Why do so many people like China?
Paul Denlinger, Answered 10月16日
Many Quora visitors like data, and since many of the good answers to this question focus on the soft stuff and the human aspect, I will focus on data instead.
One night in August 2007, I was bored in Shanghai, so I decided to set up a group on Facebook called Chinese Language Proficiency Test HSK Discussion Group. This group was focused on helping non-Chinese to prepare for the Chinese language tests 汉语水平考试 administered worldwide by the Confucius Institutes, which are administered by the Chinese government through Hanban汉办。This was before Facebook was blocked by the Chinese government in 2009.
After setting up this group, I basically did nothing and just let the group run by itself. Until 2011, there were only about 100 members in the group. In 2012, it started to take off.By January 2015, it had more than 5K members, and today, it has 34,704 members, and is continuing to grow.
At some point, I came to the realization that this group was really a good barometer for non-Chinese interest in learning Chinese because even with little management and no spending on growth, it has just continued to grow organically on its own .
About 95% of the members are non-Chinese, who have for their own reasons, decided to make the time investment to learn Chinese. I always feel humbled by these people, because the time commitment and challenge in becoming fluent Chinese is very considerable. This is not something which comes lightly, because, after all, Chinese is a very hard language.
A few times I have tried to engage with some of the new members to try to understand why they are interested in learning Chinese. On one occasion, I chatted with a young Serbian woman studying Chinese at a university in Bosnia. She told me that there were 28 persons, all non-Chinese, in her university class. She had personally fallen in love with Chinese culture, and wanted to spend several years in Xi’an so that she could become a translator, translating works on Chinese history and culture into other languages.
I have also met someone in Dhaka in Bangladesh, who has set up the first Chinese language learning center in that country, and had invited the Chinese ambassador to the opening ceremony. The ambassador came, and gave a short speech.
Then there are the Southeast Asians, the Indians and Pakistanis, the Cambodians, the Vietnamese, the Burmese, the Japanese, the Mongolians, the Cameronians, the Malagasy Republicans, the South Africans, Egyptians, Tunisians.It just goes on and on.
For something which I didn’t plan, it has been a tremendous success. And it just keeps on growing and growing.It has become a barometer for the popularity of China, and it just keeps on going, like the Ever-ready bunny.
Muhammad Ghayas, Acturian, Funds & Investment Manager
Answered Jun 9
As a Pakistani, I think I am more eligible to answer this question as you may know that we Pakistanis have a known affection for China.
So, why do I like China (or my fellow countrymen)? Here’s the answer.
1: Respect - Chinese government or people do not interfere in your country’s internal affairs unlike the Western countries who would tell you what’s good for you and what’s not, what you should wear and what’s not. They would impose their likeliness upon you and ironically they still preach freedom of expression.
2: Keep Quiet- Chinese government and their people are very humble. We all know how much they have advanced in the last few decades and they take pride in that but they do not tout that pride to others. They are just moving ahead.
3: Take along - China has never kept their progress into their own-self. They are very much involved in regional countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Iran, and even India (huge investment).
4: The country - China has much to offer you, be it ethnicity, diversity, mind boggling landscapes, mountains, greenery and of course Wall of China and lot’s of Dragons.
William Gary, works at Government 在政府部门工作
Answered Aug 24
I’m writing as a visitor to China. I have visited China every year for 10 years for a month or more at a time.I really like China, I’m comfortable in China.One of the reasons I like China is that you know your not in “Kansas” anymore. I live in Connecticut in the US and going to China is an eye opening experience. At first my Chinese fiancée did not want to let me out of her sight. She was afraid I would get scammed. She should not have been worried.I love the street food, so cheap, so good.I love the differences in the cities. Some are industrial, some business centers, some historical, some touristy, China has it all.I love the fact that everything if you look hard enough can be purchased on the cheap.I love the fact that the buses, motorcycles, trains and airfare is either economical or cheap. I remember a ride on a small motorcycle, all three of us.Most of all, I love the people. I qualify to be called a senior citizen. In China older people are respected. People will offer me their seats on a bus (it’s usually the other way around, I alway offer my seat to the elderly, pregnant women, or women with children). I have found Chinese people to be very friendly usually offering to come over their house for dinner or some other form of activity such as karaoke, spa/massage or dancing.One thing I do remember though is to bring a healthy supply of books for my visit to China. Once you get out of Shanghai and Beijing a good English bookstore is difficult to find.
Nikolay Komarov
Answered Aug 7
Shanghai is awesome. I’ve been here for 6 years.
It’s getting very expensive though. All this fairytales that you can eat for 10$ a day only true in theory. If you’re an expat, you probably not gonna eat at local restaurants every day, and not gonna want to shop at local groceries, because food quality isn’t great or trustworthy. Everything imported is extremely expensive here. Going to nice restaurants and pubs more expensive than in Europe. Rent is comparable to what you pay in most European countries (it pretty much doubled in the past two years).But all awesome cities are expensive, so no complaints.
Usama Ahmad, Secular Leftist from Pakistan
Answered 十月16日
I was once part of a government delegation to Italy to partake in a conference being held by energy industries world wide. It was a pretty diverse event. There were speeches by energy experts on a variety of energy related topics. Panels that debated the future of the energy industry (the Nuclear Energy proponents vs Anti Nuclear energy lobby had some fiery debates!). d.
我曾经被政府委派去参加一场全球的能源行业在意大利举办的行业会议。那是一场参与者非常多样化的盛会。专家们就各种能源相关话题发表了演讲, 大家讨论着未来能源产业的种种话题。(核能支持者和反核能的游说团体在那里展开了激烈的争论!)
Perhaps the most time was dedicated to the exhibitions where different industries set up their booths which would offer company products and services to prospective clients.The exhibitions weren’t really of much interest to us. The company employees knew Pakistan was “small fry” (back in 2007 we didn’t have much purchasing power or budget dedicated to energy related issues). So we Pakistanis were largely ignored by the American and European execs who were more interested in the big fish like Saudis, India, China, Brazil etc. We just mostly meandered about.
During one of our strolls, we passed the Chinese delegation. All serious, taking notes, being engaged by this stunning Italian woman from Shell i think who was explaining some kind of product to the head of the Chinese delegation.We stood a bit to the side and listened in politely, when the head of the Chinese delegation caught our eye, offered a friendly smile and handshake and asked if we were waiting for them to finish up.
“Oh no no, please continue.”, we replied. “Just wanted to say hi, we’re from Pakistan”
The Chinese gentleman’s face lit up instantly. “Pakistan!” He shook my hand warmly “Our brother!” he exclaimed.It was quiet a moment. I remember every tiny detail from it even till today. The Italian lady’s surprise at how warmly we were being greeted. The other booth employees turning around to see what all the fuss was about. Their own looks of surprise at how the small fry, largely ignored Pakistani delegation was being treated so warmly by the most watched delegation of all, the Chinese.
It’s these small moments, these isolated incidents of human magic that people tend to miss out when they get confused over why China is so well liked by many of the developing world nations. Over the course of the conference, i interacted with other delegations from Africa, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and so on and they all had the same respect and positive impression for the Chinese delegation. Whether it was a delegate from Africa or Asia, no matter what their country’s size and importance, they were treated warmly and with mutual respect by the Chinese as if their country was the same as China in size, importance and power.
So a lot of developing nation people, be it government employees or just common folk everywhere, like China because the Chinese still consider themselves as one of us. Not imperial overlords or racial superiors or strict masters and so on. But comrades to the developing world, partners in our struggles and a developing country just like us who share in our troubles, concerns and visions for a mutually beneficial future.
In my own experience working side by side with my Chinese coworkers, this same feeling of partnership and camaraderie is on display as well. The Chinese who come to work with us, work side by side with us, in the same heat, the same muck, the same mosquito, freezing temperatures, rain and what not. The same hectic schedules and daily annoyances are shared by us equally. We also eat at the same table, play football in the evening with each other and exchange movies and TV shows in USBs with each other.
When i told all of this to my friend who works in the Gulf at an MNC he wouldn’t believe me. His experience with Gulf Arabs and the Western Expats there has been nothing like this. Even students and workers that i know who went to South Korea are a bit amazed when they hear this.
Outside of the work place it’s the same story. Western Expats in Pakistan tend to live in huge, well guarded, walled off compounds with these giant electric generators and might as well be living on another planet given how cut off they are from the rest of the populace. Meanwhile, just 2 days ago, i reversed my car past a Chinese couple getting on their motorcycle in a busy, crowded bazaar typical of any major Pakistani city.
The Chinese live, walk, breath, eat and work among us, on our streets, our cities, our home soil. They face the same problems we do whether its load shedding, low gas supply or slow internet. And when we see them share the realities of our lives, it creates this mutual bond and sense of respect between us. They could have chosen to live in their own huge compounds and indeed, the Pak government is trying to force the Chinese expats in Pakistan to live in compounds away from ordinary Pakistani citizens due to security concerns. But the Chinese refuse. They CHOOSE to live with us. Despite the dangers they face. And that makes all the difference in the world for us.
I had similar positive experiences with the Chinese in Egypt and the African delegations and Middle Eastern delegations were absolutely delighted with the Chinese, how willing to explore the local culture they were, how respectful they were of us and how they would engage with us in social activities and general chit chat everywhere. In the meantime, we didn’t even see the European delegations to Egypt even once (separated for security again i guess).
Maybe a few folks have no idea what i’m talking about because they can’t relate. But as a Pakistani, our country is associated only with poverty, violence, terror and instability abroad. No one is impressed when we say we are from Pakistan. No one cares either. So much so that we have become accustomed to it, built our lives around it.
So when i was at that exhibition and the Chinese delegate warmly shook my hand, proclaimed my country a brother in front of the entire exhibition to the surprise of onlookers, when the citizen of a country touted as the next super power of the world gives respect to the citizen of a country that’s touted as a failed state in western publications, it creates an impact on our lives.
I know there are thousands of more like me. In 10, 20, 30 years we will be senior officers, politicians or executives in our own countries. And when we see a Chinese official ask us for a favor, a Chinese company bid us for a project maybe some of us will think back to when the Chinese gave us so much respect on so and so occasion. And we will favor the Chinese because of it. All that influence and positive image built across the globe for no cost and without needing 12 Aircraft carriers.
I would resign myself to the fact that as younger Chinese came of age who had never seen the struggles of China when she was a poorer country with less power, and he grew up only knowing China as a great, powerful nation then perhaps the Chinese too would become more arrogant and assured of their greatness like the US has become. But my interaction with the Chinese youth of Quora has put to bed such fears as i find them as respectful to us, the people of the developing world, as i found their parents and older siblings etc.And i hope this answer isn’t interpreted as a diss of people from the West with whom i also have great experiences.
As someone who as worked in Data analysis so long, i can tell you, some things aren’t there in the data. Some things are in the mysterious, murky sphere we call the human aspect. And in that aspect, you’ll find that this mysterious pull and attraction China has on so many people in the developing world from Africa, Asia, Middle East is based on the smallest, but oldest of all things: Respect. Equality. Partnership. Camaraderie.
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Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...