Quora: 中国是发展中国家中科技最发达的吗? [美国媒体]

quora网友:中国的许多方面已经是一个发达国家了(当然在一些方面是欠发达的) - 它在人均GDP或人类发展指数中的排名较低,但是在许多参数上,它是发达国家。中国早已从“中国制造”转向“中国智造”。 我认为在技术领先方面中国整体上和欧洲是相当的,与美国的差距可能只有5年...........

Quora: 中国是发展中国家中科技最发达的吗?

Sarah Vo, Media Geek - Finance Junkie - Tech Lover
Answered Aug 8
I took a trip to Shanghai not long ago.
I knew it had changed but I didn't realize the scale at which the country had grown.


·WeChat now gathers the features of 15 different apps to become a super-app when it only used to be a simple messaging platform. You don't need a wallet in China, just your smartphone. Now, you can pay anything anywhere with your QR code, receive your monthly salary, find a date, order a cab, notarize a document and more on the app. It basically does everything for you.

微信不再只是一个简单的通讯工具,而是一个集合了15种不同app的功能的超级app 你不需要带钱包,只要带智能手机就可以了。 您可以使用二维码码支付任何费用,领取月薪,约会,打车,确认文件等等。你基本可以用它做任何事。

·Ofo and Mobike bikes have flooded the streets. Now, it's completely common to have people riding a bike to work and you can find them at every corner of the cities.

街上到处都是 ofo和mobike 。人们骑自行车去上班已经很普遍,你可以在城市的任何角落找到这些自行车。

·China puts more effort in renewable energy than any other country I know when I remember many Chinese people had to wear a mask on their way to work. Now, you can enjoy a blue sky in the middle of the summer and have a run on the Bund.


·A.I. is one of a growing number of disciplines in which China is making a quick progress when in the past China’s capabilities, especially in advanced and new technologies, have long lagged those of its better developed neighbors as well as Europe and America. Now, nothing can stop China from becoming an AI superpower.

在过去中国在先进技术和新技术方面长期落后于较发达的邻国以及欧美,但是现在中国在A.I. 领域正处于快速发展阶段。 没有什么可以阻止中国成为超级大国。

The examples are all over here. So yeah, if you were to compare China to other developing countries, it definitely is way ahead of them technologically.


However, the problem is not whether China’s technology is advanced or not as many of China’s inventions are comparable to The US’s and Russia’s, but China is a huge territory, many areas of China are still in poverty and they need time to change. Despite having the world's second-largest economy and third-largest military, China is still not classified as a developed country. The biggest reason: Its per capita GDP remains below any accepted minimum threshold for developed-country status. That’s why China — a country with all these inventions — is still called a developing country. China still has a long way to go.

但是,问题不在于中国的技术是否先进,中国的许多发明与美国和俄罗斯相当,问题在于中国拥有广阔的领土,有许多地区仍处于贫困之中,这需要时间来改变。 中国是世界第二大经济体和第三大军事力量,但中国仍未被列为发达国家。 最大的原因是人均GDP低于发达国家地位的最低限度。 这就是为什么拥有这些发明的中国仍然被称为发展中国家的原因。 中国还有很长的路要走。

The interesting thing about HK and mainland China is purchase behavior. HKers prefer credit cards while mainlanders are happy with Alipay or WeChat pay. So far, to every person asking me about life in Hong Kong, I keep saying it is extremely far behind on multiple fields including technology, digital and innovation.

香港和中国大陆之间有趣的事情在于购买行为。 香港人喜欢信用卡,而大陆人则喜欢支付宝或微信支付。 迄今为止,对于每个问我关于香港生活的人,我的回答是香港在技术,数字化和创新等多个领域都是非常落后的。

America will still remain the world's technology leader in the foreseeable future. However, I'd say, while other countries are laying out the welcome mat to outside talent and capital, the Trump administration’s posturing on immigration and other matters (like cutting back on science funding, restricting China from investing in US technology and more) are deterring foreign talent and money from coming to US shores. All of that probably could make America less competitive and slow down the country.

美国在可预见的未来内仍然会是全球科技的领导者。 不过,当其他国家正在欢迎外来人才和资本时,特朗普政府对待移民和其他事宜(如削减科学资金,限制中国在美国技术投资等方面)的态度是阻止外国人才和资本来到美国本土,这会使得美国的竞争力下降和经济滑坡。

Seeing as China is growing so fast, other countries and industries should take notice and do something if they do not want to be irrelevant someday. Who knows what the future holds.

鉴于中国发展如此之快,其他国家如果不想有一天变得无关紧要,那么就应该注意到这一事实,并且做些什么。 谁知道未来会是怎样。

Michael Soareverix, Watching the world intertwine through stories
Answered Aug 20
China is not a developing country anymore. They have a population of 1.3 billion, a GDP ) of 11.2 trillion (slightly below the US,and use massive mounnts of energy).
Using the Kardeshev Scale (the level of a civilization is judged by how much energy it has) we can tell that China is far in the lead even over the US.
中国已经不是发展中国家了。 中国有13亿人口,GD(货值估计)为11.2万亿美元(略低于美国,消耗了大量的能源)
依据the Kardeshev Scale (文明程度是按照能源的多少衡量的),我们可以说中国遥遥领先于美国的。

The reason people might think of China as a developing country is because of the poverty that runs through the vast rural areas. There are an abundance of impoverished farmers who don’t have much of a chance in the more advanced areas, and starting a business or enterprise is much more difficult because of their official status as communist. People in high political positions determine a lot in terms of business, but China is gradually becoming more capitalistic.

人们仍认为中国是发展中国家是因为广大贫穷的农村地区。 这里有很多贫穷的农民,他们在发达地区没什么发展机会,由于作为共产主义者的他们的官方地位,创业或开公司要困难得多。 在商业方面政治地位高的人有许多决定权,但中国正逐渐变得更加资本主义。

China is developing a lot of fascinating technology, as seen in the recent quantum satellite launch and some of their more experimental technology.
China can be an excellent ally to the US and the developed world. Such an ally would provide the manpower and technological innovation to push the world towards a greater future. If we team up, Earth will be unstoppable.

中国可以成为美国和发达国家杰出的盟友。这个盟友将提供人力和技术创新来推动世界迈向更好的未来。 如果我们团结起来,地球将无所不能。

Sree Venkateswarlu Vemulapati, B Tech Engineering
Answered Aug 22
China for all practical purposes , a Developed Country in many parts ( of course there could be pockets of under development) - It may be ranking low in Per Capita GDP or Human Development Index , but on many parameters it is developed.

中国的许多方面已经是一个发达国家了(当然在一些方面是欠发达的) - 它在人均GDP或人类发展指数中的排名较低,但是在许多参数上,它是发达国家。

China has already started its transition from a “ Manufacturing Hub” to “ Technology Development Hub “ . I think it is almost on par with Europe and may be just 5 years away from US in Technology Leadership as a whole.

中国早已从“中国制造”转向“中国智造”。 我认为在技术领先方面中国整体上和欧洲是相当的,与美国的差距可能只有5年。

Chinese Govt has long recognised that Economic / Military Supremacy is dependent on Science & technology Supremacy . Govt is bent on making China a Tech Super Power at any cost .

政府早就认识到,科技霸权决定经济/军事霸权。 政府致力于不惜任何代价使中国成为科技超级大国。

If “ Manufacturing “ was growth Engine all these years , “ Technology Development “ “ Innovation “ & “ Increased domestic Consumption “ are going to be the growth engines for the next couple of decades


Already the fear of impending superiority of China in Tech Devpt is gripping the Govts/MNCs across the world.

