里约奥运:罗切特为他的传奇被抢劫事迹道歉 [美国媒体]

这位金牌得主曾经宣称他和他的队友在加油站被抢劫。 但是监控录像驳斥了这个故事。 录像显示这群人在举行完派对后回奥运村中途破坏了加油站厕所。罗切特先生的推特“ 我应该用更加负责的方式对待自己, 我很抱歉”,同时,美国奥林匹克委员会已经因此向巴西道歉。

US swimmer Ryan Lochte has apologised for his behaviour in Rio and "for not being more careful and candid".


The gold medallist had claimed that he and a group of fellow US swimmers had been robbed at a petrol station.


But CCTV footage contradicted that story, showing the men had vandalised the petrol station after partying.

但是监控录像驳斥了这个故事。 录像显示这群人在举行完派对后回奥运村中途破坏了加油站厕所。

Mr Lochte tweeted: "I should have been much more responsible in how I handled myself and for that I am sorry."

罗切特先生的推特“ 我应该用更加负责的方式对待自己, 我很抱歉”

He said he had waited to issue the statement until it was clear that his teammates would be returning to the US.


Rio's Mayor, Eduardo Paes, accepted the Americans' apologies:

里约市长 Eduardo Paes 接受美国的道歉

"I confess that my only emotion towards them is pity and contempt," he said.


"It's a shame that they're such weak characters, that they have such personality flaws and it's up to the American Olympic Committee to sort it out."

Mr Lochte had already left Brazil when the saga blew up but two other swimmers. Gunnar Bentz and Jack Conger, were pulled off a flight in Rio and questioned by police over their version of events before being allowed to leave.

在这件事抖出来之前 罗切特已经离开了巴西。 但是其他两名游泳运动员贡纳本茨和杰克康格则被从里约的飞机上带下来。在被允许离开之前,他们被警方询问了他们对这件事的说法。

Their teammate Jimmy Feigen was briefly detained and has now agreed to pay nearly $11,000 (£8,416) to a Brazilian charity over his involvement in the dispute.

他们的队友吉米费根也曾因卷入此事被短暂拘留。 在他同意付将近11000美元给一家巴西慈善组织后他被释放。

Mr Lochte, 32, wrote:

罗切特先生 32岁 写到 

"It's traumatic to be out late with your friends in a foreign country - with a language barrier - and have a stranger point a gun at you and demand money to let you leave....

与朋友在国外-有语言障碍-陌生人拿枪指着你要你付钱然后让你走 是一次惨痛的经历 

"I am very proud to represent my country in Olympic competition and this was a situation that could and should have been avoided.


"I accept responsibility for my role in this happening and have learned some valuable lessons."

“我接受在这件事中我所扮演角色的责任 并且学到了一些宝贵的教训”

The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) has since apologised to Brazil.


"The behaviour of these athletes is not acceptable, nor does it represent the values of Team USA or the conduct of the vast majority of its members," a USOC statement said.

“这些运动员的行为是不能接受的, 他们的行为不代表美国队的价值以及大多数美国队员的行为” 一份美国奥委会的声明中说到。

"We apologise to our hosts in Rio and the people of Brazil for this distracting ordeal in the midst of what should rightly be a celebration of excellence.


The saga began when Mr Lochte's mother told US media that her son had been robbed.


The swimmer then expanded on the story, describing in an interview how he and three fellow US swimmers were robbed at gunpoint while returning from a club.

这些运动员随后夸大了这个故事。 他们在采访中描述他们三名运动员在从酒吧回来的时候是如何被枪指着被抢劫的。

He also tweeted that he and his teammates were the victims of a robbery.

 他还在推特上发文称自己和队友遭到抢劫 。

Rio police only became involved after seeing reports, and soon said there were inconsistencies in the men's accounts.

里约警察看到报道后才介入此事, 并且迅速发现这些运动员的描述并不一致。

On Thursday the head of Rio's civil police, Fernando Veloso, said no robbery was committed against the athletes.

里约民事警察首领Fernando Veloso周四表示没有针对这些运动员的抢劫事件发生。

"They were not victims of the crimes they claimed," Mr Veloso said.


He told reporters that one or more of the athletes had instead vandalised a toilet in a petrol station and then offered to pay for the damage.


The Americans paid and left after armed security guards intervened, he said.

他说这在保安介入后 这几个美国人付了钱然后离开了。 

One guard had justifiably drawn his gun after one of the swimmers began behaving erratically, Mr Veloso added.

Veloso 先生补充道在一名游泳队员表现的不稳定后 , 一名保安无可争议的举起了枪。