The Great Wall
A Very Entertaining Film
Author: captainpat from Sydney
29 December 2016
As a constant film goer I was really impressed with this film. It was entertaining. The story worked well. The acting was great. And the effects were really impressive. I watched it on a big screen in Bangkok and enjoyed the experience. The sound was equally impressive.
I just can't understand why the really negative reviews abound. Some are cursing it for having foreign actors. Others about the political situation etc. And the poor director is even getting a caning.
The story is about a legend. And it was wonderful to just sit back and let someone tell a story. I nearly didn't go because of all the bad reviews but I am glad I went and made up my own mind.
Go and see it.
作者:captainpat from 悉尼
There are many legends about The Great Wall, this is one of them...
Author: Dan Mihai from Craiova
26 December 2016
I just saw it in Romania in a good 3d cinema. The movie tells a legend. And it tells it so beautifully! The cinematography is breathtaking and for all the duration I was more than a movie spectator, I felt part of that legend, a character from that story, present among the troops defending the wall. If a movie succeeds in delivering such an experience, the rest is not important anymore.
In this point, I don t care anymore about plot holes or historical inaccuracies, because I came to cinema to see a fantasy, a Chinese legend with monsters and heroes. And there I was, in a war story, set in a different world, filled with amazing elements of the old Chinese culture, surrounded by exceptional warriors, beautiful landscapes and bloodthirsty monsters. I am very saddened to see the negativity among critics and public surrounding this movie. Complaining about historical inaccuracies or being racist about the mix of races is so misplaced. I hope people will go see it and ignore the bad criticism and prejudices about it.
作者: Dan Mihai from 克拉约马(罗马尼亚)
Good Story, lots of action
Author: lennybuttz from Green Bay WI, U.S.
30 December 2016
From the description I read of the movie, it sounded kind of strange and I wasn't sure it was something I really wanted to watch. I'm glad I did. It's an old legend or story. Is it real? I don't know, is Santa Claus real? Does it matter if it is true or accurate? Not to me, it is a well written movie with some incredible action. The visuals are stunning to say the least. The costumes are incredible and I am very happy that most of the movie wasn't filmed in the dark which seems to have become the habit of Hollywood these past few years.
It is sad to see Matt Damon growing old but he still did a great job, I wonder how long he's going to be able to keep up doing physically demanding roles. If I am totally honest I would have liked the movie with a younger man in the lead role, that would have been a little more believable to me.
I totally recommend this movie, it has fantasy, action a tiny bit of romance so your girl can appreciate it, most of all it raises a lot of emotion. There were several times during the movie I was on the edge of my seat holding my breath anticipating the next moment.
作者: lennybuttz from 格林湾(美国)
Amazing visual display and acceptable level of clear plot
Author: Thomas Tang from Ningbo, China
30 December 2016
The Great Wall is truly a visual feast so would better to watch on 3D or IMAX. Some Chinese spectators have criticised its poor story and plot. However, I don't think it is necessary to design a rather complicated story as it has to tailor towards the audiences on the globe not just for Chinese preference that non-Chinese may be uninterested in ,or that may be difficult for them to understand. So non-Chinese audiences are able to capture at least the big picture of the whole story behind. This is a well trade-off for film makers, balancing the plot to an acceptable level for international audiences.
I cant understand why so many Chinese "audiences"(they did not even watch it before making comments) pretending to be international voters with broken English, are lopsidedly voting 1 and making negative comments here without any constructive and objective ideas.And even more ridiculous,they then go back to Chinese movie - grading website, with a screenshot of their own 1 star derogatory comments, misleadingly saying that foreigners also unlike the great wall as they do.
Some even said this is a fake story. Come on haters, it is said at the beginning of the movie that this is based on one of the legend (a fairy tale) of The Great Wall.I don't think its a point to discuss it.
Overall, I would award 9/10 the reminder 1/10 would be the length duration. It is exciting but too short. If it could extend to around 2 hours and add certain level of plot that would be awesome.
Hope to see more Hollywood-style movies with Chinese historical and cultural elements in the future.
作者: Thomas Tang from 宁波(中国)
I enjoy it a lot. Ignore the critics.
Author: najibmb from Singapore
31 December 2016
I can't stand these unfair and unreliable reviews.
So, this is my first review for a Chinese film. I would say I felt the same feeling of excitement when I watched Lord of the rings (LOTR). I even like The Great Wall more than the hobbit.
We've watch hundreds of movies with bad reviews and we knew that as long a film has at least one 10/10 fair review, don't hesitate to watch a movie. Ignore the noise of negative people. Let them get sick with their views.
This is great movie that combines history and fiction. Enjoy it! Just like what the actors said.. "TRUST"!!!
作者: najibmb from 新加坡
Not a masterpiece for sure, yet enjoyable
Author: saeerdna
2 January 2017
If you don't have any expectations, this film might surprise you a bit. I really liked the special effects, even if I started laughing when I first saw the antagonists.
Most scenes between battles were quite awkward, full of clichés. Yet, once the battle begins, any cliché this film might have is really fun to watch and not at all annoying.
What I hated the most was the unfortunate English accent... used during the Song dynasty (960-1279).
Overall, the plot is quite linear and simple and is centered around one important moment. Character development was welcoming, but not impressive and definitely not unexpected. The best part was not fulfilling the love sub-plot, even though I half expected this and I would have been really disappointed if it had happened.
Anyway, it was an enjoyable film with better 3D effects than I expected and many other films, so give it a try. But be open minded and admire what is to be admired.
作者: saeerdna
我最不爽的是糟糕的英语口音...用在宋朝 (960-1279)。
A good balance of East and West
Author: phd_travel from United States
9 January 2017
First of all this is a movie about fighting monsters - not a fact based historical epic. So don't take it that seriously and you'll have an okay time. The great wall is the center of a fight against some invading dragon dinosaur like creatures.
There have been criticisms of having a white hero in the lead role. But it's just a monster movie so take it easy. There should have been more of the "saving" done by Chinese characters but to be fair they did make the white people look scruffy and the Chinese ones pretty/handsome. Matt Damon does look kind of short and puffy here compared to the Chinese cast. Liked Pedro Pascal the excellent detective Pena from Narcos as Matt's partner in crime. Tian Jing is a feisty enough female commander. So all is fair race wise in this war.
Overall there is a good balance between East and West. A Western screenplay by Max Brooks keeps things going quickly without the irritating self sacrifice and slow dialog of the recent Jackie Chan Adrien Brody movie. Director Zhang Yimou is known for extravaganzas and sometimes the action does look circus acrobat like. But it's not too bad - the excessive slow motion deaths and explosions that plague some Chinese movies isn't such a problem here.
作者: phd_travel from 美国
总之东西方有一个很好的平衡。Max Brooks的西方剧本让情节快速推进,没有让人不爽的自我牺牲,也没有最近成龙和阿德里安·布罗迪电影中的那种慢节奏对话。张艺谋作为一位大型娱乐表演的导演为人熟知,有时拍的动作戏看起来像马戏团的杂技。但还不算太坏--一直困扰中国电影的那些爆炸和死亡的慢镜头在这里也不算问题。
This movie simply tries to do too many things at once
Author: Kevin-42 from somewhere out there
29 December 2016
First of all, this movie does a lot of things right. The costume designs are great, the set designs are very convincing and the CGI is, although not cutting edge, up to modern standards in film-making. The music score could have been better but maybe the composer had a Chinese audience in mind.
The acting will not win any Oscars but we see some genuine moments of emotion and bonding and believe it or not but there are one or two scenes with a good suspense arc. Moreover, Jing Tian has a nice smile and looks really fine in uniform. That might be my own idiosyncratic standard but an attractive female lead certainly adds to the "positives".
With all that praise then, why does it fall short of being a truly great movie? As my summary indicates it is simply overloaded with too many plot devices. It's a hero/East meets West/monster/action/tale of betrayal and redemption/romance/fantasy movie loaded with Chinese symbolism capped by a rather weak, anticlimactic and hurried cookie-cutter ending. The audience never has enough time to get emotionally invested in the characters. The script tries but there simply isn't enough time to do it all and eventually the movie does too little to explore any of the plot elements and characters.
Nevertheless, it is not a bad movie and certainly not ambitious enough to deserve any of the vitriol people read into the story without ever watching the movie. I was entertained but not really awestruck.
作者: Kevin-42 from 不知道是哪里
I've never thought it would be THIS good...
Author: Darryl Lazakar from Pontianak, West Borneo, Indonesia
14 January 2017
*** This review may contain spoilers ***
I'll be honest, I thought that this movie will be very bad. Came out in the month where movies expected to be blessed with negative reviews, it was no surprise that I thought it would be one of those ill-fated movies.
In the end, I've underestimated it.
"The Great Wall" follows William (Matt Damon), a mercenary who tries to obtain the "Black Powder", a deadly explosive, only to get caught in a battle against monsters that awakens every 60 years. For those who doubt that it will be good, mark my words: Don't underestimate this movie. The movie was a surprise all the way to finish. The acting was great, The visuals were amazing, the cinematography was breathtaking, and the action were incredible. Matt Damon as always gives a fine performance as the hero (Heck, even his Mandarin, although only a word, is very good). Andy Lau were also great as Strategist Wang in his first Hollywod movie. The biggest surprise was the female lead played by Jing Tian, she's really good and surprisingly, pretty fluent in English. William Dafoe (I not expect him to be in this movie) is also very great. Lu Han (Yes EXO-L's! It's EXO's Luhan!) is a scene stealer. Although he has a small role, He's very good at acting and truly one of my favorite characters in the movie. My criticism was it's plot. It's basic idea is like Independence Day with Chinese culture mix. Although it actually worked very well, but *SPOILER ALERT!!!* Kill the queen or we all die?", come on writers, you can do better than this. Another one is the length. A 100 minute movie isn't enough for a story with this kind of scale. If only the studio made it like 2 hours, it would be better for more character development and understanding the story.
Additionally, I don't understand all the negative reviews, especially from Chinese audiences. I'm a Chinese-Indonesian, and I absolutely love this movie. I saw criticism about the main lead being American. I'm telling you, there are 5 main leads in the movie, and *SPOILER ALERT!!!* 3 of them are Chinese, Plus most of the focus IMO are directed to the Chinese main characters. Another one is that the movie isn't based on the legend of The Great Wall. This is a fantasy movie, so of course it's not! The film even mentioned it in the beginning!!! To me, these negative reviews are purely hate for this movie. I think that most of them haven't seen the movie and simply hate it for no reason.
Overall it was a surprisingly good movie, and arguably one of the greater movies in January. If you want to see a fantasy movie, this is a perfect movie for you
作者: Darryl Lazakar from 印度尼西亚
*** 这篇评论可能有剧透 ***
A visual feast, excellent sound design and performance
Author: kaitang-60542
8 January 2017
*** This review may contain spoilers ***
I don't remember the last time I felt a movie was too short. This movie kept me entertained all the way. The chemistry between Matt and Pedro is great. The Chinese actors were good, they weren't supposed to speak perfect English. Their facial expressions were good and the directing is better than a lot of similar popcorn movies.The sound design rumbled the theater and in a fog fight scene, I felt like I was there with Matt and Pedro in the mist. SJWs complain about race, like they always do. They attack anything from China as the guardian always do, nothing new. They ask for "character development" because they want to sound smart.Since when did popcorn movies have a deep plot? You don't judge a pop song with classical standards. If you do, it means you don't know what you are talking about and you are trying to pass of as a pro. And why look at rotten tomatoes when the movie is not even out in the west? That proves they just want to troll. Good critics would never asks for historical accuracy in a popcorn fantasy. What they want is "Shindler's list" in Star wars costumes because they forget their age and Spielberg would never be so confused. This movie was made for a wide audience.Not just a specific group. Comic relief tells you to not take it so seriously. It was meant for pure visual and audio spectacle. As Zhang's Beijing Olympics opening. And Zhang did a great job with a script he didn't write. He and Ang Lee are two rare directors that can transition comfortably between east and west. All in all, I was entertained for almost two hours without boredom. In my theater no one got up to leave. They stayed for the ending soundtrack and credits. Everyone seems like they could use another half an hour of film. I have never seen this before.
作者: kaitang-60542
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Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...