The 36 countries listed by IMF advanced economies(Developed country ) are generally considered developed nations. The rest are all developing countries.
Australia 澳大利亚
Austria 奥地利
Belgium 比利时
Canada 加拿大
Cyprus 塞浦路斯
Czech Republic 捷克共和国
Denmark 丹麦
Estonia 爱沙尼亚
Finland 芬兰
France 法国
Germany 德国
Greece 希腊
Hong Kong 香港
Iceland 冰岛
Ireland 爱尔兰
Israel 以色列
Italy 意大利
Japan 日本
Latvia 拉脱维亚
Luxembourg 卢森堡
Malta 马耳他
Netherlands 荷兰
New Zealand 新西兰
Norway 挪威
Portugal 葡萄牙
San Marino 圣马力诺
Singapore 新加坡
Slovakia 斯洛伐克
Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚
South Korea 韩国
Spain 西班牙
Sweden 瑞典
Switzerland 瑞士
Taiwan 台湾
United Kingdom 英国
United States 美国
Daniel Cohort Computer professional in China
upxed Sep 9
Yes. Just take a look at these :
China put a man into space in 2003.
China sent a land rover to the moon in 2013.
China launched a space lab in 2011.
Chinese supercomputer has been ranked No.1 in the Top500 list beating America for 6 consecutive times up to now. China builds the fastest computer in the world.
China has a strong nuclear program.
China has the longest high-speed rail system in the world. The design and development of the system is indigenous to China.
China is the world leader in quantum communication. The first quantum communication satellite in the world was launched by China in 2016/8.
China has indigenous version of American C-17 heavy lifter.
China is taking on Boeing and Air-bus.
Sometimes Silicon valley copies China for their mobile internet ideas.
China is also the world’s largest exporter of smart phones including iPhones.
Chinese Jiao Long reached deeper than 7000 meters below the sea.
China built the longest bridge in the world (more than 164 kilometers)
Lenovo is the world’s No.1 PC maker
DJI is the world’s No.1 drone maker
Baidu is testing the Chinese atonomous driving car
Alibaba is the world’s largest E-commerce platform
PLAN surpassed Russian navy in surface vessel quality and capabilities
Kowthamraj Vs58 votes Show
True Indeed. I just hope China don’t follow the foot steps of past powers like USA Uk in destabilising regions across the world.
Arkan Tanriwa8 votes Show
That is all great. I just hoped China had better designers who understood Western and Latin character aesthetics. Look at that type design for the fastest supercomputer in the world for example. God that is the fastest supercomputer in the world and the way they write the name looks like they had slapped it on a cheap $3 fake powerbank…
Lingyi Guo3 votes Show
If all the Chinese guys on this site start posting totally unrelated negative stuff about say India on a thread about say the rise of Indian tech firms… Imagine when Robert Frost post some awesome stuff about NASA and a bunch of Chinese guys starts complaining about occupation soldiers raping school girls in Okinawa… Lol I should get people to start on that.
Henrique Carneiro Zhu61 votes Show
To every fanatical anti-Chinese here:
Please read. The question is asking whether China is the most advanced developing country.
Opeyemi Ahmed10 votes Show
with all these achievements should we still classify china as a “developing” country?
Ben Bradfield7 votes Show
Don't know where you got “Alibaba is the world's largest e-commerce platform”. Is it possible that you've never heard of a company called Amazon? Quick check - Amazon revenue = $100 billion. Alibaba revenue < $15 billion. Amazon employee count - 270000. Alibaba employee count - 46000. Most of your claims are correct but on this one you couldn't be more wrong.
Mats Hansen6 votes Show
Lol the design of the high-speed rail system is indigenous to Germany… The first test track still stands where it has once been erected. Additionally the entire scientific staff responsible for the design of the first High-speed railroads in China is from Germany. Get your facts right!
Ohh and by the way approximately 30% percent of the staff working on the improvement and modernization of your railroads are German engineers directly recruited from KIT and RWTH Aachen.
Henry Resheto1 vote by Patrycjusz Michalczyk
^^China has indigenous version of American C-17 heavy lifter.^^
What does it mean "indigenous version"? That they were able to successfuly copy (reverse engenner) the design of it?
Trikors Delorian18 votes Show
Russia is the most advanced developing country. Sorry to burst your bubble we sent a man in space back in 1961. and are the only nation capable of launching people to the International Space Station. also second greatest nuclear power after the US. and the Chinese aircraft carrier also came from Russia.
Vivek Singh19 votes Show
While everything you said is probably true the train in the picture is from Taiwan (which for all practical reasons is not a part of China).
Anyways there can be no debate that China has made great strides in Science and Technology. It's competing with the US these days.
Ishaan Singh
Surpassing Russian surface fleet isn't saying much to be honest. Although PLAN clearly is the leader among the navies of developing countries.
Sanjay Vinayak
I don't know why China is even called a developing country with all that.
Ryan Airth11 votes Show
It probably helps that the west depends on China to manufacture products that we use then with all the capital their government puts it to good use.
I just hope those air filters do their job sooner rather than later as their air pollution is one thing I really dislike about China actually their pollution in general same for the US and some European nations I hope they come up with technologies that the rest of the world can use in regards to water pollution and such with their capital.
(Is capital the appropriate word in this context?)
Viswanath Ajikumar1 vote by Patrycjusz Michalczyk
China is the world leader in copyright violations IPR violations trademark violations and in reverse engineering and copying technology in general.
Joseph Yiin
The picture you posted is not of the longest bridge in the world although it is among if not the longest bridge over sea water in the world.
Susan Kelly14 votes Show
This seems more like a veiled statement or claim rather than a genuine question. The country has achieved a lot. At the grassroots level I see poor computer skills and lack of understanding of basic concepts related to technology.
James Lee13 votes Show
China’s high-speed rail system isn’t indigenous. they bought the technology from Japan Germany and French and then assimilate it.
Kenneth Miller7 votes Show
The Sunway TaihuLight is the ‘fastest supercomputer in the world’ but its per-core performance is shit and that no-cache scratchpad design is pretty bonkers to actually use. They threw a lot of money at owning the LINPACK with little regard for actual use.
Leigh Hincks8 votes Show
This comment might make sense if china was a developing nation. china has been developed for abut 10 years now by any economic criteria. The question might be with such a huge developed country why is china still copying other country’s hard work instead of developing their own.
Recently china spat the dummy over some perceived copyright infringement on some book. Yet the PRC allows chinese companies to do this without any detriment to the copier because they are probably government controlled companies.
By now there should be enough creative people in china to show the world what they can do. But no. Hacking into companies by the government is the way forward…… Really? No. It is time china showed some backbone and stopped hiding behind.. “we are a poor developing country”
This is NOT anti chinese. Criticism is not “anti” anything. Criticism is something any strong country can take on board and improve. Only weak stupid countries cannot….
Andrew Chung1 vote by Patrycjusz Michalczyk
Your statement regarding the high speed rail system is incorrect. China did not design nor create its rail system solely by itself (In my eyes that does not count as being “indigenous”). All it did was contract other countries such as Japan with cheap deals that resulted in China basically getting the technology and designs needed for the rail system for free (Skipping all the research and R&D the other countries put in in order to develop their high speed rail systems). I don’t want to start any arguments or anything but in my opinion China needs to really stop copying ideas (or stealing through hacking foreign countries such as the US India) and start actually developing things on their own.
You can check out this post by another Quora user: Richard Gadsden's answer to How did China become a strong competitor in the high-speed rail industry?
你可以看看另一个Quora用户的帖子:Richard Gadsden有关于中国为什么成为高速铁路行业强大的竞争者的回答。
Abhishek Kumar1 vote by Arpit Sharma
You forgot the amazing ‘Three Gorges Dam'.
Stanley Johanson2 votes Show
Is Russia a developing country? If so then championship of the space and military technologies in developing countries should go to Russia. The second argument is about smart phones and Lenovo (maybe wechat too). They are ‘the biggest’ but not that ‘technologically advanced’. They are the biggest not because China’s advanced technologies but the sufficient cheap labors.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...