中美俄都具备多种手段让对方的探测系统致盲 [美国媒体]


Russian, Chinese and American military can attack eachothers satellites, AWACS and refueling to claw out their opponentstechnological eyes


A new generation of Russian and Chinese-builtlong-range air-to-air missiles could threaten the critical nodes that enableU.S. air operations. Those nodesinclude the AWACS, various intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR)assets, aerial refueling tankers and electronic attack aircraft.


Long-range air intercept weapons—coupled withthe right fighter could disrupt the ability of the United States to conductsustained air operations in both the Asia-Pacific and the European theaters.Essentially, Russians and/or Chinese forces could pair long-range air-to-airmissiles with aircraft like the Mikoyan MiG-31 Foxhound, Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA andthe Chengdu J-20 to attack American AWACS, JTARS and aerial refueling tankerslike the Boeing KC-135 or forthcoming KC-46 Pegasus. Especially over the vastreaches of the Pacific where airfields are few and far between, lumberingaerial refueling tankers could be an Achilles’ Heel that Beijing could chose toexploit.


China and Russia also have the ability todisable Global positioning satellites (GPS) and intelligence satellites.


The United States also has the ability to takeout the same systems on the Chinese and Russian side.


This would bring both sides down from 21stprecision warfare to something closer to 1970s era air to air combat.


An airborne early warning and control (AEW andC) system is an airborne radar picket system designed to detect aircraft, shipsand vehicles at long rangesand perform command and control of the battlespace in an air engagement bydirecting fighter and attack aircraft strikes.


Modern AEW and C systems can detect aircraftfrom up to 400 km (220 nmi) away, well out of range of most surface-to-airmissiles. One AEW and C aircraft flying at 9,000 m (30,000 ft) can cover anarea of 312,000 square kilometers (120,000 sq mi). Three such aircraft inoverlapping orbits can cover the whole of Central Europe


Refueling planes are needed to extend theoperating range of fighters and bombers. This enables aircraft carriers to stayout at safer ranges.


GPS is needed for precision targeting ofweapons. Precision targeting enables fewer missiles or weapons to be used toaccomplish the same mission.


Vietnam era combat did not have many of thesesystems.


SOURCES- National Interest, Free Beacon,wikipedia


1hour ago
The people who work at the Pentagon ought to consult thecomment sections on yahoo before they make decisions in regard to technologyand weapon development. They could save a lot of time and money by runningthings by the on line experts. The same holds for military strategy andprocurement. All the best generals are on Yahoo


The PowerThinker
2hours ago
I guess no one here has ever heard of inertial guidancesystems. These are quite advanced now and are viable backups to GPS. There isalso old fashioned radio location and navigation. It is also important tounderstand that GPS does not cover then entire globe. US already is quiteprepared for GPS outage situation and trains for and conducts exercises forthat scenario. This is no problem for us whatsoever. The AWACS and refuelervulnerabilities I cannot speak to though.


4hours ago
I think the author needs to re-research what capabilitieswere being used in Vietnam... Though primitive by today's systems, there wereairborne command and control, ISR, and even laser-guided munitions (PAVE Sword,Paveway-I, etc.) I think some of the KC-135 air to air refuelers are stillflying, too, though they may all be upgraded to the R model by now...

我认为 作者应该重新研究一下越战。。。我们那时的系统可能相对现在而言比较原始,但是当时已经有了空中指挥和管制、情报监视及侦查系统、甚至还有激光制导武器(铺路剑、宝石路-I型等),有些那个年代的KC-135加油机可能还在服役中,也许都已经升级到了R型。

4hours ago
We in China are just trying to defend ourselves. We are a3rd world country and unlike
the US and Russiawe do not have Jewish nor German talents. You two go fight it out.


The PowerThinker
in reply to
fWe in China are just trying to...more »
2hours ago
Really? What has US done to threaten china other thenfurrow our brows at human rights violations? China and US are so economicallyentwined that neither dare start a conflict with the other because it wouldensure mutual ruin. China is has become a world economic power and for somereason is now wanting to become a world military power. Either the claim byChina that this is to combat existential threats is a smoke screen for theirtrue intentions or they're stupid, or they're psychotically paranoid...and idefinitely don't think they're stupid. My bet is on an internal militaryindustrial complex that is pulling the strings from behind the scenes buylining the pockets of key figures just like what has happened/is happening inthe US and Russia. Greed and weakness of character among politicians is notjust a US thing, it is a universal human thing and to thing that China or anyother country's politicians are immune to it is folly.


in reply to
The Power
fReally? What has US done to t...more »
1hour ago
You have such way with words. Like I said: we are a 3rdworld country
trying to defendourselves.


Kushtrim'The Rapist' MaslinkaNewcomer
6hours ago
So Russia and China now have the same capabilities to damageterrorist Amerika as terrorist Amerika has to them
What of it ?
It's calledmutually-assured destruction.
Does terroristAmerika snivel because it can no longer bully and coerce ?


anthropicNBF Elder
in reply to
Kushtrim 'TheRapist' Maslinka
fSo Russia and China now have t...more »
5hours ago
Luca, your hate verbal skills are a little rusty. It'sspelled "AmeriKKKa", remember?


in reply to
Kushtrim'The Rapist' Maslinka
fSo Russia and China now have t...more »
6hours ago
Sup Luca
tchernikResident Expert
9hours ago
They could also try to carpet bomb the White House forkilling the prez, which would have the same effect: proportional response andeventually, MAD.
Remember: trying to disrupt the enemy's activities over an area isdifferent from taking GPS down. That implies a whole other level ofconfrontation than just a frontier skirmish.
But if things come to that, I agree the US should be prepared and havebackup plans.
