or Martial Law to stop the bloodshed ?????

奥巴马的故乡;民主党的领地;全国最严格的控枪法律 !!! 那么怎么没用了呢?

[color=rgb(51, 51, 51) !important]usafnodak • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.498039)]2 days ago
More than 1800 people shot across the city? Must have some snipers at work. It's a very long distance to shoot across the City of Chicago.


[color=rgb(51, 51, 51) !important]One Man • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]3 days ago
A broken culture. Money, progressive politicians, and good will can't fix it
