百度计划与北汽在2021年前后开展大规模生产自动驾驶汽车的业务 [美国媒体]


Photo: Baidu, China's internet technology giant, hopesto be in the business of mass producing autonomous cars by 2021, thanks to apartnership with BAIC Group, a Chinese automaker which will handle themanufacturing part of that equation.


Baidu, China's internet technology giant, hopesto be in the business of mass producing autonomous cars by 2021, thanks to apartnership with BAIC Group, a Chinese automaker which will handle themanufacturing part of that equation. BAIC Group is one of Baidu's many partnersfor its Apollo autonomous driving program, and it'll use the open platform toproduce vehicles with Level 3 autonomous features by 2019 before moving on tofully self-driving Level 4 cars by 2021, the companies announced today.


Baidu will contribute cybersecurity, imagerecognition and self-driving, as well as its DuerOS virtual assistantcapabilities, and BAIC will integrate those technologies into its own vehicles.The two anticipate that by 2019, over 1 million of BAIC's production vehicleswill feature Baidu networking tech, and the companies will be working onbuilding gout an automotive cloud-based ecosystem of products and services,too, including crowd-sourced traffic info and more.

百度将贡献车辆信息安全,图像识别和自动驾驶,以及DuerOS虚拟助手等技术,而北汽将把这些技术整合到自己的车辆中。 两家公司预计到2019年,北汽集团生产的搭载百度车联网技术的车辆将突破100万辆。同时两家公司也将致力于构建一个基于云服务的汽车产品和服务生态系统,利用车联网提供交通路况信息等服务。

Just last month, GM announced that it would bemass producing its own self-driving vehicles with subsidiary Cruise Automation.The GM large volume autonomous car is based on the Bolt platform, but featuresmore integrated self-driving sensors and computing technology designed to beproduced at scale.

就在上个月,通用汽车公司宣布其将量产拥有自动巡航功能的自动驾驶汽车。 通用的大容量自主驾驶汽车基于雪佛兰Bolt平台,但集成了更多的量产化的自动驾驶传感和计算技术。

A few stupid questions about self driving cars.
The only passenger, a drunk being taken home, isin the back seat of a self driving car and an accident occurs. It is irrelevantof the accident's fault. Is the drunk charged in any way? It is the drunk'sdirections to the car to take the specific route that it did. Is the drunkcharged in any way?
Two self driving cars crash. Which is at fault?
Just thinking. . . .


Howard 回复 .
Your fault


spammernaut2 回复 .
Auto insurance will transition to “no fault”coverage, is not mandated by law. Michigan has been doing this for years.

译注:无过错赔偿保险政策(No-fault insurance)在交通事故发生后支付每个被保险人的医疗和其他费用,不管这起事故是谁的责任。这样的规定旨在及时支付人身伤害索赔和降低潜在诉讼费用。目前在美国十二个州(包括密歇根,纽约,宾夕法尼亚等州),法律规定交通事故保险实行无过错赔偿政策。

When is someone going to explain how thistechnology really works. It's impact on some markets is going to be monumental.


Search the TED talks by Sebastian Thrun andChris Urmson. One video is five minutes long. The other is fifteen.

搜索Sebastian Thrun和Chris Urmson做的TED演讲。 一个视频五分钟长, 另一个是十五分钟。

Who cares... as long as they stop copying stuffsfrom others


spammernaut2 回复Anonymous




Z 回复 Reyna
Cuz, they don't wanna copy i-phone no mo


Shelby回复 Reyna
Most humans are not fit to drive.


Caleb 乐山 回复 Reyna
You’ve never seen the roads in China...


Real7777回复 Reyna
Some don't have license, others like to drink,work, or play games.


Reality, they will sell a lot more than gm. I amsure gm already cut a deal with a Chinese manufacturer. The Chinese have a hugeadvantage in this arena and it's not cheap labor.

现实是,他们的车会比通用汽车卖的更好。我相信通用已经在和中国制造商做交易了。 中国人在这个舞台上有巨大的优势,而且并不是依靠廉价的劳动力(取得优势的)。

yeah just exactly what the world needs right now


Democracy Exporter
Then, take bus or take taxi. Who is interestedin 'driving' an auto driving car?


Japan should worry since auto is the only sectorthat still relevant. All the rst of Japan's industry has fallen.


By 2025 there will be a computer smart ashumans(some expert conservatively estimate 2029.) Quantum computer is millionstimes faster for simulation and AI and others are improving too. IBMneuromorphic chip network already claim mouse brain. Computers will design eversmarter computers and within few decades, smartphone size. Self replicatingcomputer/factory can be made from just about any material includingcarbon(graphine). Self driving car is almost here. University of Tokyo came upwith theoretic looping Q computer that is equivalent of million qbits thoughthey have not solved error correction yet.

到2025年(有些专家保守估计2029年),电脑将会和人脑一样聪明。(和现在的计算机相比,)量子计算机的模拟,人工智能,以及其他能力将提高数百万倍。IBM的神经元芯片网络已经比老鼠的大脑还要强大。 电脑将设计出更智能的电脑,而且几十年之内,这些电脑都只有智能手机大小。完全自动自我复制的计算机和工厂可以用几乎任何材料制成,包括碳(石墨)。 完全的自动驾驶汽车马上就会出现。 东京大学提出了理论上无限循环使用一个运算基本单位的量子电路,计算能力相当于百万量子位,尽管他们还没有解决纠错的问题……

We all would be cyborg. First will be simplechip like one for pet. You don't have to carry credit card or id after that.Implant near ear will function as phone too. Eventually no one has to work andrich will have hard time justifying using 100 times natural resources.


It make sense for computer being to make factoryin moon and from there spread to rest of solar system. This happened in lessthan 100 years in Earth. Similar things should happen in other part ofuniverse. If some smart computer being that can invent smarter computer being,why would they bother with humans lol. Earth has nothing special, they wouldrather make factory in comet/asteroid, change orbit, and make solar panel andself replicate to trillions.


Life exist in high pressure oxygen free and mostlikely first life on earth. So, this means places like jupiter can have life.


Things lie siri, voice/face/characterrecondition and translation etc. are here.


Manned space program and searching for aliensare total waste. Computer in space is way more efficient and Aliens will becomputer too.


Moore's law was used by intel to SLOW technologyand profiteer. If there was fair competition like in graphics or smartphonespeed, things would have progressed much faster. Similarly apple lied aboutundesirableness of large screen and profiteered by slowly progressing size.Apple was also successful in saturating 10" tablet and mini before makinglarge phones too.

英特尔使用摩尔定律减缓技术创新以从中获利。 如果芯片制造业也存在像显卡和智能手机的运算速度这样的公平竞争,(芯片制造业的发展)就会快得多。 同样地,苹果也撒谎说大屏幕不受欢迎,从而减缓了屏幕变大的步伐以从中牟利。在推出大屏幕手机之前,苹果也大卖10寸的平板电脑和迷你平板电脑(而不是推出拥有更大屏幕的产品)。

Liam King 回复Real7777
Sounds like SkyNet ...... Call Arnold ........


Proj 回复Real7777
Dr real with free lectures. So nice


The problem with self driving cars, the idiotsprogramming them don’t know how to drive


The premium, generic domains; level4driving.com& level5driving.com is for acquisition at; (广告链接已删除) - Alsolisted at the site are premium autonomous transportation, and autonomousvehicle domains.
The domains listed at the site are the future ofglobal commerce of the vehicle, military, transportation, government,technology, smart city, and space industries.

(广告)优质的通用域名:level4driving.com 和 level5driving.com 已经可以在(广告链接已删除)买到了-本站还出售优质自主运输和自主车辆域名。

Self driving cars cannot prevent driverscrashing into them


Isn't amazing that a country like China candevelope a car like that and yet can not stop their people from TORCHERING,BOILING AND SKINNING ALIVE DOGS AND CATS?


Johnny Huge 回复Wendy
Wendy learn how to spell.

Wendy学学怎么拼写吧 (译注,Wendy把develop,cannot,和torture都拼错了)

You've never lived on a farm.


wow, says a country that massacre and masskilling its own people every single month.


Bradley 回复Wendy
Don't talk with your mouth full of red meat.


DE 回复Wendy
A man kills dogs and is arrested by the police.You can use the translation software to read the article and look at thecomments to find out what the Chinese really think of eating a dog, and don'tbe fooled by the rumors.

餐馆老板偷狗后开车逃窜 狗主人一路追撞停车辆

Anonymous 回复 Wendy
You probably never been to china. Only very tinyfraction of people do that there, similar to the number of mormen with multiplewifes here


Real7777回复 Wendy
Millions of people starve to death because theyare not allowed to migrate and live. They die because people do not want theirstandard of living to go down. People need to acknowledge this and realize itis same as watching them being sent to a concentration camp. To me, ignoringthis and making a big deal about animal or few death is silly.
Meanwhile Koreans eats 3 million dogs per yearand INTENTIONALLY violently kill since it is believe to enhance taste.


How are cities, investors, and governmentregulators responding to the upcoming autonomous vehicles? And what about theirinteriors? See(广告链接已删除)

(广告)城市,投资者,和政府监管机构如何应对即将到来的自动驾驶汽车? 它们的内饰如何? 请参阅(广告链接已删除)。

Go Baidu. Bring it! Here's an interesting columnon how it will affect real estate prices (广告链接已删除)Interesting theory, agree or disagree ... g Baidu


won't buy one.. unless the manufacturer pays formy insurance.

我是不会买自动驾驶汽车的--- 除非制造商给我的自驾车买保险。

. 回复 Doran
Actually, not paying for the insurance butlegally liable for damages.


will one of you nerds build a self driving motorhome


. 回复 Dale
Oh, goodness, NO! Just think about driving amotor home on a two lane interstate. No flexibility, just follow all the lawsto the Nth degree.

哦,上帝,不! 你就想想,开(这样的自动驾驶汽)车在两车道州际公路上的情况吧。一点都没有灵活性,只能严格按照所有交通法规行驶。

made in China?? No thanks.


Jing回复 LynchMob
yeah, better than Amercian made junk train thatcrashes every single month.


Rick 回复 LynchMob
Get used to it; not only cars, you'll travelChina- made hi-ways tunnels and bridges, dock in China-built ports, fly China-madeaircraft and hi-speed trains; just about any advanced tech stuff will be Chinamade. You'll not be able to avoid unless you stay home and use everything fromthe century!


Alex 回复 LynchMob
That is insanity


great no more car insurance


OK LETS GET ITSTRAIGHT......................Which chinese car is there in european or USmarkets??????NONE!!!!!!!!!


And when china makes cars it copies other modelslike Land Rover, Mercedes, Jaguar and claim it to be their designs fromscratch...China is making the world FOOD by just announcing things they can'tdo and still claims they've done and it mastered it!!!!!!! BUNCH OF LOSERS
