中国计划使用人工智在2030年前获得全球经济主导地位 [美国媒体]



Artificial intelligence may have been invented in the West but China seems determined to own its future. Its rising AI community just got a tremendous shot in the arm in the form of a massive new government investment plan.


The State Council of the People’s Republic of China has announced a bold scheme (lix in Chinese) meant to build an AI industry worth $150 billion and to make China the global leader in the field by 2030.


Details of the plan are sure to cause consternation among policymakers business leaders and entrepreneurs in the U.S. especially as funding for research is slashed by a science-averse Trump administration. It will also inevitably stoke concerns about China’s military ambitions given the role AI is expected to play in the evolution of warfare.



In truth however China’s AI ascendancy is already well under way. While U.S. researchers grab headlines for developing cutting-edge algorithms and techniques Chinese companies are have become adept at commercializing AI technologies and have shown a growing willingness to invest in fundamental research and development.


Over the past couple of years I’ve visited big Chinese tech companies startups and academic research labs where there is a clear focus not only on applications of AI but also on fundamental research. These research labs do seem to lag behind those found in the U.S. but they are catching up.

过去几年来,我曾访问过大型中国科技公司,初创公司和学术研究实验室,其中不仅关注人工智能的应用,而且还重点研究基础研究。 这些研究实验室似乎落后于建立在美国的同行,但他们正在迎头赶上。


The State Council’s plan will certainly add fuel to this trend. It states that by 2020 China should match the rest of the world and that five years later China should achieve “major breakthroughs” in the technology. By 2030 the plan states AI should lay the foundation for China’s economic dominance. The plan also suggests that AI should be applied across countless industries including manufacturing agriculture logistics and finance.

国务院的计划肯定会加剧这一趋势。 它提出,到2020年中国应该追平世界其他国家发展水平,五年后中国应该在技术上实现“重大突破”。 到2030年,计划预计人工智能应该为中国经济主导地位奠定基础。 该计划还表明,人工智能应适用于无数行业,包括制造业,农业,物流业和金融业。

If AI is deployed across China’s economy it could have a huge impact on the country’s economic progress. And if the government’s ambitions are realized then the effort is likely to shape the course of one of the most important technologies of our time.

如果在中国经济中部署人工智能,可能会对国家的经济进步产生巨大的影响。 而如果政府的野心得以实现,那么这种努力很可能会塑造出我们这时代最重要的技术之一。


Jay Whopper · July 22 at 4:09am 
Government cannot give what it hasn't already stolen. Economic dominance comes through freeing your people to produce goods according to markets.


Dan Allegre · July 22 at 4:33am
Too bad the existence of the internet totally destroys what you just said on the internet.


Casey Covello · July 22 at 4:42am
Government R&D spending have us our dominance. Good thing we're always at war but spending on R&D is under massive pressure from the GOP and we're quickly losing the lead there....



Miodrag Gavranov · July 22 at 5:13am
You people are delusional. :D So delusional that reading your comments is like watching "the Simpsons" or "The Family Guy". R&D? GOP? :D Pressure? Dominance? I am scared by the simple thought that we will manage to produce an actual AI in this stadium. It's like when two narcotic abusers make a child. Or several children. Those children simply can not be decent community members. Their "normal" would be so off the global "normal" that we would consider them as criminals. Same would be with this AI thing. If they manage to produce anything like our intelligence what will be the first thing it learns? Economic dominance at every cost? Why would an AI consider pollution and biodiversity if even humans who depend on it were so eager to put it aside?

你们产生错觉了吧。:D 妄想如此严重以至于看你的评论就像在看“辛普森一家”或者“恶搞之家”。研发?共和党?:D 压力?优势?只是单纯的想到我们将在体育场设法制造一个真正的人工智能我就感到恐惧。这就像两个麻醉品滥用者生了一个小孩。或者几个小孩。这些小孩肯定无法正常的融入社区。他们的“正常”会远远偏离全球公认的“正常”认知,在我们看起来他们就是罪犯。对于人工智能来说也一样。如果他们能生产出有像我们一样的智能的东西,那它首先要学的是什么呢?以什么代价取得经济优势?如果连使用人工智能的人都想把这些抛在一边,那凭什么指望人工智能考虑污染和生物多样性?

Erick Gil · July 22 at 5:15am 
True. Just look at the public sector vs private sector industries. The advances made in the latter are proof enough. Just allow people to freely innovate.

确实。 看看公立产业与私营企业。后者的取得的长足发展足以证明。只要让人们自由创新就好。


Lashit Jain · July 22 at 5:33am
Such obsession with power makes lives of people miserable. Researchers would be pressurized to develop systems which lean towards interests of the government.


Casey Covello · July 22 at 5:41am
^ implies researchers aren't people....
Why would they work too make their own lives miserable? What are your opinions even based in?


Lashit Jain · July 22 at 6:08am
@Casey Covello Such obsession of government leads all jobs of its interests to be very well funded. As a result other occupations lose their funds (law of conservation of funds :P). This loss can sometimes be serious enough for the extinction of a field because the government did not have enough "stake" in it. Since I assume everyone needs to fulfill monetary requirements to survive people are "indirectly" forced to take up jobs that directly align with such selfish interests of the politicians and economists.

@Casey Covello 政府的这种痴迷导致所有符合其利益的工作都得到了充分的资助。结果,其他工作失去了资金来源(货币守恒定律:P)。由于政府没有足够的“利害关系”,这种损失有时严重到足以使一个领域消失。因为我假定每个人都必须为了生存满足金钱需求,而“间接”的被迫从事那些与政客和经济学家的自私利益直接相关的工作。


Miodrag Gavranov · July 22 at 6:16am
Casey Covello Comm on... do you really want me to start on that? Ok... for instance nuclear power. I doubt that Pierre and Maria Curie had nuclear bombs on their minds when they were researching it. Maria even gave her life due to radiation poisoning. Then there is an entire industry and pallet of products for "effective" cutting trees and wood manufacturing. I doubt that any of the engineers who were involved in that had the evil plan of destroying natural habitats of thousands of species and tilting the balance of biosphere to the point where the climate is not in the favor of life we know and love... and so on and so forth... almost everything that smart people invented or found out dumb people turned to a disaster. The bigger the invention was the greater the disaster came out of it. Can you name a single human invention that did not turn to a major disaster at some point?

Casey Covello 不是吧……你真的要我开始举例吗?好……拿核能为例。 我很怀疑皮埃尔和玛丽亚·居里当初在研究它们时心里是想着造核弹的。 玛丽亚甚至因辐射中毒而送命。下个例子,这有一个完整的产业和平台提供产品来“有效”砍伐树木和加工木材。 我很怀疑参与这项工作的工程师们都有摧毁数千种物种自然栖息地的邪恶计划,并将通过破坏生物圈的平衡让气候变得如此与我们所知和热爱的生活相左的地步…等等等等…聪明人发明或发现的几乎所有东西在愚蠢的人手中变成了一场灾难。发明越大,醉之而来的灾害就越大。你能说出一个随便什么时代的人类的发明没有最终酿成一场大灾难么?


Presti Presti · July 22 at 6:21am
Casey Covello with the understatement of this century. "Government R&D spending have us our dominance. Good thing we're always at war but spending on R&D is under massive pressure from the GOP and we're quickly losing the lead there...."

 Casey Covello 说的过于轻描淡写。“政府的研发支出上我们有优势。很好,我们总是处于战争状态,但在研发上的花费在来自共和党的巨大压力下不断削减,我们正在快速失去在这个领域的领先地位…”

Presti Presti · July 22 at 6:25am
Erick Gil Your statement smacks of deep dissonance with the roll OUR American governement has played in the past 200 years in spurring on and actually driving innovation. In many cases the technology we rely on would never have seen the broader market had the feds not taken the lead.. The list of government driven innovation from manufacturing to farming to IT space life sciences etc - is deep and wide. How you can say this I just don't understand. - "True. Just look at the public sector vs private sector industries. The advances made in the latter are proof enough. Just allow people to freely innovate"

Erick Gil你的发言与我们的美国政府。在过去200年中发挥的激励和实际推动创新的行动严重不符。实际上在许多情况下,如果联邦政府没有领头参与,很多我们依赖的技术永远无法看到更广阔的市场。可以列举的由政府驱动的从制造业到农业到IT、空间生命科学等领域的创新是深远而广泛的。我真不明白你怎么能这么说。-“确实。 看看公立产业与私营企业。后者的取得的长足发展足以证明。只要让人们自由创新就好。”


Erick Gil · July 22 at 7:42am
Presti - The opposite is true the technology we rely on has seen the broader market despite government involvement. These innovations come from brilliant individuals not a group of politicians. When you favor government subsidies of any industry what you are saying is you agree with coercion and legalized theft (taxation) that transfers wealth from one individual to another. This is how you get corruption and corporatism. The way to combat this is to make it as easy as possible for individuals to innovate without government regulations and restrictions. If you think the government in 2017 is serving your best interest I have a bridge to sell you.

Presti - 相反的是,尽管有政府的参与,我们所依赖的技术依然能面市。 这些创新来自才华横溢的个人,而不是一群政客。当你赞成任何行业的政府补贴时,你所说的是你同意通过强制和合法的盗窃(税收)将财富从一个人转移到另一个人手中。 这就是腐败和社团主义怎么来的。解决这一问题的方法是使个人尽可能容易地在没有政府规定和限制的情况下进行创新。如果你认为2017年的政府是在为你的最高利益服务。,我就有一个卖了你的好路子了。

Michael Moore · July 22 at 10:25am 
Erick Gil In case you have forgotten... if you work in tech you owe it ALL to government-funded DARPA research military R&D and NASA... libertarian retards are born on tech third base and think they invented the ball game.... and owe no one anything...

Erick Gil 如果你忘记了...如果你从事技术工作,你所使用的一切都应该感谢政府资助的DARPA(美国国防部高级研究计划局--译者注)从事军事研发的研究和NASA(美国国家航空和宇宙航行局--译者注)…没有真正得到成果人却认为是他们主宰着一切(自由主义者站在技术的三垒上妨碍着一切还认为他们发明了球赛,棒球三垒不得分,跑回本垒才行,--译者注)…并且还觉得不欠任何人任何东西…


Jonathon Lark · July 22 at 12:46pm shuffler your welcome


Eli Levine · July 22 at 1:16pm
Oh Jay you poor Libertarian puppy. The Chinese will eat our lunch and spin us about in circles with their comprehension and acceptance of government. A pity they won't likely rein in their own arrogance and care for their average person.

哦,Jay你这可怜的自由主义小狗。 中国人会吃掉我们的午饭,带着他们对政府的理解和接受在我们周围打转。 可惜他们不能控制自己的傲慢去关心下他们自己的普通民众。

Jay Whopper · July 22 at 5:49pm 
Government may have created TCP/IP but it was the private unregulated sector that made it into what we have today and guess who wants to take it back.... Government. Don't let them. They have enough of your labour.
Eli pay for the things you want with your own money. Stop electing masters to take from my paycheck to fund your lifestyle. 
The reason why China has wealth is because they created 'free economic zones'. They are more capitalist than Detroit. 
source: Wired Magazine 'future cities shenzhen' documentary (unbiased)

Eli 用你自己的钱为你想要的东西付钱吧。别为了资助你的生活方式而去选举从我的薪水里拿钱的好手们。


Jay Whopper · July 22 at 5:50pm 
If the government had kept total control of the internet we'd still be on 56 K modems saying "Thank you government for taxing us and building our internet roads"

如果政府一直控制互联网,我们仍然会在56 K调制解调器上说“谢谢政府对我们征税并建立互联网网络”

Justin Ward · July 22 at 6:57pm 
Guy uses iPhone built on multiple government-funded technologies to access the Internet which the government also created to bitch about how the government can't create things.


Erick Gil · July 22 at 9:48pm
Michael Moore Nah its more like 1% government 99% private sector. Youre talking about the government like we serve them when its the other way around. We dont owe the government a thing. If the government is as good as you say at developing technology Cuba and North Korea would've surpassed us years ago. China has got us beat because they realized this a long time ago and let Hong Kong do its thing. Government cant create wealth. Only the private sector can.

Michael Moore 不,它更可能是1%来自政府99%来自私企。你说得好像是我们在为政府服务,其实是反过来的。我们不欠政府什么。 如果政府在发展技术方面像你说的一样好,古巴和朝鲜多年以前就应该已经超过了我们。 中国很早以前就意识到了这件事,让香港自己管理自己,所以现在才能胜过我们。 政府不能创造财富。 只有私企才能。