Is it fair to say that Chinese culture is an offshoot of Western civilization (except for the writing system and chopsticks)?
Madi Qiu, Believer at The Human Race and Condition(人种差异的信仰者)
Answered Aug 24, 2017
Um, last I checked, China was4,000+ years old.
How old was Western civilizationagain?
Okay, seriously, China has beenaround for a loooong time, and they have mostly been doing their own thing,meaning that Western civilization really didn’t have much impact on Chineseculture.
Hmmm, where do Italian noodlescome from?
Western civilization compared toChina is like a little toddler.
Greg Spolar, lived in China 在中国生活(2008-2017)
Answered Aug 19, 2017
No, Chinese culture has little incommon with western culture. It is often too frustrating for expats. Theyeither learn to accept the differences or leave.
Chinese culture and westernculture developed and evolved completely independant from each other.
Foreigners often have troubleunderstanding Chinese culture. To us, it seems to be full of contradictions;but to Chinese, it makes perfect sense (even if they can't explain it).
HaiyanChen, Native Chinese have the most real experienceof China
Answered Aug 19, 2017
According to archaeological andrecorded historical documents, the Chinese civilization is conservativelyestimated to be about 4000 years old. If the existence of xia Dynasty isconfirmed, then it may be 5000 years.
So you say such an ancientcivilization is the branch of Western civilization? How long is the history ofWestern civilization?
Z.w. Yan, studied at Lushan International Experimental School
Answered Aug 16, 2017
china built its civilization in6000+ BC
Dadiwan culture -Wikipedia
Nanzhuangtou -Wikipedia
Peiligang culture- Wikipedia
The earliest civilizations whichinfluenced the development of western culture were those of Mesopotamia; thearea of the Tigris–Euphrates river system, largely corresponding to modern-dayIraq, northeastern Syria, southeastern Turkey and southwestern Iran: the cradleof civilization.
Mesopotamia: 3100 BC
Mesopotamia -Wikipedia
Ancient Egypt:3150 BC
Aegean civilization :1450 BC
Aegeancivilizations - Wikipedia
so how did Chinese Culture becomean offshoot of western Culture?
大地湾文化(Dadiwanculture - Wikipedia)
南庄头遗址(Nanzhuangtou- Wikipedia)
斐李岗文化(Peiligangculture - Wikipedia)
美索不达米亚:公元前3100年(Mesopotamia - Wikipedia)
Matthew Miller, American living and workingin China.在中国生活和工作的美国人
AnsweredAug 25, 2017
It is not at all fair to saythat. Chinese culture was developing thousands and thousands of years ago,separate and apart from Western culture. When China had vast imperial palaces,refined cuisine, a strict code of manners, etc., Westerners were living inlittle hut villages and attacking the next village with sticks and rocks.
Claire Jordan, works at Carer
AnsweredAug 24, 2017
No, China developed to a highlevel of technology and culture independently. Obviously since Marco Polo therehas been an exchange of ideas between China and the West, but in bothdirections. Think of the importance in the West of paper, gunpowder and fineceramics, for example.
Derek Gould, studied at The University ofHong Kong
AnsweredAug 16, 2017
Oh dear! Is that the propagandathey are spreading in western schools?
No, it is not fair to say thatChinese culture is an offshoot of western civilization! You cannot be anoffshoot of something which you pre-date.
Yifei Huo, bachelor Business English, Northwestern University ofPolitical Science and Law (2018)
AnsweredSep 26, 2017
Hellenism and Hebrew culture isthe sources of Western civilization. The code of Hellenism is democracypolitic. And Hebrew culture is the root of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Thesources of traditional Chinese culture are Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. AncientChinese intelligent approve the three kinds of though and mixed them up. Thisfamous picture in Ming dynasty called Yituanheqi (一团和气图) is a vividillustration.
Chinese and Western culture didn’t communicate first-hand information stage. So Chinese and Western culture are two kinds of culture whichbe independence of each other, not an offshoot of western civilization.
Robert Free, lived in China
AnsweredAug 26, 2017
No. Not even a little. On theother hand, China has influenced the West with gunpowder, paper, the Art ofWar, the Tao, Zen Buddhism, Tai Chi, acupuncture, silk, and the compass. We'renot an offshoot, but we might be quite different without them. The printingpress was invented in the west hundreds of years after it was separatelyinvented in China. Most of China's inventions would have taken a similar amountof time to invent in the west if we hadn't connected with China and adoptedthem.
Weibin Wan, works at Social MediaMarketing
AnsweredAug 29, 2017
In fact, most educated Chinesecan still read (fewer comparatively but still a lot people can write )theancient Chinese handwriting books ,event it can be stem back to 2000+ BC.
if Chinese culture is an offshootof Western civilization, can those western experts make it?
Most westerns don’t want to knowChinese, they are just ignorant and showing off their ignorant. However, truthis, we don’t give a shit.
Tim Cheong
AnsweredAug 26, 2017
China (Yellow River) is one ofthe four ancient civilizations along with Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Indus valley(Cradle of civilization - Wikipedia). Andin the four, Chinese culture is the only unbroken culture, making it the onlyreal surviving ancient culture.
So no, it is not a fair statementat all. This kind of statements make you sound ignorant of world history.
Naoya Yamaguchi, studied at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
AnsweredAug 16, 2017
Chinese culture has been therefor more than 5,000 years. Probably the Middle East and the West have receivedmore influences from Chinese culture.
In the Chinese legends of theshenxians (神仙), human beings having attained supernatural powers throughtraining, there is a type of shenxians, called shijiexians (尸解仙), who died, rose from death andascended into the sky, much like the legend of Jesus Christ.
Tay Grace
AnsweredAug 24, 2017
How is that possible when theChinese culture outdates the so called Western civilization by 2000 years atleast ? And by Western culture I mean the cultures built by the decedents ofthe invading Germanic tribes who later founded France, Germany, Italy andBritian after they burned Rome.
Paul Denlinger, Have lived in China, Taiwanand Hong Kong; fluent in Mandarin (written, spoken)
AnsweredAug 20, 2017
I want to nominate this as the DumbestQuestion Which Has Ever Appeared on Quora!
Arman Siani
Aug 20, 2017 · 5 upvotes
Nothat question won’t win. The winner would be a question which asked whetherChinese soldiers had guns.
Alsowho is FFW, and why are you blocked by him/her?
Kris Lim
Aug 24, 2017
Therewere questions asking whether there are fridges or washing machines in China.
Roger H Mayo
AnsweredAug 16, 2017
Reminds me of a joke between anitalian and an EnglishMan. For a long time a verbose Englishman kept engagingwith the Italian on what phenomenal contributions Great Britain had done forthe human civilization. After listening to this hot winded rant - when theEnglishman paused in his soliloquy the Italian simply said :” when yourancestors were learning how to light a Fire mine were already gay”.
This question represents andmerits a similar reply.
Beverley Davis, former Retired Teacher
AnsweredAug 16, 2017
You know I’m not an expert onChina but a civilization that is as old as Egypt is not an offshoot ofanything. Trade between East and West resulted in sharing ideas but neither isan offshoot of the other.
Elizabeth Porco, worked at Library ofCongress
AnsweredAug 25, 2017
No. It definitely developedindependently. It borrowed things from the West but it isn't an offshoot of theWest just because it has engines and electricity.
Benjamin Peterson, former Computer Programmer(1994-2004)
AnsweredAug 21, 2017
The correct thing to do isto downvote, since this question is clearly intended to createnoise.
Qi Wang, works at Schlumberger
AnsweredAug 19, 2017
I can't imagine how ignorantpeople are to ask such an question.
Hao Xin, Made in China. Remade inCanada.
AnsweredAug 16, 2017
No. It would be ridiculous andignorant to say that. Hilarious even, but in a very sad way.
GlennLee, works at NorthernCalifornia
AnsweredAug 24, 2017
I have conversations withChristian missionaries sometimes who attempt to convert me so that they can winsome brownie points. I ask them to please shown me in their Christian Biblewhere the Chinese people come from in the Chapter Genesis.
And so it is, the West claimtheir priority and superiority in everything under the sun. Actually theChinese writing system is not unique; I am sure it is a corruption of theSumerian cuneiform.
DingqiZhang, Native Chinese
UpdatedAug 21, 2017
Western civilization…
What is Western civilization? Thecommon answer is that it started with Greece and Roman Empire, now it is thecivilization of the Europe and the United States.
But this is inaccurate.
Greece and Rome had nothing to dowith Western civilization. They were closer to Western Asia and Egypt in termsof culture and ethnicity. When Rome was at its prime, what is known as Westerncivilization nowadays was no civilization at all. They were barbarians, knownas Goths, Gauls, Saxons, Anglos, Slavs and all the mess. The western civilizationonly started in the 5th century, when the Goths, Gauls, Saxons, Anglos, Slavs,the barbarians that the Romans looked down upon were decomposing themagnificent dead corpse of the Roman Empire. They began to form small kingdoms,imitating the provinces of the Roman Empire. They converted to Christianity andobeyed the teachings of the church in Rome, Christianity being a West Asianreligion. Western historian often refer to the Middle Ages as the Dark Ages, aperiod of no culture between the prosperous Roman Empire and the Renaissanceperiod. They are too ego to realized that before the Middle Ages the West hadno culture to begin with. I repeat, Roman Empire is not a part of Westerncivilization. The Middle Ages was dark because it was not a “middle” period buta period when the western civilization struggled to start from zero byparasitizing the West Asian civilization. The other two cultural boosts theWestern civilization received, namely the Crusade and the Renaissance, werealso inspired by the West Asian Culture (or the mere remains of it).
The West Asia and Egypt, Chinaand America are the only three places with their indigenous civilizations.Others are all offshoots.
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