为什么在美国有携带武器的权利? [美国媒体]



Why is there a right to bear arms in a America?



3 reasons


A. A recognition that the government is an ineffective means of protecting the populace from harm. I live in the middle of nowhere. If I call the cops they're going to take at least an hour to respond. With no means of protecting myself I could be dead by the time help arrives. And that's if it's a human. I don't want to have to call the cops every time my garbage cans get knocked over. By allowing arms I can go investigate without putting my life in as much danger if it happens to be a bear or cougar or coyote.


B. Heritage. There was a time where most American males were marksmen. We took it as read that should war break out or even should you just need to put food on the table a trained and armed populace is a good thing. What's more until fairly recently we haven't had issues with mass shootings. In fact during periods where firearms ownership was at its highest typically gun crime was at its lowest.


C. Protection from authority. Much has been made of how much an AR-15 would help against a drone strike and those asinine arguments aside the fact is we have a corrupt violent police force. There's a saying in the Second Amendment community. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. When you disarm a populace but not its law enforcement you make the populace subject to that law enforcement. The fact is it's debatable whether or not the government can even deploy troops on US soil and that ignores the likelihood that the military would comply. The bigger threat is if corrupt officials decided to use the police to subjugate people. Guns are a measure against that. I want the police to be as afraid of me during a traffic stop as I am of them. I don't want them having access to things the people don't. Why? Because when cops stop being afraid they abuse their power. To my mind if military and police have guns the people need them.


译注:这个说法(Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6)的定义是:“Having to defend yourself in court because a criminal that you shot in self-defense is suing you is bad. But even worse is having your friends and family attend your funeral because you weren't able to shoot the criminal that was putting you in danger.”


Unpleasant but true.



Blah blah blah. We live in a modern society now. Times have changed or else I'd have a slave picking my cotton now. I live in what is considered the most isolated country in the world and it I felt the need to go check every noise whilst being armed I'd have myself committed or I would put that gun under my chin and blow my brains out. I spent time in the middle east and throughout africa and you don't know fear. Being isolated I'm sure a low caliber rifle would suffice and if someone's out to get you they're going to get you. Ask yourself if too much television has warped you a little. Your theories are beautiful and poetic but we don't need artists to change to world we need realists and lawmakers that don't live in the hollywood paranoia and propaganda.


“We live in a modern society now. Times have changed or else I'd have a slave picking my cotton now.”
You've obviously never been to Wyoming Colorado the Dakotas parts of Texas Kansas Nebraska or really anywhere in the Midwest. Technology is better but there are still animals and even bandits to worry about out there. If I need to defend my farm or protect my ranch the government isn't going to do it for me. If you think I'm taking on bears with a sharp stick you're crazy.


“I live in what is considered the most isolated country in the world and it I felt the need to go check every noise whilst being armed I'd have myself committed or I would put that gun under my chin and blow my brains out.”
Bully for you. I have things of value that could be stolen or destroyed by things outside. I'm glad you don't need a gun. That doesn't mean I don't need a gun.


“I spent time in the middle east and throughout africa and you don't know fear.”
I don't think you do. If you went through that and didn't feel the need to be armed you're either suicidal lying or you're not as hardcore as you're making yourself out to be. But even so all of that is irrelevant to the US.


“Being isolated I'm sure a low caliber rifle would suffice”
We agree. That's why I own an AR-15. That's a pretty low caliber rifle. It shoots a .223. That's a 5.56mm diameter bullet. Same diameter as a .22lr.


“and if someone's out to get you they're going to get you”
Yeah no. I'm not just going to give up my guns and say that what will happen will happen. I hold onto my guns because if someone's out to get me you bet your ass they're going to have a fight on their hands.


“Ask yourself if too much television has warped you a little.”
I don't think I'm Jason Borne. I just have a realistic view of my situation. I'd rather be the guy with the gun than to have to call the guy with the gun to come save me.

我不认为我是Jason Borne(电影《谍影重重》中男主角)。我只是对我的处境有一个现实的认知。我宁愿自己是那个拿着枪的家伙,也不愿意叫那个拿着枪的家伙来救我。

“Your theories are beautiful and poetic but we don't need artists to change to world we need realists and lawmakers that don't live in the hollywood paranoia and propaganda.”
Yeah and so far the right to bear arms in the US has been upheld because those are realistic concerns that are fully recognized by the court system. You gave your rights up for the illusion of safety. We haven't. I'm reminded of a quote from Benjamin Franklin. "Those who would give up essential Liberty to  purchase a little temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

(译注:引号内容均为引用网友acco0007[S] 的回复)


I wouldn't waste your time man. OP is on some paranoia-driven crusade to preach about gun control (and for some reason talk about Charleston Heston dying of aids while calling him homophobic slurs) on this subreddit. Probably not worth debating.

朋友,我可不想浪费你的时间。发帖人是个被偏执所驱使的疯狂信徒,在reddit板块里传教似的宣传控制枪支(并且因为某些原因,说查尔顿·赫斯顿死于艾滋病,并据此诋毁他是个同性恋)。不值得(和这种人)辩论。(译注:OP=Original Poster:发帖人、楼主)

I have no fear. I live in a country that has only had one mass shooting in over 200 year and that one lone action changed our laws. I can still shoot crocodile on the weekend I can still protect my farm from vermin and feral animals. Human beings on the other hand can't be controlled by guns if you think guns can control them you want to get a firm grip on your reality. Walking around your farm late at night in fear that the bad man is coming to get you. What did you do?


In soviet Russia there is the right to arm bears


Russia doesn't have an incident of mass shootings everyday. And you're mistaken about their right to bear arms it's something they have to apply for and is generally not encouraged. I am not asking about Russia I asked a simple question for which you gave a standard response without substance or truth.



It was a joke.
Why are you so jacked up?
Guns are a large part of our young country's history.
And the means of our existence.
I support some gun laws but also support freedom.


Course I'm jacked up. If your stupid fucking country goes to war my stupid fucking country will be dragged along with it. Americans in general I think are a good god fearing people with similar values to my own. But I refuse to follow bad example. When I was in the military I played many war games with American soldiers and you guys get run in like it's a scene from hollywood fuck everything up throw money at it get out before the dust settles and leave the professional soldiers to pick up your mess. I see war in our future and I'd never though I'd say this but I will never follow the US into battle. These are just broad brush statements and not targetting any person individually just what I see as a whole fuck up.



To overthrow a tyrannical government. This is the only answer
Anyone who thinks guns will help against a tyrannical government can dig the Branch Davidians up and ask them how to do it


Once again a nut job "probably American" has done the unbelievable and illustrated the point with words that man is too temperamental to carry a gun. Now if you want to overthrow an apparent civilised government everyone just stop going to work. You don't need a gun show the power of the people and sit down en masse.


There we go!


“Once again a nut job "probably American" has done the unbelievable and illustrated the point with words that man is too temperamental to carry a gun.”
I'm glad we have you as the of who should have guns. That's what we needed. Never could have decided that on our own.


“Now if you want to overthrow an apparent civilised government everyone just stop going to work.”
There's no movement to invade Washington. The point is that the government is less likely to commit an act of tyranny when they know there are about as many guns in the country as people. How many cops are going to participate in gun confiscations knowing that? How many people are going to be willing to walk into a neighborhood and start rounding people up. Guns are a viable protection.


“You don't need a gun show the power of the people and sit down en masse.”
That's the ticket. Vote to stop tyranny. Dictators always listen to a vote. You're delusional if you think an armed populace isn't measurably safer than an unarmed one.



How many cops are going to participate in gun confiscations
Oh please. If conservatives act anything like they recommend black people act during traffic stops it would be very easy to take their guns if that were the police’s prerogative


Because if bears didn't have arms they'd have a hard time eating.


while I'm not going to delve into the modern day topic I will tell you why it was a right in the first place. So Americans had been oppressed and had their natural rights stepped on by the British for years and years. And as you hopefully know there was a revolution in which we broke free and became the USA to prevent something like this from happening again it's natural to want your citizens to be able to protect themselves from tyranny and thus they were allowed to bear arms. probably could have explained that better but oh well.



Every American is granted the right to hang a pair of bear arms in his or her living room and this is a god given right.


To maintain freedom and civil order should a tyrannical government come to power.


Better to have a gun than nothing is it not?


The US isn't going to use drones on its own citizens. It violates the oath soldiers take and use of force by the military on US soil is of debatable legality. This is literally the dumbest comment I've ever seen.


By blowing our brains out...

