英文版《三体3:死神永生》书评之二 [美国媒体]



Sep 18, 2016 Alok Talekar rated it it was amazing 
Alok Talekar评为5星                   2016.09.18
an indirect homage to Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions with elements of hard scifi. The storyline divided in eras made the tale interesting, though the romantic turn at the end didn't seem consistent with the realistic narrative of the rest of the book. One of the best science fiction books I read. This book has my hugo vote for sure. 


Sep 20, 2016 Elaine Aldred rated it it was amazing 
Elaine Aldred 评为5星                   2016.09.20
Cheng Xin, an aerospace engineer from the early 21st century, and of the beginning of the Trisolar crisis, awakens to a very different world from the one she remembers. For half a century the Trisolarans have been kept at bay and the fragile peace would appear to be working. But its success exists on a knife-edge that the Trisolarans might, through Earth’s complacency, be in the process of upending. Will the knowledge Cheng Xin holds be the key to Earth overcoming its uncomfortable stand-off with the Trisolarans or will it die?


In Death’s End there is a sense of the human race striving for the feel-good factor from the excitement that comes from discovering the new and exciting. But they also feel a terrifying sense of their own insignificance in the greater scheme of things, and the constant pressure of the threat from superior life forms, as their probing further into space is likely to alert potential enemies to their existence.


Cheng Xin is definitely the central character within this volume, because she is asked to make some monumental decisions which are too much for one person to shoulder on their own. She is also the driving force or catalyst of many of the events that take place in this epic story and her moral courage is astounding. Cheng Xin is also part of a remarkable love story that threads its way so delicately through the book that its lasting strength becomes a thing of marvel and poignancy.


The people of earth are seen as components of a whole, and the constant shift in politics and attitudes of the planet’s population resonate very strongly with anyone who has read and enjoyed Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy. 


Like the Foundation Trilogy this is a series that I will always have on my book shelves because of the pleasure it gives to revisit it and wrestle all over again with the ideas and complex philosophical scenarios of the text.


Death’s End is a novel that has to be absorbed slowly and with a means of internet access to constantly look up the many concepts of theoretical physics embedded within the narrative, but this is why The Three Body trilogy is so intriguing.


Credit is also due to the translator, the extraordinary Ken Liu, for creating a read which enables all the high level concepts to weld with the ongoing epic story.


Sep 21, 2016 Alasdair Reads rated it really liked it 
Alasdair Reads  评为4星                   2016.09.21
Continues to fizz along with fascinating ideas and consequences, though as the scope of the story continues to expand out beyond earth and the solar system the ideas, perhaps necessarily are more new twists on familiar sfnal constructs and lack a bit of the originality of the second book. Most characters (with the exception of Wade) continue to be rather bland. The strongest aspect is that is a book with the courage to make decisions have irreversible consequences. 


Sep 21, 2016 Whitney rated it really liked it 
Whitney  评为4星                   2016.09.21
This book is amazing and I would just be repeating others if I offered praise. My main criticism is the way the author describes the vast majority of people and trends. Maybe it's one of those things that is more culturally bound because I can't imagine a Western writer leaning so heavily on simple tropes about mass psychology. 


Sep 23, 2016 Dan Allosso rated it really liked it 
Dan Allosso   评为4星                   2016.09.23
Full of ideas and sweeping in its 10 billion-year scope, but even so, less satisfying than the previous two installments. Liu never really describes the Trisolarans physically, and aside from one person who interacts with them "off-camera," no humans ever meet them face to face. There's a general feeling of payoffs that didn't get paid off. For example [SPOILER], a character from the beginning of the story seems lost, but then against all odds reappears alive, and THEN against even more odds, arrives at the same place and time as the protagonist. In spite of all these hardly-believable developments, they don't meet. 


This could be viewed as the author's deliberate commentary on the conventions of fiction. However, throughout the story,the reader has been going along with a series of increasingly improbable events. So it's a bit problematic that the author chooses not to close loops that seem to have been drawn only for that purpose. I had a similar reaction to the story's end. If a small concession was made to allow the characters to do what they did at the end, then would leaving just a little more have been so bad? Like, a small spaceship in which they could have hibernated and waited for the big renewal?

你可以把它当作该作者在科幻大会上的慎重解说。然而,纵贯全文,读者会经历一连串越来越不可能发生的事件。似乎仅为这个目的所引出的结局而作者选择不去写死 ,那就值得存疑了。我对故事结尾有个类似的感想,既然允许他们在结局处作小小的让步【五公斤的重量】,那么再多留一点会很糟吗?那再多留一艘能让他们冬眠到大重启的小型飞船呢?

My biggest reaction, though, was that presumably, this has all happened before. If messages had been left in bottles, then the dark forest simply propagated from one universe to the next. So aside from the selfish conceit of "preserving the memory," the messages in the bottles would be the worst thing that could possibly happen. The fall pre-programmed into the new Eden. In this sense, the story is profoundly pessimistic. (less) 


Sep 23, 2016 Ivo Toman rated it it was amazing
Ivo Toman   评为5星                   2016.09.23
The top position among all the sci-fi books had been shifted. Forget Dune, Foundation, Starship Troopers, Ender's game or Rendezvous with Rama. The three body is the new king of multilayered realistic and dramatic storytelling. The whole series brings a sound coherent logic and explanations of big bang, expanding universe, multidimensional universe, Fermi's paradox, dark matter and the ultimate sociology and destiny of the universe. The greatest of the sci-fi series. Thank you Mr Liu 

