中印之间会发生冲突吗?(2) [美国媒体]

quora网友:战争是有可能发生的,但是并不是在印度和中国之间。考虑到贸易以及核武器的原因,这场战争不太可能发生。中国有2/3的进出口都需要经过印度洋。所以Gen BipinRawat陆军部长认为中国绝对不会发动战争。从政治上来说,可能会有很多的威胁,但是那绝对与战争无关。

Will there be a war between India and China?


HardikMakadia,Marketing Executive at Maruti Techlabs (2016-present)
OriginallyAnswered:Is war possible between India and China?
Franklyspeaking,anything is possible in any country. If Donald Trump can becomePresident of USthen I believe even you can marry Scarlett Johansson!*purposefully beingsarcastic*

Whynot?Indian and Chinese officials always smile to greet each other, but behindeachothers back they only bother about their own country. Hence, such pettyissueslike land and water which both countries have in abundance must bestopped. Ifeel that this is so kiddish fighting for such silly things. Thegovernments ofboth the countries should grow up and fight for more prominentproblems likePoverty, Illiteracy, Shelter, providing electricity, findingcures for diseasesetc. These are much greater problems than land, water ormoney. Fighting forcauses like this is worth it and will help save the livesof Millions of peoplewho are denied of it.


AmartyaBhattacharjee,Manager (2013-present)
OriginallyAnswered:Will China go to war with India?
Idont thinki am an expert of international politics so would just give mythoughts on thisquestion.
Waris apsychology that one needs to see.. Imagine some day you get a licence andbuy agun and you have job of money collection agent with a company. Your jobwillrequire you to incite fear in peoples head to get your objevtive done,i.erecover the payables from them. Now you may show the gun sometimes totoughclient but you wont shoot them necessarily. Because shooting will killthatperson and that will have consequences for you.


Thecountriesto do the same, they have the guns and bombs as show of strength,they dont usethat unless its absolutely unavoidable. Military might a way toget their saywith other countries and ensure the world takes them seriously. (tomorrow ifbangladesh wants a war with india you wont be so alarmed asbangladesh iscomparitively weak. So china is succesfull as it is clearly ableto create thefear that it want to incite and vice versa)


Earlier,thewars were less destructive as the weapons were less powerfull, buttodaysnuclear age a war can cause absulte destruction of the whole humanity,and thecountries know that and no one wants that to happen. The world has seenenoughwars to know what a war can do.


Noone cansay absolutely if it is impossible that a war might break out, but yesthepossibilities are less, the world is watching and there are otherstrongcountries who will ensure this does not happen, Especially between twonuclearcountries like India and China.


DhananjayMishra,former Associate IT Consultant at ITC Infotech India (2015-2017)
OriginallyAnswered:Will there be a war between China and India or not?
Longanswershort - NO.
Warisinevitable, but not between China & India.
A waris veryunlikely due to the nuclear weapons and trade relations. Also just foryourinformation 2/3rd of Chinas export import business happens through theIndianOcean. So Gen Bipin Rawat knows it very wellthat China won't go to war, henceall those comments about India is preparedfor war with China. Politicaly, therewill be lot of threatening, taking hereand there but not a war.

战争是有可能发生的,但是并不是在印度和中国之间。考虑到贸易以及核武器的原因,这场战争不太可能发生。中国有2/3的进出口都需要经过印度洋。所以Gen BipinRawat陆军部长认为中国绝对不会发动战争。从政治上来说,可能会有很多的威胁,但是那绝对与战争无关。

RajaBabu,Life Coach
OriginallyAnswered:Will China and India go for war?
Ihope not.What would be the aim for either side, how would they define victory,at whatcost? It's very likely that the costs in terms of money and human lifeanddestruction will heavily outweigh the benefits and any definition ofvictoryeither nation gets. Let there be peace, everyone loses in a war exceptforforeign moneybags, arms suppliers and the western world that's feeling theheatof a rising 3 billion Asians


Yu-HsingChen,Well versed on history of China, and follows its politics a bit
AnsweredJul 4
OriginallyAnswered:Will the war between China and India happen again?
Wellif theIndian government make there decision via their media then I guessthat's thecase *roll eyes*They're right that this ain't 1962 no more.The funnypart isthat this is basically non news in China, only guys on militaryoriented messageboards are talking about it.


OriginallyAnswered:Will China go to war with India?
No,it willnot. China will not gain anything from a war with India, it ratherstands tolose a huge market.China only wants to keep India troubled so thatshe cannotdevelop enough to be a tough competition to China in theinternational market.Plus, China is piqued by the asylum given by India toDalai Lama, which somehowimpedes the Chinese colonisation of Tibet.


AshutoshKumar,studied at Navy Children School
AnsweredJun10, 2015
OriginallyAnswered:Would there be a war expected between India and China?
Thisquestionis little complicated. First of all we have it look at therelationship betweenChina and India in the past. Since the independence ofIndia and the end ofworld War,India China tried to maintain friendlyrelationship but the streakbroke in the 60's when the war broke and Chinaended up winning the war due tothe negligence by Indian PM jawaharlal nehru.Since then India and China havehad a common issue with the border and sea withtheir neighbours.


Chinahasbeen in a long controversy with the Oriental countries and the smallislandsnear Japan and south Korea. Also India fought three wars with Pakistanand had anumber of conflicts with Sri Lanka over the capturing of fishermen.India andChina too have had a lot of tension through the LAC (line of actualcontrol) andthe annexation of territories of Indian states such as arunachalpradesh.


Wellthat's along history. What we need to look at is the present economic andstrategicconditions of both the countries. Both the countries have been amajor powerhouse in the world economy in terms of providing manforce and amarket placewith large consumers. Both the countries are in the phase ofeconomicdevelopment and it's quite obvious they're are not willing to shellout extramoney from their national budget right now.


AvinashAvi,Software Engineer (2017-present)
OriginallyAnswered:Are there possibilities of India China war?
Thereis nopossibility of war between india and china.
Chinaandindia has the largest army in the world along with huge nuclearwarheadreserves.if the war could happen then both the countries would bedestroyed.Bothare Rising economies growing at average speed of 7% . If any warcould happenbetween china and india, Investors will stop investing in thesecountries hencebringing down the growth. This will result in huge loss for thebusiness mensin both countries. Share markets will probably will have worstcrash inhistory.


BothChineseand indian officials will solve any problems diplomatically rather thanhead tohead fight with arms.Most of the Chinese State run companies orsupported byChinese goverment have huge investment in india(Likehuawei,ChineseRailway,SAIC,wanda etc).and it tends to increase in comingyears.India is theattractive destination for any Chinese company. India is thebiggest market forany chinese company after there home market. This leads tobusiness leaderforcing the goverment to stop war against india.


14.Answersthatare duplicates
IshanDoshi,Graphic Designer at Khabri (2017-present)
OriginallyAnswered:Are there possibilities of India China war?
Willithappen - Murphy’s Law says YES, but in my opinion NO


RickiSardana,MBA In Professional Accounting from University of Technology, Sydney
OriginallyAnswered:Will the war between China and India happen again?
Firstof allhats off for the absurd question. Now some realty check. India willnever go ona war with China, unless China takes the initiative to instigateit. China is apowerful country, but India is also an iceberg, where noteverything is recordedin Government books (to scam Tax and other purposes).The GDP you see is justthe tip of the iceberg. The government is trying toresolve this Issue, but thecivilians are always one step ahead. Now if Indiais on attack, it will be adifferent game all together.


Andnow Iwill tell you why, going on a war in this day and age is absurd. The mainissueis both are nuclear country and both packs the power to destroy eachother.Knowing that no country wants to go on a war. The most they would do isgoing ona cold war which may have been the direction they are heading into.


MarkMiller,former English Instructor
AnsweredJun10, 2015
OriginallyAnswered:Would there be a war expected between India and China?
Therecertainlydoes not seem to be one developing in the near future. However, thesetwo hugecountries may become rivals for resources in the border areas betweenthem. Itappears at this time that China is far more interested with itsinterests in thePacific which put it up against the American super-power.  


AshutoshShandilya,reading and experiencing
OriginallyAnswered:Will the war between China and India happen again?
WarbetweenIndia and China is not an option and they both know it. China has spentbillionsof dollar to improve trade relation with India and I don’t think thatthey willwant a war.China has been crossing international border in the past.But sinceModi has been in power, Indian army has adopted a “no-tolerance”policy. Indiansare now responding back to China in it’s own language. China isfinding thishard to digest.It is not a war time for the nuclear powers.


Incase of awar, China knows that it is on a weak side. USA has trump and Russiahas Putin.Russia will never go against India while USA is busy finding aexcuse to take astrong stand against China. Most of the South Asian and EastAsian countrieslike Japan, Malaysia, Philippines , Taiwan “HATE” China becauseof it’sexpansion policy.If India and China were to go to war, India will facehugedestruction but the war will completely destroy China. None of the countrywantthat.

