德国汽车制造商也陷入与处于美中贸易战前线的美国农民相同的处境 [美国媒体]


German carmakers join American farmers on front line of U.S.-China trade war


FILE PHOTO: Flags of U.S. and China are placed for a meeting between Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue and China's Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu at the Ministry of Agriculture in Beijing, China June 30, 2017. REUTERS/Jason Lee/File Photo


WASHINGTON/FRANKFURT/BEIJING (Reuters) - An increasingly shrill exchange of words between the United States and China that is threatening to trigger a global trade war has claimed another victim - Germany's auto sector.


Luxury carmakers Daimler and BMW joined American farmers and Chinese solar panel and steel makers among the first casualties in what looks set to become a bitter trade war on a global scale of a kind not seen since the 1930s.


While most economists believe a tariff war between the world's two largest economies will not derail global growth even if U.S. President Donald Trump follows through with duties on $450 billion of imports from China, individual industries such as agriculture, autos and technology look set to be hit hard.


Daimler on Wednesday cut its 2018 profit forecast while BMW, whose Spartanburg, South Carolina plant is the largest single exporter of vehicles in the United States, said it was looking at "strategic options" because of the threatened trade war.


The first test of whether a tariff war will indeed start comes on July 6, the date on which Trump has threatened to enact the first portion of duties on a planned $50 billion of imports from China.
Beijing has pledged retaliation and Trump has threatened to push harder in response, saying that there could be tariffs on up to $450 billion of imports from China, close to the $500 billion of goods the United States gets from the world's second largest economy.


A trade war between the United States, which is mired in battles with allies in Europe and North America over trade, immigration and foreign policy, and China, the world's emerging economic and military power, now looks as if it will involve the entire world if both sides follow through on their threats.


"It is deeply regrettable that the U.S. has been capricious, escalated the tensions, and provoked a trade war," Chinese Commerce Ministry spokesman Gao Feng said on Thursday.


"The U.S. is accustomed to holding 'big sticks' for negotiations, but this approach does not apply to China."


At the same time as Gao and Chinese newspapers stressed that Beijing would strike back, President Xi Jinping told foreign company executives in Beijing that he was pressing ahead with promised tariff reductions promised in April.


Items such as cars have seen pledges of cuts and in May, Beijing said it would lower import tariffs on 1,449 consumer goods, starting from July 1.


Beijing has sought to portray itself as the guardian of global free trade, a crown that has been abandoned by the United States since Trump took office in 2017 with his protectionist agenda.


"I've been honoring my words with actions," Xi told a group of foreign chief executives in Beijing on Thursday.


Although there has been no record of talks between the two countries since a deal to negotiate a reduction in America's trade deficit with China fell apart, some political analysts in the United States believe Trump may pull away from the tariffs before July 6.


The continued harsh rhetoric from Washington appeared to cast doubt on that, however.


"What we have to do is create an environment where it's more painful for these parties that have these huge trade barriers, both tariff and non-tariff; got to make it more painful for them to keep those barriers than to get rid of them," U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told broadcaster CNBC on Thursday.


Financial markets have been hit harder with the rise in threats, and car companies felt the brunt of that on Thursday, even though companies like General Motors and Ford Motor rebounded from earlier stock price lows.


GM closed almost 2 percent lower on Thursday while Ford lost 1.3 percent and Tesla plunged 4.1 percent.


A trade war would hit U.S. farmers, a vast majority of whom supported Trump in the 2016 election.


Adding to the woes of soy farmers, who have seen the value of their commodity fall to multi-year lows, pork farmers were set to feel the heat from China as well.


China implemented a 25 percent duty on most U.S. pork items on April 2, and a 15 percent tariff on a range of fruits and nuts, in response to U.S. tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum products.


Last week pork was included in a second round of tariffs to be imposed on July 6. No other products have been listed twice and it now faces cumulative import duties of 71 percent, not including value added tax, according to a formula published on the website of China's finance ministry last week.


Chinese shares fell 1.2 percent on Thursday on investor worries about the trade dispute, with the Shanghai index languishing at a two-year low.


China has said it would impose additional tariffs on 659 U.S. goods, with duties on 545 to kick in on July 6, after Trump said Washington would levy tariffs on $50 billion of Chinese products.


Beijing has yet to set a tariff activation date for the remaining 114 U.S. products, which include crude oil, coal and a host of refined fuel products.


Some Chinese economists have said that while Beijing cannot agree to Trump's excessive demands, some of the issues raised by Washington could be implemented and would, over the longer term, benefit China.


"We cannot be soft with Trump. He is using his 'irrationality' as a tactic and he is trying to confuse us," said Chen Fengying, an economics expert at state-backed China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations.


"But if we could accomplish some of the things that he wants us to do - such as IP (intellectual property), market reforms, he'd be helping us. Of course there are risks, those would depend on how we handle those reforms."


Manup7 days ago
Everything This Man Attacks Has Everything To Do With His Line Of Business. I Gaurantee You Hes Attacking Everything That Has Had A Impact On His Businesses In Some Way. Put The U.S. In Trouble Even With Our Own Allies And Even At War With Ourselves. Gotta Give It To Russia Divde And Conquer.


Jabber7 days ago
Germany is like China. they do everything they can to export more goods than they import from the USA. They are both conceited and greedy. They are both our enemy. They want huge amounts of US dollars in their treasuries.


Vmcd7 days ago
The only one that benefit is trum666 and his criminal administration.


pl7 days ago
If trump has helps from other countries, he may have a chance to win this war. Now, he is screwed because he has made enemies out of every country, except the Vatican.


JD7 days ago
This should have been done a long time ago. Those weasels kicked the can for years and now someone has to clean up their mess.


John7 days ago
If you want to bake a cake, you have to break some eggs.


andrew7 days ago
I don't think anyone wants a return to the dirty 30's.


Apparition7 days ago
Luckily it is fairly easy to switch between crops. If they are already planted, it sucks, but guess what we do next year? Substitute a different product. Rather difficult to retrofit a factory to create a new product and export it to who else that can compare to the American economy to make up the difference? A simple subsidy to the Farming industry for a year will hold it over till China caves.


rick7 days ago
So now the cost of food in America will go down in price and the farmers get huge amounts of money from the government in farm subsidies and they hire mostly illegal aliens to tend the fields , we want factories the pay a living wage for the American people


READY7 days ago
stand tall Mr. President! Trump 2020!!!


matt7 days ago
What’s for dinner tonight? Dog


J7 days ago
As an American, I hope China DOES retaliate. Trump will just ADD MORE TARRIFS until the chinese CAPITULATE!!!!!!!!


john7 days ago
14 million jobs in America depend on trade with China according to bureau of labor statistics it would be a shame to see them disappear since China is already talking to other country’s for market share

根据美国劳工统计局的数据,美国有1400万个工作岗位依赖于与中国的贸易。看到它们由于中国已经在与其他国家展开对话谋取市场份额而消失将是一种耻辱。  momo
momo7 days ago
Someone has to make things somewhat fair for the United States. At least Trump is making them acknowledge their unfairness in trade with the U.S.


J7 days ago
Personally, I'm ready to sign up for military duty against China.


JoelG7 days ago
Beijing has to be put in check now. If we lose this moment, we may very well be replaced at the top of the Hill by China. It's true that China has the 2nd largest economy in the world and they also have an appetite for expanding there economic and military boundaries. Not good for us or our allies if we allow them to continue their aggression in the East China Sea. 


Mikey7 days ago
It is too late for China to undo the damage they have done over decades.Small gestures just don't cut it.


bobb7 days ago
Block all Chinese imports and just win this war.


Vijay7 days ago
Trump will back off, it is how he operates. He always wants to win, but when cornered, the Bully just backs off. Isn't this how all Bullies operate. They talk big, but run like punks when challenged.

特朗普会退缩,这就是他的套路。他总是想赢,但当被逼到走投无路的时候,这个恶霸就会后退,这不是所有的恶霸都是这个套路。他们牛B        吹得很响,但在受到挑战时就会像小喽罗一样逃跑。  Jeff
Jeff7 days ago
The trade issues need to be resolved......this is just a poor way to do it.


Coolhandluke7 days ago
$30 t shirts coming to Walmart near you!


Richard M
Richard M7 days ago
This from an IDIOT that went bankrupt with a casino!


flylowguy7 days ago
China is all about cooperation and friendy relations as long as they get everything they want. Otherwise, they are extremely pissy.


barney7 days ago
Can’t wait for farmers and trumptards auto workers to get screwed it’s awesome.
Just remember don’t buy american


Timothy7 days ago
I'm an American farmer from California, I will gladly go broke to hurt China.


cpsummer7 days ago
The last huge trade war lead to the great depression, I hope everyone is ready for that because that hurts the entire US, it doesn't pick parties only people.


J7 days ago
"bitter trade war on a global scale of a kind not seen since the 1930s" Like as in the Great Depression 1930s? Great


Anonymous7 days ago
It's just scare tactics employed by "experts" who has no resolution to the tariff matters. China will lose in a trade war with the U.S. If we decides to close our vast markets where will communist China dump their dangerous products? Has President Trump been better advised we could cause severe damage to communist China economic growth. If everyone, including the "experts" a simple ban on special chips that we made and communist China has to buy from us. This small step is going to causing the bankruptcy of ZTE. Where will comrade President Xi find jobs for the thousands of unemployed workers. Had President Trump listened to the true "experts" then we could cause major disaster to the communist China's economy by targeting communist China's weakest spots. The most effective sanction is in the food & agricultural sectors. Our farmers will find other markets to sell their products. Had President Trump listened to real "experts" and not imposed tariffs on a wide product range that also hurt our Euro allies! Please Mr. Trump, sop your circus acts and get down to M.A.GA.


Wendell7 days ago
China has been charging everyone one else high tariffs, and when they export they pay very little, this is one reason why they have so much money now, money that should have been paid as taxes to our and other governments is sitting in their bank accounts now, in the trillions, although this may lead to a recession, trump did the right thing, this unfairness needs to stop


boycott made in china, 90% their junk are in USA, and at least 75% of their product are in store left and right,


SunSet7 days ago
Trumps puts children on cages, do you still believe he will care about poor old dudes?? people are stupid!!!

特朗普把孩子们关在笼子里,你还相信他会关心那些可怜的老家伙吗?人是愚蠢的! ! !  

Al7 days ago
America has been losing it's industries to Japan, Korea and China. Donald J (unk ) Trump thinks he can reverse that by trade war. Trade wars cause huge losses to all parties involved and may not help reversing the loss of American industries to the East.


Frank7 days ago
we are on our way to a disaster. i think the US had better tell the American people what the hell is going on, so we want have of collapse.


Rodney S
Rodney S7 days ago
the stupid fool has all ready raised the cost of doing business here in the states. we use only made in America steel and aluminum yet our cost have went up due to the trade war talk.cost of fuel is up that also will hurt farmers and trucking companies raising cost for everyone. it is a world economy get used to it and grow the hell up. this clown is proving he knows nothing about dealing with other humans.


ViktorL7 days ago
International thief China must shut they communists stink mouth


Gustavo7 days ago
0% Tariffs on everything is what Europe has been suggesting for years.... But the US doesn't really want that....


El7 days ago
Wake-up call to all Trump supporters: If you're paying attention to news on the tariffs front, you'll see that other nations AROUND THE WORLD are reacting to the Chump's imposition of tariffs on their exports with their own tariffs on U.S. exports. The outcome will be HIGHER PRICES for nearly everything you buy. If you support this stupidity, then you'd better pray that your salaries and wages rise correspondingly. Otherwise, your standard of living is destined to DECLINE, in direct proportion to these circular rounds of tit-for-tat tariffs that the Idiot-in-Chief set in motion. The only winners will be the entities that collect the tariffs -- and that won't be YOU!


Heinz 57
Heinz 577 days ago
Why is there tariffs even required today. Trump wanted no tariffs, but Europe and China wants to keep them.


Side A
Side A7 days ago
Just don’t buy cheap no good Chinese products then it’s all good.


Gus7 days ago
The Germans on the front lines again? This can't be good news...especially for Poland, Czechoslovakia and France.

Roger7 days ago
The idiot in chief does not understand that NO ONE wins trade wars. Iowa,Michigan, Ohio,and Pennsylvania who helped elect Trump are losing of $1 BILLION due to the trade war Trump started. It will only get worse.


Dave7 days ago
It is cheaper to subsidize these American businesses than to give China everything we have. They have been stealing from us in every way for years. Lying about their currency. Hacking all our secrets. Stealing patents. and many many more. Time to end it Thank you Mr. President.


justins7 days ago
Why do we allow China to sell steel over here at these rates when they can resell to distributors inside the US who can in turn still beat our american made steel prices?

为什么我们允许中国以这样的速度在这里出售钢铁——当它们可以转售给美国境内的分销商,而这些经销商又能打败我们美国制造的钢铁价格的时候?  Michael
Michael7 days ago
Maybe Tesla should be made to go it alone

也许特斯拉应该单独行动  Greg Morris
Greg Morris7 days ago
Once the EU, Australia, Canada, south America cut way back on Red Communist Chinese, they will collapse!!! During WW2 we had everything we needed to be self sufficient!!!


kelly7 days ago
Nothing in America was ever made in China before bill Clinton, his NAFTA deal killed 70,000 American factories.


Jim7 days ago
I'm betting that the one thing that Trump will never put a tariff on is the Trump branded clothes that they are having made in China and imported into the US. He doesn't care how many jobs are lost, but does care if his family will suffer any personal monetary loss from his stupid ideas.


RobL7 days ago
"The U.S. is accustomed to holding 'big sticks' for negotiations, but this approach does not apply to China." Some people think they can have their cake and eat it too....good luck with that.


Mike7 days ago
Without socialist type subsidies our entire economy would collapse. Stop the subsidies, put the hundreds of billions into the wall and let the chips fall where they may.


Brian7 days ago
I love German cars and almost everything I buy that’s affordable comes from China... the biggest contributors to our phony deficit is US companies manufacturing abroad because it’s cheaper!


ian7 days ago
Without the US, how will China steal patents and sell cheap Chinese Knockoffs?


G C7 days ago
America first. The Korean and Japanese are smart many of their cars are made in America.


Handi7 days ago
The stable genius strikes again making the US the pariah county of the whole world!


Sarah Peggy hill palin
Sarah Peggy hill palin7 days ago
the media love the brutal communist regime in China. They believe it is okay for China to charge high tariffs on US goods and steal and pirate technology.


Jon7 days ago
There IS no "trade war", only distraction and manipulation and you have been made so stupid YOU FUND IT.


PLC7 days ago
The Media is doing a great job of keeping it secret that the US steelworkers union supports Trump's tariffs. How embarrassing for the Liberals!!


Carolus Magnus
Carolus Magnus7 days ago
could all americans agree at least on 1 thing, that china has been ripping us off for decades and that it is no friend of the USA?


David7 days ago
BS, Beijing does believe in free trade. No one has much access to their markets. They just want trade to be free for them.


Joseph7 days ago
These other countries already have large tariffs against our products. Trump's administration is simply leveling the playing field


edward g
edward g7 days ago
What kind of cars do wealthy people buy? American, right? Hahaha


Joseph7 days ago
Over the past generation, I've watched the price of food spike with the explanation of strong demand coming from China. The farmers and fishermen will still have a ready and waiting customer base. But now the American consumer can catch a break


The Little Guy
The Little Guy7 days ago
American farmers are still alive and havent commited suicide ?


Jim7 days ago
The man who does not know to drive the economy crashes. The stock market repays him.

Revenant7 days ago
Again why hasnt any previous adminstration done a damn thing to let it get to this point. America first. I can do without any thing from China or anywhere else. All we are asking is to make the playing field more fair. Greedy asians.


aegis7 days ago
SC is a Trump State. If I were making decisions in China, I’d target BMW vehicles made in SC. BMW would then move manufacturing to Germany or China & Trump could take credit for the jib losses in SC where voters bow down to Trump.


Sugamorgan7 days ago
When AMERICANS lose their auto manufacturing jobs...they can work in the Coal mines when Trump reopens them


Ricardo C
Ricardo C7 days ago
Yes!! Stand up to China.. finally there are balls in Washington, so it’ll hurt a bunch; bring industry back to US, pay real wages again so Americans can buy American made products...

是的! !站起来直面中国……华盛顿终于主动了一回,那么这么做会伤害一群人;把产业带回美国,再支付实际工资,这样美国人就可以购买美国制造的产品。  

John7 days ago
American investors in American companies need to understand that enormous portions of their production capacity is overseas. American companies will be seriously harmed by tariffs. Everyone with a brain was kicked out of the Trump Administration. Even economic experts like Greenspan in his prime could not possibly fathom the effects of moronic tariffs on a world economy that has been totally globalized for decades. Trump is SO STUPID he went bankrupt over and over and over again in the simplest industry in the world. Wilbur Ross keeps mumbling about soda cans.and looks to be 100 years old and hopelessly senile. The House and Senate need to take the tariff power away from Trump before he destroys the world.


KimW7 days ago
I think this is hilarious. Let the Trump trash voters get what they voted for. #LessonsLearned

我觉得这很滑稽。让特朗普垃圾选民得到他们投票支持的东西。# 学到教训了  

river7 days ago
Stupid trump still thinks he's dealing with mindless developers.....


Javid7 days ago
So if there is a 25% tariff on Chinese products, will there be an increase in the price of those products when a customer wants to buy it?? Who is paying this increased tariff??


greg7 days ago
this is all about Trump's heavy handedness and crude ways. A fair disparity in trade tariffs could have been accomplished a little at a time if we had a diplomatic person in the WH


Mike7 days ago
I think this is all geared towards war. Steel mills are coming back online ready to make bombs, bullets and tanks. Guessing it will take 6 months to get ramped up. War with NK and china coming up.


robert s
robert s7 days ago
They can squawk all they want. We have the food they NEED.


Leo7 days ago


Greg Morris
Greg Morris7 days ago
Everyday when I buy something I look at the label, and if it says red China I put it back and try to find any other country but them!!! They are using a lot of ripped off money to build their military for a war, most likely with us, so stay on your toes and be ready!!!


Stan7 days ago
We need to pull together and support Trump on this issue. China has been unfairly trading with us for decades and stealing our technology to boot. Now is the time we can take a bit of a hit to exports with the economy at full speed and unemployment at rock bottom. Now is the time to take a hard stand and be able to handle it to finally get back to a fair exchange of goods. What ever you otherwise feel about our President this issue is much bigger than him or his personality. We need to stand up to China as a nation and ensure they understand we will not take it anymore. I am willing to make some sacrifices, I hope my fellow Americans feel the same way.


Free Style
Free Style7 days ago
Let Trump have a go at this. At least he is the first President in 50 years to try and stop the overrun of junk from foreign countries into ours. He is trying to restore some jobs here in the USA.


David Sinclair
David Sinclair7 days ago
everything made in china even trump made america great hat made in china.


Dennis7 days ago
Is there anyone Trump's trade policies are actually BENEFITTING? I mean, aside from himself and other one-percenters. And Russia (which has directly benefitted from some of his agriculture policies, to the detriment of U.S. farmers).


Lela7 days ago
What is this a war on Wal-Mart. Haha


david7 days ago
I think things will get better, just need a little diplomacy and faith.


Hello7 days ago
How many recalls has German Car makers made in the last few years????Audi, Daimler, BMW.....etc...100,000? more..?....And farmers..? We're not talking about the family farm here..These "farmers" have offices on Wall street....Let's tell the WHOLE truth for a change...


Dali7 days ago
Germany doesn’t charge any tax but EU charges 10% vs US 2.5% for European cars. There is also VAT charge on imports. How is that fair trade?


Bellwether7 days ago
And when companies start moving out of US, they won't come back if ever for many years


Michael7 days ago
The tax on cars will just give GM, Ford and Chrysler a good reason to make crappier car than they already make


Anonymous7 days ago
In Japan an Xbox costs almost a 1,000$ dollars where as a PlayStation is still the same price. Other countries have been doing this for years. If you continue to buy none Japanese products as a resident they audit you as another way to deter you from buying nonJapanese products. Other countries use these tactics to make sure their products out sell ours at home, it's about time someone did something, good job Trump!


Amateur President
Amateur President7 days ago
" a bitter trade war on a global scale of a kind not seen since the 1930s." Gee - two other big things happened in the 1930s, the Great Depression and Hitler's rise - we're right on track Donald.


Robert7 days ago
all for show, Wall Street has gotten the word that no trade will happen it is just a negotiating ploy. Why the stock market hasn't tanked. Trump's action are to shore up his pathetic base who believes he is for them. Trump will keep reassuring China on the campaign trail by saying HE LOVES XI AND HAS A GREAT RELATIONSHIP as the keywords that everything is cool.


billy rubin
billy rubin7 days ago
I’ve bought American cars for many years, and most of the time, I had the hoods open to work on them. They’re junk!


Lawrence7 days ago
It's about more than just money... China also steals the worlds technology!


Ralph7 days ago
"Beijing has sought to portray itself as the guardian of global free trade" . Right, they charge huge tariffs on our stuff and impose other onerous restrictions on us. I say screw them, we can buy toxic junk from Vietnam and Malaysia.


Michael7 days ago
It's about time we stop supporting a Communist Country and make them play fair or not play at all. If these are actual American companies they need to stop promoting China and bring these factories and jobs back home or they are just a Chinese company and we should hit them harder.


Brian7 days ago
world population is exploding. Our farmers will have plenty of people ready to buy their goods. We should move production from china to latin america and mexico. Keep the $ in the americas. The jobs added in these places should also reduce the need of so many to try to come to america


Jackalope7 days ago
And Putin is laughing his butt off. This trade war hurts the US, Canada, China and Europe. It helps only Russia. It's as if Trump were working for Putin.


james7 days ago
TRUMP is doing what he said he would do keeping his promise, unlike any of the slime America has had for President in the last 40 years!


Joseph M
Joseph M7 days ago
I remember when you could buy quality products that would last. Then stuff started to be made in China. Everything that comes from there is cheaply made junk.


Rich7 days ago
Trump is playing games with America's future. Just so he can be right. This is why the midterm elections are so important folks.


mand7 days ago
Hit China with all tariffs we have, I am ready to live on bread and salt!
We can’t be under 700 billion year after year!
If this fight must be fought now, let’s fight it!
We are with you pres Trump!
God bless America!


Patriot7 days ago
"The U.S. is accustomed to holding 'big sticks' for negotiations, but this approach does not apply to China.
No see that's where you're categorically wrong. In fact, There is no bigger country than China that will feel the "Big Stick" approach because no country relies on the US more to buy their junk than China.


KB7 days ago
Trump must be stopped. At this point it doesn't matter how. Vote all republicans out of congress November 2018.


Tom7 days ago
We need to reduce the deficit. Period. Let Trump handle it at least he is the one who are willing to do as he promised.


Sorrento7 days ago
Unless Germany changes its attitude, we don't need no stinking' overpriced German cars. Many other options including our own.


Patrick7 days ago
Most farmers are about to get their just desserts.

Brian7 days ago
Trump will File Americas 1st Bankruptcy


sam7 days ago
I'd like to see it progress for a while. Seems to me this is a wakeup call to China to STOP RIPPING US OFF and taking our citizens intelectual property. Trump is holding them accountable.


Hugh7 days ago
You mean we buy $500 billion worth of cheap junk from China every year? How embarrassing!


big7 days ago
Time to level the playing field previously destroyed by the black obama


Robb7 days ago
You voted for crooked Trump because he's a businessman? You do know a businessman serves himself and not the people? Bad move chumps!


Gopi7 days ago
China has been using a big stick in unfair trade on U.S. and others for as long as I lived in China and now Trump is stepping up to the batters plate and chase them down the road with our stick stick. There has been a global conspiracy of the elitists of the world and that is why no one ever challenged China about their unfair trade. From Clinton to Obama they have been getting rich off the Chinese unfair trade. Does anyone ever wonder how Obama could afford an 8 million dollar home after his term as president? A presidents salary isn't that high. Wall St. just paid Obama a post dated bribe money of $800,000 after his presidency because of the favors he did for the rich in his policies They claim they were paying him this large sum of money to speak to Wall St. Obama was no known investor our economic genius. It was a cover up for paying him the bribe money they promised him when he was in office. You pay 3X higher price than in U.S. stores for U.S. products in retail outlets in China. I always wondered why no one ever said or did anything about it. There has been no demand for U.S. and European imports in China because of the overinflated price tag. China has been weakening our economy while we sell their imports in U.S. cheaper than our own products and there's a big demand for Chinese imports. This is unfair trade and they have been cornering the market and affecting the loss of jobs in America with companies closing down because we can not sell as cheap as China


Ira7 days ago
8th day in a row of market losses. And this is only the begining. the drop has not been as bad as possible because some institutions are artificially keeping it afloat for political purposes. But that won't last much longer.


Miguel7 days ago
how you like that us pork and soy farmer morons. you cut your own throats when you voted for the great golden goblin.


Eagle7 days ago
That's interesting that they mention German car manufacturers and Chinese solar panel manufacturers. Germany used to be on the cutting edge of solar panel production...until the Chinese stole their designs and were able to produce and sell them for much cheaper. They might not have such a huge advantage if they start having to play by the same rules that everybody else has to.


Mike7 days ago
Put up a Naval blockade to keep Chinese ships out !


Brian7 days ago
A Bankrupter trying to tell us how to Budget.


danny7 days ago
The people who wrote this article were paid to focus on Trump's tariffs and blatantly ignore Chinese trade cheating and high tariffs on American products the Chinese consumer would love to buy if only they could. If you personally know many Chinese people as I do you would be aware they love American products and when they go back to China from America they are loaded up with American made things for gifts to their relatives and good friends. The amount of lying that people are getting paid to do about trade with China is downright sickening and in my opinion treasonous. I read one article not long ago, some bought and paid for clown wrote, saying America does not make oil pipeline steel because is too hard to make so American steel companies focus on automotive steel. That is such a joke!!!! I personally used to work in the steel industry and did the final chemistry for hundreds of grades of steel from cold roll 00A grades to 1050 grades. Pipeline steel is easy to make compared to cold rolled clean steel for automotive industry usage, is why the Chinese make it (at a higher cost to make than American mills I might add) and subsidize it to sell. On trade I can tell the readers here factually that if you do not know the product and how it is made and at what cost then do not believe anything you are being told. YOU ARE BEING LIED TO!!!!!


Marko7 days ago
I'm in the auto industry and I don't care I support the tariff war by Trump. We need to experience some pain in order to rise above better than we were before. We should view the global economy as a competition just as every other country does. 

Nubbins7 days ago
South Carolina is about to turn BLUE if BMW is considering Moving, fitting, since BLUE is in BMWs logo.


EL ZORRO7 days ago
On global trade I support China


Mel7 days ago
The World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled that China is a "Cheater" and that means virtually the whole world! China doesn't have a leg to stand on and if they adhere to fair trade polices they should be denied to trade with the world!


David7 days ago
What about BMW's China based factory plans? That would be telling. I'm surprised that Europe is so beholden to China and their lowest possible quality goods.


James7 days ago
US and other western should withdraw all their manufacturing factories from China, no matter how cheap Chinese can be. Poor Chinese people will have no jobs, then they will stand up against evil communist government, and throw ugly and stupid Xi in jail. Only when China became a democratic and lawful nation, then China would respect rules and intellectual properties and follow throw agreements they signed up to. Otherwise, cheap labor China will keep violate WTO rules, no respect to any intellectual properties.


Syzygy7 days ago
China and Europe are crying because we are going to charge them tariffs like they have been charging the U.S. for decades. That's not fair they cry! Many Americans buy into this because 1) they are stupid, and 2) because they hate Trump


Anonymous7 days ago
Mr. President as a little boy never learned the saying "Tit for Tat."


StevenB7 days ago
Cant afford a BMW anyway, go ahead and raise the price to the roof.


granny7 days ago
wow. good thing i sold my farm the day after idiot in charge was elected. lucky me.


Brian7 days ago
Tariffs are KILLING the Metals Industry


Brian7 days ago
Texas Ranchers are already Losing Money b/c Mexico wont Buy their Beef!


Micky7 days ago
The Chinese have been screwing the U.S. for years and none of your spineless presidents have had the courage to do anything about it. For all of their threats, China doesn't have to do anything as long as our country continues to follow the status quo. Right now, anyone with the math abilities and present data available could calculate a very accurate date of the point that our country will not be able to continue to pay it's debt (in the trillions) and still pay for it's other obligations. In other words, at minimum a partial bankruptcy. People in this country live with the attitude that it probably won't happen while they are alive so they don't give it much priorities. However, our children are going to be very unhappy and angry at us if we don't do something. Every country, including China needs to play on an even playing field. They cannot be taxing our goods and refusing our country access to their markets and maintaining a large trade imbalance. It's also not good for China because if we had a president like Trump at that exact moment of default, he certainly wouldn't balk at declaring their IOU's worthless. Of course, that would be just as harsh for the U.S. but that doesn't mean that's where we will end up unless we do something correct.


AlvaH7 days ago
over 100 million dead Chinese killed by their own government and counting. shouldn't have any business dealings with them at all.


Timothy7 days ago
Trump is ignorant. His supporters are mindless lazy unpatriotic zombies.


granny7 days ago
with today's news alone - 100% of congress should go to the white house and demand trump to answer to - what the h*ell are you doing?


Mel7 days ago
If the world has fairness rules for athletic competition and competitors are denied competing over drug use or other infractions so then world trade should punish the cheaters also!


Brian7 days ago
Kansas Farmers CANNOT Afford these Tariffs on their Grain!


Cliff7 days ago
During Trumps speech at his last rally in Minnesota, he said American companies was coming back in to the US. I just wish someone had ask him, to just name a few that have come back. If he keeps up this trade war, all the foreign car makers that are in the US now will probably pull up stakes and leave the US. I don't think Trump has a clue as to what he is doing or causing. The Senate and Congress better put the skids under this guy before he puts us in a position we will never recover.


J L7 days ago
Since Trump is putting Tariffs on German and Japanese Cars, they should just fold up and move their factories that employ about 150,000 Americans in American States, back to Germany and Japan. Now all those unemployed Americans that worked at those former Japanese and German carmakers factories could personally thank Trump and his hair brain scheme. Then all the people who currently own Japanese and German cars can pay even more for parts for their cars. Great Idea I think.


Acetylese7 days ago
Trump MAGA? Fool.


Keith7 days ago
China builds cheap junk for pennies on the dollar of what America can do... with the playing fiend being evened out with tariffs, maybe some entrepreneurial Americans can start making quality products here again!


Collapsing Society
Collapsing Society7 days ago
Good, let China's economy collapse so that they can no longer afford to bolster their military presence in the Pacific to threaten their Asian neighbors. Trump might just be a savior after all.


big7 days ago
If there was a bull-lesbian tariff merkel would be taxed at 100%


Tom D.
Tom D.7 days ago
Red china can not get rich when they can not sell a lot of things for America.US will not get rich to sell farm produce for china


Mel7 days ago
Can anyone trust Communist China when their government is responsible for the deaths of over 100 million of their own people!


Mike7 days ago
Honestly, if you don't know anything about world trade. Please do not comment on here. Don't make yourself look stupid. If you dont know something, just ask.


Steve7 days ago
This is one war we are going to lose badly.


steve7 days ago
We have been getting hosed on tariffs for decades. The Chinese donated millions to Bill Clinton in the 90's. He started this. I'm proud of Trump for trying to fix it. Why do you think all of our jobs are going overseas, because it costs next to nothing to ship that junk back here.GO TRUMP


A Realist
A Realist7 days ago
Let me see......the cost of farm implements will go up and my price on soybeans will go down. What's not to like? Oh...... and then there is ethanol.


maschngon7 days ago
trump knows Bankruptcy


JC7 days ago
dam reagan pulled the same thing on farmers back in the 80s boycotting sales of farms goods...dam governemnt always uses the farmer has it front line trade and sanctions against others...


Brian7 days ago
We DO NOT Export Enough to make-up any ground with these Tariffs , its just a Show so Donny Can "look" Tough & Raise Prices on Goods for his Rich Corporate Cronies !


alecia7 days ago
Read that Trumpies?? BMW in SC, largest exporter of cars... Don't be surprised when they close their US plants and move overseas. Job losses! Hey farmers who voted for Trump, no need to worry about your crops rotting in the fields due to not enough immigrants to harvest them, as China will not buy them--your biggest customer. Juss Canada and Mexico good bye too. Trump also is against subsidies. We don't have enough tax dollars to pay you for nothing when we can't afford Social Security and Medicare for our seniors & disabled for which we paid for. Heard McDonald's is hiring. Better hurry...recession is coming.


alecia7 days ago
Oranges are 3 for $1.


Brian7 days ago
Nobody wants to Pay more for Goods!!


hoots7 days ago
I would rather buy Audi than American junk


Jim7 days ago
American farmers need to think about the country before whining and complaining about not being able to sell to china


Cheryl7 days ago
We are one of the fell countries that can destroy other countries agriculture markets. American farmers can produce food at a lower cost and drive other countries farmers out of the markets. That's why American Agriculture goods have tariffs just look at Canada and Japan!


Ramon7 days ago
America will win the trade war


Brian7 days ago
Every Economist Knows we cannot make up this Trade Deficit with Tariffs !! Higher Prices Hurt Consumers!!!

所有经济学家都知道,我们不能用关税来弥补贸易逆差!更高的价格会伤害消费者! ! !  

Gila Monster
Gila Monster7 days ago
Yahoo i'm never going to stop fighting YOU LIBERALS. You are liberals are trying to push your evil agenda on America and you are g oing to FAIL. YOU LIBERALS REMIND ME OF THE COMMUNIST.


eluna7 days ago
Oh no. I love German cars, american cars suck!!
