为什么中国人倾向于用“中国VS西方/外国”的二分法角度看待世界? [美国媒体]



Why does China/Chinese people tend to perceive the world in a dichotomous view as "China vs the rest/the West"?



Kevin Sun Get a bachelor degree of economics in China and lived there for 20 years.
Answered 20h ago
It relates to the statistic fact mordern Chinese mentality and Asian culture.


Statistically China is a huge country with 1.3 billion population. Chinese Poplulation = 2* EU. Population + a U.S. Popupaltion


Victim mentality due to the humiliation of Chinese history in the past 200 years. (Being invaded and conolized being and forced to be isolated the history between 1840–1949 was considered as humiliation by the most Chinese.)


Eastern Asian culture. I’m living in Japan. I’m always hearing Japanese people saying Japan and kaigai(overseas). “Japan is like bla bla bla kaigai is like blablabla” I corrected them that there is no foreign country called oversea. There are about 200 countries overseas.


Mervyn Locke Enlightened laowai/Decade-long China resident/Permanent China bull
Answered 21h ago
Probably because China is a big country - if you’re from San Marino this wouldn’t make sense as you would then depend on the world in a totally different fashion. Second Chinese people are quite nationalistic fiercely defending their national interests and domestic policy.

可能是因为中国是一个大国,如果你来自圣马力诺,你可能无法理解 。 因为你会用一种完全不同的方式去看待世界。第二,中国人相当的民族主义,狂热地保护他们的民族利益和国内政策。


Collin Anthony Spears I be known' thangs 'bout dat Middle Kingdom...yep...
Answered 14h ago
As some have pointed out it is historic and demographic.


Huaxia are the ancestors of the Han Chinese the majority ethnic group in China today (like ~90% of China so ~1 billion people).


As the Han spread out from the Yellow River in all directions they constantly found themselves encountering various “barbarians” people usually people who were less advanced technologically not literate or not settled agriculturalist in almost every case they looked down on these people and usually had some conflict with them especially the people to their north and west.



Someone mentioned that America and all large nations have some xenophobia. That is true but this is a difference of degree not kind. America’s history is not as long so we know our ancestors came from somewhere else in recent history. We also have far more immigration especially in major urban areas which causes conflict but at the same time I think in some ways temper xenophobia. America is a large country so tends to be inward looking but that is not the same as xenophobia.


Unlike some large Western nations most people’s ancestors have been in China or “became Han” or “were Han” since before modern memory. They did not migrate to some place else. China has also not received significant immigration since the Yuan Dynasty (700 years ago)…most of the non-Han ethnic groups are conquered peoples or people who found themselves surrounded by Han and someone acculturated. Most of them live in border areas and do not look significantly different from their Han neighbors. That means that most Han even when they encounter non-Han people they don’t see a great difference in appearance more so a slight difference in culture and maybe a difference in language or wealth.





The Chinese language is based on characters and characters have meaning. Most English speakers don’t think about the root meaning of the words they use on a daily basis but Chinese constantly see it because most complex Chinese words are obvious compounds.


Foreigner -老外, 外国人
Foreign country - 外国
Domestic - 国内
International/foreign - 国际, 国外
China - 中国

Most of these word have nouns and then an adjective that indicates direction.


国 - country
外 - outside foreign beyond
内 - inside internal
际 - border edge
中 - central middle inside

if there was ever a language designed to emphasize “us and them” it is Chinese.



Nationalistic education that teaches Chinese people they have a superior and old culture but at the same time have been robbed of their prestige and ruined by “foreigners” (Westerns Japanese) since the 19th century. So basically they are the greatest people on earth and victims at the same time but also destined to be recognized and respected again as the greatest (not sure they were ever recognized world wide as the greatest as the world was not configured that way until recently but whatever).


You can see how all this creates a type of toxic nationalism that often borders on racialism/ethnic supremacy and I’m afraid it is actually getting worse in China.



What’s funny is that in Confucius’ time he said the difference between barbarians and the Chinese (Hua (华) and Yi (夷)) was li (礼) - basically cultural norms it was not biology per se. Many former “barbarians” in recorded Chinese history even people who were previously racially distinct (like Sogdians: 粟特) were absorbed into the Han.


Overtime maybe in part (but not totally) thanks to ethno-nationalism that came out of Europe in the 19th century Chinese people began to solidify “race” in a way that was not done previously. They went about “grouping ethnic groups” that were only marginally related as well until you got the 56 or so officially recognized groups. At this time you became Han by “blood” not by “culture” and this ethno-nationalism was a key component of the first Republic under Sun Yat Sen.



Greg Blandino works at Beijing China
Answered 21h ago
Part of it is language: 国外,外国人,老外 (outside of the country outside-country person and “old outsider”) are in direct contrast to 国内,中国人 (inside the country Chinese). Linguistically Chinese define the world as such and in common use these sort of distinctions are seen as meaningful. There is a China and then there is a “outside-China” filled with “outside-Chinese.” When it is common to casually lix those 6.5 billion not-Chinese into one big lump for everything of course when people talk about international politics those concepts will be carried over.


It is not just “foreigners” either but the Chinese habit of using family and age in society affects how they view international relations as well with certain countries being “big brothers” and “daddies” while other ones being well not “big brothers” and “daddies.” Language influences thought which influences how people view the world as a whole.


The concept of “the West” is also big here as one big amorphous mass although it is often just used interchangeable with America for the most part (to the constant chagrin and frustration of Europeans and the silent and not-so-silent amusement of Americans). The West is distant distant philosophically and spatially and thus it is rather natural for the Chinese to lump it all together as one big mass. You see this a lot in America too with “Confucian Cultures” being used to lump together a whole bunch of very different countries.



Simon Gao B.A. Liberal Arts St. John's College (2020)
Answered 19h ago
There are mainly 3 reasons:


Natural Xenophobia that exists in every culture/nation: Ancient Greeks called non-Greeks “barbarians” Old Testament distinguis Jewish people from all other people many Americans also view the world in a US/Us’s allies/US’s enemy view and pay less respect to Asians or other colored people than to white people. Xenophobia exists naturally in every society that is not diverse and equal enough. No exception for China.
Historical reasons and nationalistic education: Because the communist government use national stability as an excuse to justify their authoritarian regime 100 years of humiliation plays a key role in Chinese history education. Even having that in mind I still feel hurt when I see any scar (e.g. The Old Summer Palace) “the west” left for China not to mention historical facts like Britain invading China when China banned opium trade and Japan invading China with fake casus belli and commiting the “"rape of Nanjing”. The history made Chinese people unable to fully trust the rest of the world yet people are being ignorant of their past mistakes and still antagonizing China. This leads to the third reason.



Constant media attack from the rest of world: because China has a limited freedom of speech most people were not exposed to media that antagonizes China so when they look at western media like BBC CNN Reuters even reasonable criticism seems intentionally slanderous not to mention unreasonable attacks. Therefore Chinese people think that it’s the western world that has a problem with China (sometimes it’s true) not them having problem with the western world.
In conclusion all 3 reasons point to one thing: mutual ignorance between China and the rest of the world. If both side can be more open to diversity and take time trying to understand each other rather than picking meaningless fight we all would be promoting world peace.

不断来自世界其他地方的媒体攻击:因为中国限制言论自由,大多数人不能接触到那些敌视中国的媒体。所以当他们看到西方媒体,如BBC,CNN 路透社,尽管是一些合理的批评看上去也似乎是故意诽谤,更不用说那些不合理的言论攻击了。因而中国人认为这是西方国家看待中国有问题(有时是对的),而不是他们看待西方国家有问题。


Casanova Escobano studied at The University of Texas at El Paso
Answered 7h ago
SImple answer. It is the ideology that works for the ruling party. China is not a homogenous nation/people. In fact it is made up of historically different countries kingdoms and tribes Even today various areas speak their own dialect and/or language. Creating a China vs. the World dichtonomy was one way for the CCP to unite the populace into uniting for a common goal. The whole idea that “we may be from different ethnic backgrounds but we are still Chinese and everyone else is still the “other” or “foreigner”.

简单点说:这是执政党需要的意识形态。中国不是个同质的民族,实际上它是由历史上不同的王国和部落组成的,即使是今天,很多地区都拥有他们自己的方言/语言。创造出中国 VS 全世界 二分法是CCP用来联合大众团结起来实现一个共同目标的途径。整体上大致是“我们或许有不同的种族背景,但是我们都是中国人,其他人是外国人”

Many countries do this. It’s kind of like the US and it’s idea of “fighting and protecting its freedom”. It’s an ideology to rally the populace around.



Troy Herrera Animal Technician at Baylor College of Medicine (2016-present)
Answered 21h ago
It's actually the opposite. Having lived in both the US and China I can tell you that more Americans have uninformed views of China than Chinese have of America. Many Americans believe China to be a communist hell hole akin to the USSR in their glory days. Meanwhile plenty of Chinese view the US in admiration whether it be because of NBA stars less crowded cities etc.


Elena Ledoux Founder (2017-present)
Answered 12h ago
One of the oldest tricks of governing an immense country and controlling a vast amount of people is to unite them against a common enemy. It’s very effective as far fewer people are going to turn their gaze inward and ask their own government uncomfortable questions when there is a formidable enemy outside.
