Bye-bye Bao Bao.
One of the National Zoo’s giant pandas Bao Bao will go to China in late winter 2017 as part of a breeding agreement the zoo has with a wildlife conservation group there.
Under the agreement giant pandas born at the zoo in the District are sent to China by their fourth birthday. And Bao Bao who was born there on Aug. 23 2013 will turn 4 in 2017.
“Bao Bao is very special to us at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo” said Brandie Smith associate director of animal care sciences in a statement.
Zoo officials said Bao Bao is the “first surviving cub born at the zoo since 2005.”
4:58 AM GMT+0800
MirkBoma no offense to you but you are a very grumpy sad guy and obviously not a long time Washingtonian. Otherwise you would get it. So my suggestion is for you to respectfully get over it! Oh and by the way the Pandas were a gift from China.
5:00 AM GMT+0800
Actually I'm just the opposite of the person you described and have been here for nearly 40 years. The expense is still a waste when so many need so much.
5:30 AM GMT+0800 [Edited]
The two pandas that Nixon brought back from China were indeed a gift. But the current pandas are not - they are on loan from China and the National Zoo pays "rent" for them every year money that China (supposedly) uses for conservation efforts. The latest figure I was able to find was $1 million per year although I thought the zoo had renegotiated a lower amount some years back. China has similar deals with other zoos which generally find they can make up the rental cost with increased visitors (most zoos charge admission) and the panda-related merchandise they sell. I agree with you that the pandas are great and worth the cost for Washingtonians to be able to see them.
4:46 AM GMT+0800
I don't mean to offend but the years-long "pandamonium" was and remains absurd. We don't need pandas to be the principal National Zoo attraction and we certainly don't need to spend millions of dollars to purchase this bit of nonsensical cuteness. Spend the money on something useful and productive. Choose an animal native to the USA to be the "chosen one." Let's get over it folks.
4:22 AM GMT+0800
I am so very very sad to have to say goodbye to our beloved Bao Bao. I cannot Imagine her not at the zoo. I hope she can make the adjustment to her new home which I am sure will be no match for her zoo home and faithful fans. I have watched her for years and love her. Many tears will be shed the day she leaves and before.
2:33 AM GMT+0800
Trump: "Another example of Obama's weak negotiating agreeing to a terrible -- I mean terrible folks! -- deal with China sending a US-citizen born baby back to Red China!"
5:20 AM GMT+0800
Do you really think Donald is interested in BaoBao? I don't think so. One word my friend: chubby.
Take a look at her. I don't think so.
2:30 AM GMT+0800
FedEx: "When your panda positively absolutely has to be in China overnight."
Victoria Francis
1:20 AM GMT+0800
I was fortunate to visit China and the Panda Conservation area in Chengdu. It was a wonderful experience to see baby and grown pandas. Sorry to see Bao Bao leaving us. As to all the trite comments you should experience more good things in life.
1:09 AM GMT+0800
So we're sending a female panda to China for breeding. Is this pandering?
1:40 AM GMT+0800 [Edited]
That's the agreement we made to get the panda to the zoo in the first place! Once The Donald wins he can try to renegotiate with China.
Chris Vivona
1:02 AM GMT+0800
Further evidence all the manufacturing jobs are going overseas in this case pandas
12:15 AM GMT+0800 [Edited]
It is about time that communist freeloading bear goes home. Good thing bears don't get birthright citizenship in this country.
Dylan Wentworth
12:02 AM GMT+0800
What a crock.
The country that is causing wild elephants and rhinos to die off in huge numbers pretends to save one of their own species keeping a panda a prisoner in a zoo.
The only opinion that matters
10/20/2016 11:25 PM GMT+0800
Maybe she can hook up with Simp Sum.
10/20/2016 11:21 PM GMT+0800
Do the chinese expect child support until she's
Doctor X
10/20/2016 10:58 PM GMT+0800
I can't believe we agreed to this. Worst deal in the history of dealmaking.
10/20/2016 11:06 PM GMT+0800
It's the standard deal China makes with zoos that want pandas - the size of the yearly payment to China may be negotiable but the requirement to send cubs to China when they reach a certain age is contained in every deal with every zoo. China is adamant that they "own" all pandas in the world and they won't allow any to stay permanently abroad.
10/20/2016 11:11 PM GMT+0800
I believe he was joking.
4:30 AM GMT+0800
He is not joking. China is true home of the pandas. Only China's has the bamboo forests which are themselves endangered where pandas can live in the wild. Returning pandas to the wild is one of the aims of China. It is our loss but fair and square by negotiation and the pandas in general true and only home. A very very sad loss for us however.
10/20/2016 11:43 PM GMT+0800
Doctor X
I agree. We should wait until after the election and when Donald Trump wins he should conduct the negotiation. As a minimum he needs to get some high first round picks and a couple younger pandas to be named later. We definitely have a panda gap here and need to close it before the Chinese use their panda production program as leverage against us.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...