中国要求地方气象局停止发布雾霾警告 [美国媒体]


China tells local meteorological bureaus tostop smog alerts


China is suspending local meteorologicalbureaus from issuing smog alerts, media reported Wednesday, raising suspicionsthe government is attempting to suppress information about the country's airpollution as public anger over the issue grows.


China's Meteorological Administrationnotified local bureaus Tuesday to "immediately stop issuing smogalerts", according to a photo of a notice posted on China's Twitter-likesocial media platform Weibo.


Instead, the local departments can issuealerts for "fog" when visibility is less than 10 km, according to thenotice.


The notice was issued because local"meterological bureaus and the environmental protection administrationoften disagree when they issue smog-related information," a representativefrom the China Meteorological Administration told the Chinese website ThePaper.


"A joint alerting mechanism will beformulated to consult how to and who should issue alerts for smog," therepresentative said.


One single department will now beresponsible for issuing smog alerts, The Paper reported.


The reports met with stinging criticismfrom online commentators who have long doubted the credibility of official dataon air pollution.


"Before, they cheated us separately,and now, they are going to cheat us together," one person said on Weibo.


daviddavid8 hours ago
As someone who lives in China, there's abig hole in their plan: YOU CAN'T HIDE POLLUTION BY DELETING ONLINE REPORTS.The public still sees the pollution. "Public anger" won't dissipate.


Rob6 hours ago
Precisely why you don't want a communistgovernment.


Wagoneer687 hours ago
Part of their "green" policy, nonew smog news therefore pollution problem was solved by the regime.


Centrist7 hours ago
So China is learning from the USA'sRepublican politics! Smart move -- refuse to talk about it, and stop othersfrom it, then it don't exist.
Wonder how long it'll take to learn theother side of the coin --- that's where they talk n talk n talk n talk abouttheir fantasies of reality and make people believe it.


k y3 hours ago
In the land of china, thousands of deadpigs floated down the river and no one knew where they came from, a child wasrun over on the street and no one stopped to help, infant formula was spikedwith toxins to disguise its nutritional content, and now the smog has"disappeared". Beijing has cultivated the art of deception, crueltyand greed to the utmost. welcome to the people's republic!


El6 hours ago
If USA will recall all USA manufacturers inChina , pollution will ease out not to mention stopping chinese monetarymanipulations and ability to terrorize his neighbors and land grabbing


Joe2 hours ago
Smog is 雾霾 (wu mai) fog is 霾 (mai). Big deal. Anyway, the Chinese always lie. Also no big deal.Also whwn caught in a lie, the Chinese always blame foreigners. We had to lie,because letting foreigners know about our problem is a loss of face. None ofthis is news. It's just normal barbarian Chinese culture.

Smog 是雾霾 (wu mai) ,fog 是霾 (mai)。有啥区别。总之,中国人总是撒谎。这也没啥了不起的。谎言被揭穿时,中国人总是指责外国人。我们必须撒谎,因为让外国人知道我们的问题,那简直丢脸。没啥好说的。一如既往的野蛮中国文化。

Elias1 hour ago
China's favorite way to deal with problems:Deception and Censorship. Kind of a joke country, if you think about it.


K119 minutes ago
We pretend that there's no smoke , andtherefore it's no problem


forwardflash3 hours ago
This is what trump has in store for the US,we don't need no stink'n EPA.


Glenn8 hours ago
Real men like thick air. Clean air is forsisses

