2022年中国总体购买力平价GDP将超过美国+日本+德国总合 [美国媒体]


The IMF has increased the projected GDP growth for China to 6.7 percent in 2017 and average annual growth of 6.4 percent between 2018-20. Previous predictions from the IMF had China at 6.2% or less GDP growth from 2018 to 2020. Based on the lower projections the IMF had China with purchasing power parity GDP increasing for $16600 now to $23960 in 2022. If China matched the improved GDP growth then per capita GDP would be about $24800 in 2022.


It would still another 10 to 15 years beyond 2022 (2032 to 2037) for China to move up from slightly above the level of Mexico per capita PPP GDP to reach the level of Russia or Portugal per capita PPP GDP.


Overall China national PPP GDP is projected to be nearly 50% more than the USA in 2022. The expected better performance would put Chinas overall PPP GDP at over $35 trillion.


If China were to catch up to Russia or Portugal on per capita PPP GDP in the mid-2030s then China’s overall PPP GDP economy would be more than double the US PPP GDP. China’s economy would also be larger on a PPP GDP basis than the USA, Europe and Japan combined.


China, Macau and Hong Kong PPP GDP are currently at the level of the USA and Germany’s combined PPP GDP.
By 2022, China, Macau, and Hong Kong PPP GDP will pass USA, Germany, Japan and Sweden combined.


Igor ZaytsevThinker3 hours ago
Who cares about PPP GDP? Not appropriate index to compare between countries. PPP per capita makes some sense but if you want to know which country is financially and economically more powerful and compare apples to apples got to use nominal GDP.

谁在乎购买力平价GDP? 拿这指数用来对比国家之间的实力不合适。在某些方面人均购买力是有意义,但是如果你想知道哪个国家在财务上经济上更强大,你得用名义GDP在国家跟国家之间对比。

José Raymond Herrera 2 hours ago
Impressive achievement. It means that China will grow still more and faster when becoming the first market world wide which will allow its own production to feed their own population.


Fast Eddie 3 hours ago
China is now GM's largest market...Starbucks projects that China will soon become its largest market outside of the U.S....


Dan 3 hours ago
It s Paul Erlick who sold America to China. He told white America not to have babies.

是Paul Erlick把美国卖给中国了。他告诉美国白人不要生孩子。

CZM 4 hours ago
Shockingly, China almost has as much debt as we do. Yank production and send it to Mexico & Central/South America. Stop the illegals and let China crash. Won't happen, though. Vested financial interests in chasing illegals (but not stopping them), and of course the military lobbyists. When in Rome... let the barbarians smash the gates.


Argos 4 hours ago
PPP is great for comparing cost of living, like planning your vacation budget. It is not useful for comparing GDPs. Imagine we want to compare the total weight of Koreans versus Scandinavians, but tweaked it because Koreans are smaller. Would that make sense? No, we only want the total weight.


Cavedweller 4 hours ago
Do you think they'll "buy American" when they get rich enough? Nope, they'll make it in their own country. China has its series of 5-year plans, but it also has a thousand-year plan. Our plan, on the other hand, is 140 characters long. If you can't tell who wins based upon this comparison, you're probably an American.


Gold 3 hours ago
The real problem in the US is: we are producing MBA graduates who cannot do business with other countries. Most other countries are smaller with lower standard of living, and with a lot of growing small businesses. The American graduated MBA's are not taught how to do business with these smaller business companies. These top MBA school programs teach them how to manage business in an American company which has everything already setup with their own corporate cultures. They get lost in a different corporate culture and/or human culture. They are bound to fail with their ambitions in doing business in other countries, regardless of which top MBA school they graduated. The American business theory simply doesn't work outside America, and sometimes, within the US, too.


Gold 3 hours ago
Top American business schools must overhaul their business programs. Using the 1980's program in the 21st century no longer works.

